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Joined 1 years ago

Good. The last thing we need right now is anything that perpetuates anti-trans garbage.

I’m glad this ruling happened. Why was there this law in the first place? The lengths that people go to twist the law to be cruel to other people is awful.

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I don’t think China has ever even tried to pretend it’s the land of the free.

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According to the article, this lawyer also clerked for Clarence Thomas. It’s insane that Thomas is still a Supreme Court justice:

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Yeah. I don’t know why the Dems aren’t running someone younger…

I wasn’t thrilled about Biden either, but I think Biden handled negotiations with Europe for Ukraine very well.

But yeah, I get jealous every time I look at other countries’ leadership and see how young they are…

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This is why profit-driven news isn’t great. A headline on how murder rates have declined isn’t clickworthy.

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The problem here is that people often conflate Israel and Judaism as one and the same, when that’s absolutely not the case. You can have problems with how Israel operates as a nation without being antisemitic. It’s hard to have any nuanced conversations about Israel and Palestine if you don’t grok this.

This is giving me “how do you do, fellow kids” vibes.

What’s funny is Google pushed me to turn off all my targeted ad preferences + watch history on YT. I basically did what you did and they started pushing me PragerU and other weird conservative ads, so I just straight turned everything personalized off. And pretty much stopped using the platform.

I love this so much. I need all tech to be explained to me this way

Might just be me looking at the game with rose colored glasses and the game may not have aged well - but I remember having a blast playing Golden Sun as a kid. I think you’d enjoy it if you like JRPGs.

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Yeah. It’s a joke given their executive comp is higher than the awarded amount.

Maybe it’s just morbid fascination with the slow motion trainwreck that’s Twitter?

This should be the top comment in anything related to Activision-Blizzard so that people don’t forget. And Bobby Kotick is STILL CEO.

That’s why they cut off outbound communications. If you don’t photograph or video them doing war crimes, then they’re not committing them, right?

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The nicest thing I can say about this guy is… umm… he died doing what he loved?

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Given that they make >$30B a quarter in revenue, probably not. They probably count the fine of $100k/day as a cost of doing business.

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I think Xi is counting on the west to be too distracted by Ukraine and Israel to effectively support Taiwan.

Also, speculation on my part - but this feels like the usual posturing/distraction playbook. China’s economy isn’t doing so hot and the government’s bungling of COVID is still fresh in everyone’s minds, so what better way to make people forget about that than to saber rattle?

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Yeah, angrily jabbing a phone screen realllllyyyy does not have the same satisfaction whatsoever.

This sucks. I really liked SmartNews but this explains why it’s been so terrible as of late.

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Gotta collect ‘em all!

What’s funny is there’s definitely ways to make it more realistic while also being flashy/interesting. The stories told on the podcast Darknet Diaries are plenty interesting! It’s often fantastical feats of social engineering.

Yes and no. I compare it to a graphing calculator: I know how to graph a parabola by hand already, but I don’t want to have to do it over and over already. That’s just busy work for me.

LLMs are similar that way. There’s often a lot of boilerplate to get out of the way that’s just busy work to write over and over again. LLMs are great at generating some of that scaffolding.

LLMs have also become a lot more helpful as Google search has gotten worse over time.

I’m really disturbed to see far right parties getting small victories and gaining footholds in parts of Europe. I’m terrified about the increasing possibility that all of the west will be dangerous for queer people again.

Shhhh! Xi Jin Pooh doesn’t like being called a dictator. 🙄

Unfortunately, Twitter was only up for sale because it wasn’t able to effectively monetize. On the other hand, Meta has figured out how to make money hand over fist.

I think the easiest route to get Musk to own Meta is if we goaded him + Zuck into a pay per view fist fight over ownership of Meta.

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Agreed with you there about gamification and how it can be useful for some people.

I do think that the latter half of the article that tries to present the difference between “gamification” and “play” is fascinating, and I wish they dove into that a little bit more. I understand that they’re trying to say that having this endless churn of “goals” in “gamification” is potentially harmful, but then what’s the alternative look like when it comes to Fitbit, Duolingo, etc.?

Yeah, fuck ‘em. Don’t apologize.

In addition to what you’ve mentioned, don’t forget it’s the same groups of people who want to give guns more rights than women/people of color/LGBTQ+. After reading things like this… you realize you shouldn’t be apologizing because these people don’t give a shit.

Really glad to see this. I’m appalled at how little grad students are paid given their very large role in keeping universities afloat (teaching classes and helping with research).

Hmm, generally the Econ professors I’ve seen/heard interviewed usually say that printing money is not the only cause of inflation.

But I see read/hear things from sources not on a large TV network news station, so maybe that’s why.

I agree! To clarify, what I meant was that I was disappointed that Dems, including Biden, aren’t backing someone younger. Whatever happened to uplifting the next generation?

I was just amazed that it took him so long to roll out a predatory monetization model…

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100%. We’re all human and so many phrases are just in the vernacular.

I grew up hearing the word “gypped”. I didn’t know that’s how it was spelled (thought it was jipped.) It wasn’t until I was in college that I realized gypped -> Gypsy and extremely offensive. I’m still embarrassed that it took me that long to figure out.

This drives me freaking bonkers. A lot of times libraries tend not to expose the env var to discourage its usage but IF YOU MADE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE YOU HAD A USE CASE FOR IT.

He’s a giant garbage person.

It’s just kind of pitiful to hear stuff like this about him. All of his actions just reek of desperation of wanting to be respected and liked. He’s so controlling because it seems he’s so insecure.

Fedipedia? I guess you want the wiki bit in the name, but Fedipedia really rolls off the tongue.

Yup. That’s been my experience too.

I also get aggressively pushed some conservative news sources in my main feed even though I never subscribed to any of those.

This is most of the reason why I haven’t bought D4. (Well, that and I got burned real hard by D3 midnight release.) I liked single player games BECAUSE they didn’t require internet access.

I deleted Apollo off my phone which curbed my Reddit habit.

The thing that I’ve been struggling with is how often Reddit comes up in Google search results. I know, you can remove Reddit from search, I just always forget. It’s muscle memory to just click and read.

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“This dangerous drinking pattern means 8 or more drinks for women and 10 or more drinks for men on one occasion,” the institute noted on its website.

It doesn’t matter if alcohol tolerance is actually a thing or not, 8-10+ drinks means you’re non-functional.