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Other Latin American countries, such as Mexico and Brazil, have also called for a ceasefire.

"What we have now is the insanity of Israel's prime minister, who wants to wipe out the Gaza Strip," said Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Friday.

Meanwhile... Israel's official response..

“the Bolivian government is aligning itself with the Hamas terrorist organization,” Israel’s Foreign Ministry said.

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US never did anything when Israel bombed the USS Liberty (oh and also dropped napalm, torpedos and killed 34 US sailors and destroyed the most advanced naval vessel at the time). So why would anyone stop Israel from bombing a UN run refugee school?

The brochure is created by the Jewish association Masiyot, which was founded in 2022 and enjoys the support of the Berliner Landeszentrale fur politische Bildung, the Federal Center for Political Education.

Some 1984 shit...

"In the 1948 War of Independence, 6000 Jews were killed, fully 1% of the total population (was it a genocide?)", a Twitter post by Mor reads

It's just nutty tweets by this clueless "expert"

Nine mentioned of arab terrorism, six mentions of pogroms run by Arabs..

So the victim woke up, couldn't find her clothes and left with police chiefs sweatshirt in mid May. Goes to hospital and they call Sheriff obviously, but he can't investigate because he hired the police chief and was former chief and his investigator also had worked for the police chief. So obviously they have to involve CBI (state investigator)

May gang rape... Then "CBI agents interviewed suspects in July"... Then.. "July 20, agents used a search warrant to seize evidence from the police chief’s house"... To "were all arrested on warrants for suspected felony sexual assault in December. All have posted bail and been released from jail"

Oh and the police chief knew for month about the investigation. CBI took two months to even question suspects or collect evidence... Another five months to charge anyone.

They left freaking bite marks on the girl.

The DNA tests on samples collected during the hospital sexual assault exam matched Trujillo – in a vaginal sample – and Dieffenderffer – from a bite mark.

There isn't enough meat here to say if this is expected or nefarious. For one thing those in FL over 90 yrs are a few percentage more registered D than R. So voters removed from rolls due to SSA dB death records or FL death records will favor D over R by 5%

We don't know how many are students, which are the largest group of purged through postcard address verification. Moving states, registering in other counties, not updating address, etc. Younger FL voters are more likely registered D than R.

You'd want to look at AAMVA and ERIC lookups, and where the purges come from. You are also removed from voter rolls for not voting in recent federal general elections (last two)

On the other hand, Florida Republicans have actively improperly ratfucked the rolls like 2000.

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Doesn't matter, over half won't be voting. Even less than normal if GOP state legislatures do away with mail in ballots or automatic mailed request forms from COVID times.

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Huh? Whatchu talkin bout Willis?

Watt is a Joule per second

Volts, Amps, kWh, MJ... These are all metric.

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How in the world can you support iOS release, but not Linux? For a TEXT editor with very little graphical layer.

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Haha, fat Americans only get corn syrup in everything.

If you want to see literal genocide, turn on any TV and see what IDF is actually doing today, yesterday, tomorrow.

Not some hypothetical fictional Boogeyman.

No they found the guy who stole the newspapers

admitted he took the newspapers because of the front page story

Plaindealer is not disclosing Choate’s relationship to the sexual assault case.

The theft was not connected in any way to the three defendants in the case, their families or the Ouray Police Department.

I'm not a Sherlock, but if you read those two together, sounds like the victim's (who was never named) relative (father?) stole the newspapers?

Otherwise they wouldn't have the sentence about not disclosing

You will get Kuru or other prion disease, which are all fatal.

Incubation period is long, anywhere from 13 years up to 50 years.

Israel and US are downplaying genocide.

but we need to ensure that aid ... isn't just used to make some billionaires in another country even richer

For one thing the paultry tens of millions of aid to Gaza/West Bank are audited and mostly goes towards roads and water.

For another, how many billionaires has US aid to Israel created?

To date, the United States has provided Israel $158 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding. At present, almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance; from 1971 to 2007, Israel also received significant economic assistance.

In 2016, the U.S. and Israeli governments signed their third 10-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on military aid, covering FY2019 to FY2028. Under the terms of the MOU, the United States pledged to provide—subject to congressional appropriation—$38 billion in military aid ($33 billion in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) grants plus $5 billion in missile defense appropriations) to Israel.

There are no audits of the monies Israel collects, and no penalty for even destroying the USS Liberty or stealing nuclear technology.

At the very least US needs to suspend the arms and money because of

Section 502B(a)(2) of the FAA (22 U.S.C. §2304(a)(2)) stipulates that, absent the exercise of certain presidential waivers due to extraordinary circumstances, “no security assistance may be provided to any country the government of which engages in a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights.”

Yes civil suits, if her pockets are deep enough she can sue and appeal and bury anyone and any lawyers that might defend him. She does run the risk for nonsense lawsuits that the defendant's lawyers can collect all attorney fees at the end of it, so a rich pest suing people might lose millions in their own lawyers fees plus pay for defendants attorneys.

But a small person puts a lot at risk and there is no reward (just not owing anything). So you might settle just to cut losses and remove whatever from Internet. If you are rich, you might settle and pay someone falsely accusing you just to limit losses to lawyers and also get case sealed and an NDA as part of settlement.

It's because the DNC is completely corrupt and ruin this country for a few million given by Hillary and now Biden.

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"I don’t see any peaceful way to disarm America’s whites. There’s only one thing that’s going to save this country from itself. Same thing that always saves this country from itself. And that is African-Americans. And I know the question a lot of y’all have in your minds is, should we do it? Fuck yeah, we should do it.”

“No matter what they say or how they make you feel, remember, this is your country, too. It is incumbent upon us to save our country. And you know what we have to do"

"Every able-bodied African-American must register for a legal firearm. That’s the only way they’ll change the law.”

-- Dave Chappelle (2019)

No there is no clear right answer because it is ambiguous. You would never seen it written that way.

Does it mean A÷[(B)(C)] or A÷B*C

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This could end overnight if Biden didn't keep making exceptions for Israel. For one thing, is this genocide operation even "legitimate self-defense"? which would make all the funding illegal under AECA (22 U.S.C. §2754)

That's just the AECA, then there is:

Section 502B(a)(2) of the FAA (22 U.S.C. §2304(a)(2)) stipulates that, absent the exercise of certain presidential waivers due to extraordinary circumstances, “no security assistance may be provided to any country the government of which engages in a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights

Section 620M of the FAA of 1961 (codified as 22 U.S.C. §2378d), as amended, prohibits the furnishing of assistance authorized by the FAA and the AECA to any foreign security force unit where there is credible information that the unit has committed a gross violation of human rights. The State Department and U.S. embassies overseas implement Leahy vetting to determine which foreign security individuals and units are eligible to receive U.S. assistance

(Good read)

DNC lawyers argued that the Democratic Party doesn’t owe anyone a fair process and that it has every right to disregard its own rules or interpret its rules how it wants because it is a private organization.


MatPat and his prolific reading of bad voiceover scripts. Style Theorists? Really? How many millions of $$ are enough?

Which is still 3.7% of $1500M judgment $55M offered

If only Israel would have rebuilt the rail lines in Gaza... I'm waiting to hear about a secret IDF manned ovens...

Yeah, supported the US by knowing about the attacks and celebrating with photos on Sept 10th and having Bush and Ashcroft fly the mossad agents back to Israel.

Israel is no friend. The last time a US naval ship was attacked and destroyed was USS Liberty

Carthage 2 Electric Boogaloo....

We can only assume they are using salt water instead of Gaza water treatment plants.

Uh ok. Yeah don't listen the the former head of the DNC in 2016.

Or Biden doing the exact same thing

"The president is really rewriting the playbook when it comes to what a reelection campaign looks like and how we are in deep partnership with the DNC,”

You probably "should" be embarrassed your police chief allows his step son to gang rape a girl in his house and no one is in jail.

Remember when the silly mummy ET dolls posts hit? Lol literally zero common sense or logic or thinking allowed

You know how abused children grow up and often repeat their trauma on children, grandchildren, etc? That's Israel. The never again mental mentality means the state of Israel is literally repeating everything that happened to 1930s and 40s Jews. I'm waiting for IDF to start building large incinerators in northern gaza. And it's not hyperbole or exaggeration. Just look at the slow steady push of Gazans to the south and the destruction and deaths.

Biden should file Amicus brief with SCOTUS presidential immunity case saying if they are so ok with what Trump's lawyers are saying, he has Seal Team 6 standing by awaiting their ruling.

Just wait for the cringe compilation

Why does it matter? The current Israel money and weapons are conditional with stipulations against the war crimes and genocide they are currently doing. But no one from the President to Congress is doing anything about it.

How the fuck you lie to yourself like that? Getting better?

The average global temperature this year was highest in last 125,000 years. The US is about to have an election between two pathetic old men that no one likes except mentally deranged or blissfully in denial. In fact, Republicans and SCOTUS might remove Biden from ballots under the CO ruling of 14th Amd. citing "given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof"

China is about to invade Taiwan where 80% of semiconductors in advanced products are made, and US only move is to destroy the billion dollar fabs and pause technology with 4 years of no new things like iPhones.

AI is becoming 80% accurate on predicting deaths and will soon lead to insurance companies dropping people from life and medical right when people need it, and also employers will take advantage.

Antarctica is literally falling into the ocean. Oh and don't forget 1T tons of carbon stored in permafrost.

IBM took a bunch of DARPA money and the executives sold everything to SMIC, 0.35um to copper 0.18um and eventually 45nm for some cash probably for a year of good stock prices at the height of losing money at their fabs cranking out losing memory chips.

It drastically helped them catch up with TSMC

The Washington Post said that he was “managing logistics and support for a six-person team that rented a sailboat under false identities and used deep-sea diving equipment to place explosive charges on the gas pipelines.” The Ukrainian official “took orders from more senior Ukrainian officials,” who reported to Ukrainian top military commander Valery Zaluzhny.

The newspaper pointed out that the Ukrainian colonel, 48, “did not act alone and he did not plan the operation.” As the Washington Post noted, Chervinsky in a written statement denied his involvement in the Nord Streams sabotage. The newspaper emphasized that the information about Chervinsky’s role in the Nord Streams explosions “contradicts [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky’s public denials that his country was involved” in the sabotage.

On April 21, the Ukrainian Security Service announced that Chervinsky had been charged under the article on abuse of power. According to the investigation, the Ukrainian military official, together with other persons, arbitrarily decided to carry out a so-called special operation to seize a Russian military aircraft. On April 25, a Kiev court arrested Chervinsky for two months without bail. In May, the court ruled to live him under arrest.

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Grabs Only Pussy, it's from Trump's Inside Edition recording because he's taken over the RNC and Republican party and they all lick his shoes now.

Um.. where do you think they get the steel from? Cheap stainless from China. They lied like most of their pre-sales promises

Tesla could be sourcing the materials from Outokumpu’s plant in Calvert, Alabama, and may be using more than one supplier

Or HVAC uses tons of ice needed to cool something. Euroguys probably don't have air conditioners, just that tilt window technology.

I do like the obscure AWG scale especially 0000

unar is the free version and should be in Ubuntu

Probably because his goal is to give IDF the terminal gps cords after they are in use to target for bombings, which the US tax payers are giving both the bombs and billions USD every year to support the IDF bombings.