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Joined 1 years ago

The whole problem with reddit (aside from the people who run it) is the amount of negative energy that comes out there. If that’s all you have, wonderful, unleash it there.. it will help to hasten the end. But in trying to celebrate the death of one thing, you’ll miss opportunities for spreading good vibes here and enjoying the birth of something new. It’s a buzzkill to have a new community sprout up and have everyone obsessed with killing the old one. Think about the type of energy you give to the world, you will get the same in return.

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I tried to look at a reddit link via mobile web browser and it said something really stupid like.. we can't show you this on the web you need to use the app.

Dafuq? Hell no. I guess I'm not looking at it then. Jumped the shark, well and truly.

Ads are an anti-pattern for me. If I have to sit through your bullshit I am NOT buying your product. It’s in your best interests for me to run an ad blocker. I also run Sponsorblock to skip the product-shilling parts, similar reasons. I buy things on merit after researching, not because I saw it on a video.

Still, by watching the video, it will be recommended to other people because it’s popular. Being a little tounge-in-cheek here but I like to think that by watching it, I am crowdsourcing the ad revenue aspect to other viewers who will sit through the ads.

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This is just a standard “clearing house” measure. Remove the dissidents, ignore the howls of complaint.. surround yourselves with “yes men” and then you are set

Great article and demonstrates why we should not care about the demise of reddit. There is no clear date when the giant has been slain. It will simply attrit away over time if we all move on to the next thing, which is happening. Look forwards, not backwards, and enjoy the fediverse

Battery lifetimes are specced as 80% capacity remaining. So a 300 mile range becomes 240 miles. Still highly usable.

The OOTB experience of everything is declining

Impaired is impaired. Shouldn’t drive if your ability is compromised, especially when most people only start off with half a clue.

Coffee is also dangerous in the sense that it masks the sensation of fatigue, but you are still impaired. Driving tired is extremely dangerous as well.

Don’t know don’t care, I haven’t been back since the bullshit started.

1.5kWh of energy, not power.

And it’s not lifting 500 tons. Each bucket weighs 500 tons (regardless of boat or no boat, due to displacement physics), it is in almost perfect balance. The motor simply has to rotate the mechanism against frictional losses.

I’m only an amateur but I’m happy to give it a go

They won’t in the short term.

In the long run they’ll hopefully go the way of myspace/digg.

It takes a long time for a juggernaut to die. They can circle the drain for years

One does not simply unjump the shark

Kbin was trivial to figure out. Mastodon I still struggle with a bit.

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That makes two of us!

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Kbin is to reddit as mastodon is to twitter, IMO.

There are those of us who used to be tech-savvy "back in the day" that don't handle change either quickly or well.

I feel personally attacked, lol.

The problem I find with the technologically illiterate is that they immediately blurt out what’s on their mind. They ask the same fucking questions over and over, without searching first. The signal to noise ratio drops way down and every day is the same shit.

I am more than happy to interact with people of all walks of life but the internet is very “Groundhog Day” compared with when techies were the only ones on here. I’m not sure what the solution is that gives us perpetual cake.

IMAP supports TLS, what’s Proton’s excuse for enforcing their own delivery protocol?

The 9to5mac article has just the right amount of spiteful contempt. Nice.

Nice tin-foil hat you have there

Top quality meme but I’m wondering which thing we’re referring to this time?


I don’t mind it. It’s outing all the companies who are run by people who lack critical thinking skills. Thanks for letting me know which corners of the internet to avoid

The tutorials and guides on reddit are invariably reposts from somewhere else. There will be the occasional gem that is nowhere to be found but on balance I’d say reddit could vanish and it wouldn’t matter in the long run.

They’re guessing, and no doubt fishing for clicks.

X-rays from flares travel at the speed of light and hit us in about 8 minutes. Solar energetic particles (related to flares) take minutes to hours. A coronal mass ejection usually takes about 3 days. At the moment we have no way of predicting them before they happen, so X-ray flares have no early warning because nothing is faster than the speed of light. We can see a CME erupt and know if it’s heading our way.

There are a couple of good sized sunspots at the moment that are facing towards us so the chances of something happening are decent, but we don’t know if and when and how much.

Kinda interesting to hear of that happening but at the end of the day, if they want to roll back my posts good luck to them, it will cost them more effort than it did for me to run a script to edit/delete

The last finale finished in such amazing fashion I’m fearful of how you can successfully rejuvenate the series. What stories do you tell after “happily ever after”?

I know the story left open the idea of more episodes but for me it kinda feels like being told you can spend another 5 years with your late grandfather.

Anyway I’m still gonna bloody well watch it. It’s Futurama.

Yes, people frequently get it wrong and when they are dismissive about it, they are demonstrating their lack of willingness to educate themselves.

It may seem like semantics to quibble over technical language but if I ask someone to pass me a saucepan, when I want to use a frying pan, then it’s pretty stupid of me, isn’t it?