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Joined 1 years ago

Your projection would be hilarious if it wasn’t so embarrassing

All good man, nobody’s gonna kink shame

Great now the word grussy is in my head

Uranus can actually be quite fun if you know what you’re doing

That’s just like, your opinion man

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It’s cuz the people who own media companies love republican policies and candidates no matter how “left-leaning” they allow their outlets to present as. An actual left-wing news station would tear desantis apart but they don’t exist because of media concentration.

She tried to hide out in Long Island with mummy and daddy. They probably should have taught her about consequences and self-control when she was growing up. Affluenza strikes again.

Wait she has a penis? 11/10 then

Dude recognized his peak

Dream outcome: studios go bankrupt and then the strikers pool resources to buy assets and start their own worker-owned film studios

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I don’t agree with what you say but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it

What the actual fuck, and this was in 1990

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I gotta be Shamp. But you know what they say, better Shamp than Shimp.

But you see, if executives were forced to face consequences for their decisions they couldn’t be the completely amoral psychopaths who would push profits at the expense of human lives

Lmao at the fucking scarf

That’s a weird way to spell batshit-insane

I’m a gryphophiliac. I can only get aroused with a condor present

Assuming that increasing your intelligence doesn’t give you dr. Manhattan superpowers being supremely intelligent but not all powerful or immortal seems a bit exhausting

It’s actually Lrrrr and his lovely wife Ndnd

Is it likely he personally travelled from Anatolia or was he just descended from groups that migrated from Anatolia to Central Europe?

My favourite news showdy!

Ray Smith looking like a middle-aged fucking Bundy over there

She never had a chance with that goon as her father

tremulously raises hands to bask in the perseverance

Call Honk! Attorney at honk!

Pipe tobacco, deliver unto me

Me, after spending one hour playing with my son: ok now I’m going to spend some time with your sister

My son, five minutes later: NOBODY EVER WANTS TO PLAY WITH ME

Serving papers maybe?

I just wanna know how

::: spoiler Tap for spoiler

she got out of that volcano


As is tradition