1 Post – 27 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

As much as I understand beehaw admin has every right to defedorate with any instance, and I respect and appreciate beehaw admins looking after the community.

However, it seems this instance is no longer for me. I want to see more content by more people. There needs to be a balance of content quantity vs content quality. I personally think that beehaw is leaning too much towards quality for my personal liking.

Cookieautodelete is sooo underrated.

Also available on fdroid (until July 1st, of course)

Are you using a Lemmy client or a mastodon client? I think it is better to use a client that can sort through these "Lemmy" like federations, otherwise you will get every post.

I don't know if it is possible for Lemmy to only federate posts but not comments with other apps like mastodon.

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I think colored eink is a great idea, unfortunately I will never buy a boox device at this point. Their business model is similar to phone model, pushing out new model is much more important than maintaining old model.

IMO this practice is very wasteful, extremely bad for the environment (electronics are in general very toxic), and ultimately just anti consumer.

That being said, different people have different needs, and have to face different trade-offs. Absolutely no judgement if anyone decided to get one. I am just saying personally I would much prefer the supernote's business model than boox.

As much as I share your centiment about tech. I don't quite realize how is TPM scary? It physically separates security important operation from the main CPU.

Sounds like a fun idea, basically a better "all" page.

That being said, if you are on a well-fedorated instance, all page would likely be pretty similar to that. But I think such a community can potentially help smaller instances.

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How dare you suggest that children and our future are more important than old millionaire boomer trolls, that uses every fiber of their being to screw everyone over so that they can have enjoy free vacations from their CEO friends?

Regardless, we already have electricity, self-driving vehicles that barely kills any person, it is called a tram, and it cost 7 bucks to commute. Cheaper than most car insurance.

Maybe instead of begging billionaires to come up with things that are not much worse (just slightly worse), we probably should just build more tram?

And that will be $100

I am surprised they don't advertise their laptops as "handmade", because it seems like they are.

In my experience I find niche community are very well "centralized", like there is only one gnome community.

However larger community are speard between servers like tech etc. That really is not a problem for me, as any of these larger community can give me the news I need. Also sub to all 3 of them is not a big deal either.

Like everyone on reddit sub to at least 3 art communities, 5 dank meme communities, and 10 music communities.

There is a "rumor"/"running joke" in the programming community that PHP application is hard to maintain.

Primarily, because it is originally designed to whip up a website in a quick and dirty way, hence the original name "personal homepage".

Where as rust (which is what Lemmy is built upon) is a much more modern language with more safe guard in place to help scaling the application.

Obviously, like many people pointed out there are many larger project is built by PHP. However, many larger companies have the resources build significant extension to PHP to make it more usable, like Facebook's hhvm and hack language are both tools that revolve around PHP. This is a luxury not enjoyed by smaller projects like kbin, Lemmy, even mastodon.

My personal opinion is that PHP is not a great language, but language is just a tool; programmers are also a huge contributing factor in creating maintainable program. For example, python is probably one of the less principled language out there (for example, it's variable scoping is very confusing); yet if the programmer programs in a manner to avoid these disadvantages, they can still build fast and maintainable project with it.

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Bone apple tea.

Well if Pornhub is built in it, then I am down with it (quite obvious/jk)

I don't think that is a good strategy to convince people to leave. Also it adds strains to the Lemmy instances.

I think e os is running on very outdated Android version. So it might be because older version do not handle transparent icon well.

Also e/os has some modification on icon. It is possible they set the background to the boarder color of the icon, hence hiding the tail.

I would suggest to try a different launcher/icon pack see if the issue persist.

One of the reasons I want a colored eink is that I can finally starting to draw my slides instead of writing it.

Although I have never tried a Wacom tablet connecting to my PC. I heard they have pretty good Linux support. Maybe that would suffice.

I am not surprised from the quality of text they are generating. In my class, at least half of the class are using clearly generated text to fill the discussion form (repeated use of word, slow development, extremely organized style, nonexistent reference etc.). It is really hilarious to read them.

How was the food, I was told that was not dutches' strong strong suit.

Huffman said 97% of Reddit users do not use any third-party apps to browse the site.

"And the opportunity cost of not having those users on our platform, on our advertising platform, is really significant,"

By "significant", he means 3%??? That is not factoring how much profit these 3% of people's content can provide.

So all of these fuzz just to have a one time increase of less than 3% of the profit, even at the cost of more than a million (57 million * 3%) user's privacy, that is freaking ridiculous.

Lemmy and kbin communicate using activity hub protocol, that doesn't mean they communicate with app using the same protocol (AKA API).

So it is not necessarily trivial to let a Lemmy app support kbin.

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WHAT?! That is a new low, even for steve

cough, cough, lightening port.

Doesn't Izzy typically pull release directly from GitHub?

But don't forget your local microcenter! (If it exists, of course.

Apple has repeatedly given in to Chinese government's invasive policies, despite all their marketing on "privacy"; because China is a huge market for them. As much as I hate google for most of their practices, they have the basic decency to volunteeringly leave China when their regulations is against the company value.