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why do CEOs never say "lets take our time to avoid making mistakes and insure quality"?

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i had a lot of fun. i think people just expect too much from this type of game and bethesda. look at no mans sky, i still think its just as boring as when it released but it has gained a great following. people now seem to just assume if a game is made by a AAA team everyone must love it regardless of personal taste. in my opinion that mind set is the reason most AAA get focus grouped to death. im scared that people are going to kill off the type of games i like because everyone acts like its crime to release a game that doesn't appeal to everyones exact tastes/desires.

i will say though starfield is my least favorite bethesda game. starfield 7/10

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its like they choose 3 TB because they knew it was the smallest amount that would lose. lets make it a real re-match and go back to transfering 4 GB.

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should we start patitioning that elon musk not be involved with any companies. everything ive heard about him makes me think he has no respect for us peasants.

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I've heard you have to think like a criminal to catch one, but i have not heard let a criminal run your goverment to stop crime. but it really makes sense if you don't think about it, making nothing illegal would mean no more crime.

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Are you telling me people in the same party, of a 2 party system, can have some differing opinions? crazy thought.

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In my 10 years of being a High School Robotics teacher i find that my group has less problems with the 3d printers than the 2d printers.

1 doesnt make sense for linux or piracy. neither of which involve "buying", but simply downloading.

You sound like you are reviewing all of california like its a hotel/motel. I just would like to say that i work San Fransisco, and you are correct. it sucks. I drive 120 miles away past sacramento every weekend to escape that place. but smaller cities and towns in california can be very nice.

the stoner is probably the happiest out of all three.

Makes it more exciting?

and how close is "this" exactly?

well, i thought of it as fallout 4 in space before playing. it has a couple core gameplay changes i liked and a couple i didn't. it is the slowest paced bethesda game for sure, which is why i think most people call it boring. if you didnt replay skyrim i doubt you would replay this game. i give it a 7/10 for people of my taste and i would consider myself the intended audience. i have played bethesda games since oblivion and average about 200 hours per bethesda game, usually 3 playthroughs seperated by about a year or 2. for reference here are my top bethesda games:

  1. Fallout: New Vegas - 9/10(obsidian for a major win)
  2. Fallout 3 - 9/10
  3. Oblivion - 9/10
  4. Skyrim - 8/10
  5. Fallout 4 - 8/10
  6. Starfield - 7/10
  7. Fallout 76 - 3/10 - i wish i could enjoy this game

these scores reflect how much i enjoyed each game. but if New Vegas had no technical issues it would be 10/10 for me.

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i think its worth looking further back in time too.

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Who/Where are these people that believe that? I have heard people say shareholders only care about profits, but I have never heard anyone say it was a law to maximize them. Regardless, they do love profits more than anyone or anything at any company. Companies also like to keep their shareholders happy. Evil comes about becuase of these.

It takes people (souls) for a business to exist.

some people are evil.

this is news? in 2024? is the ipod fun or listening to music fun?

what about people that return carts half the time but dont half the time?

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i think they thought it would be more fun than most people seem to think it is. and being wrong is an easy path to failure.

oh, i guess most of the times of heard indie, it was refering to small studios, where as i have never heard anyone call a large studio indie even if they are. thanks for the correction.

that sounds right.

yeah pretty much. i wouldnt recommend it to anybody that doesn't love bethesda's other games.

yeah i would agree with you for the most part. i guess im lucky i ignored the hype after the announcement. i have seen the hype train derail too many times.

the whole point of the shopping carts question is that it is not actually a crime but undesirable behavior. murder is a crime not just bad behavior. not a good comparison.

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what are these alternitives for?

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i guess im confused why 3 TB was chossen. what is this representing. Most people are not transfering 3 TB on a regular basis, 100 GB is a large transfer for common cases. who is this information for? who should be looking into pigeons/jets for regular multi-TB data transfers. just sounds like pigeon propaganda to me.


why is nobody here saying what the game is an alternative for or what ki d of game play to expect?

nevermind then. guess i dont care.

I couldn't get through the article after the second "had had". i understand what they are saying, but it still sounds like a child wrote it.

Who cares, if you dont like apple dont buy apple. the only way apple effects me is these annoying articles.

i watched all of the update for NMS. the updates are cool but non of them made it more interesting. i would like to say i think it is a good game, but at the end of the day starfield aligns with my likes much better.

i agree that the exploration outside of the main areas is very sparce, but i think its important to cosider thats is what was promised, and the lore backs it up. i liked the hand-crafted areas a lot but outside of those areas tends to feel like NMS with a couple generic things to do every some often. but i still enjoyed building my bases and running in a circle around them destorying all abandon factories with rando baddies i could find.

i agree the fact that they are a AAA studio is irrelevant, but most people do judge things differently when considering this. its too often i see people praising indie games that i eventually try and hate. but i dont freak out and call it terrible, i stop playing. and i see well made AAA games that i greatly enjoy get review bombed for defending there design decisions which were based of what the designers consider fun.

but i dont agree that they made a "pile" of bad decisions. Again i think they were trying to make a fun game and most of the designer probably enjoyed playing it before releasing. but the majority of people who thought bethesda was making "their" dream space shooter didn't like it so know bethesda is evil for some reason. i liked this game, i will play the dlc, and likely replay it.

so aren't all indies small? and the non-american thing is just taste.

Why cant you just say you only like either:

  • non american games.
  • small studios.
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