4 Post – 20 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Programming, cybersecurity, privacy, self-hosting, and some other stuff.

Or you can use a doas implementation like OpenDoas, or maybe sudo-rs...

I hope this changes (even if a little bit) once Forgejo (FLOSS Gitea fork) adds forge federation.

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Matrix/Element isn’t an alternative.

Why not?

And, what about Revolt?

KVM runs VMs pretty much like they are native

Well, it is a type 1 hypervisor…

This probably isn't the answer you're looking for, but vpr being memory-safe isn't a benefit that it has over rm, since rm apparently doesn't allocate any memory (as wrote).

the first thing you mentioned as a benefit was memory safety.

Looks like I worded my project description poorly. As I wrote in another comment, I meant that this alternative is memory-safe (being written in safe Rust), but not that rm isn't.

edit: I've updated the post's title to clear things up

I don't know whether rm is memory-safe or not, but vpr is. By 'memory-safe alternative' I meant that this alternative is memory-safe, but not that rm isn't.

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This is a pretty good option, though I also think something like what aseprite has done is pretty good too (compile it yourself for free, or pay for a precompiled binary available through e.g. Steam) - from what I can tell this setup is fairly profitable.

Nah, no way. :)

Gitea supports migrating from a variety of sources, but I'm not sure about a bot that does everything in one click or so. You could probably make a simple script for that, though.

You could host on Gitea and mirror to GitHub. Obviously, users may be less inclined to sign up to your Gitea instance, but I hope people being unwilling to register becomes less of an issue once Forgejo (Gitea fork) implements forge federation.

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Happy to hear that you like it :)

That's great, thanks! I'll look into submitting it to the official homebrew tap sometime, and get back to you.

I’m now using Hyprland on NixOS (have been happily doing so for months now) after a configure several other window managers (leftwm, awesomeWM, etc.).

I plan to share my setup sometime soon but I’ve got secrets in my configuration (and git history!) that I’ll need to remove first.

I guess vpr -x would be memory-safe that way then. ;)

Well, I’m not sure how many lines of C rm is written in but I think that rm being only around 4kb (iirc) is something to consider.

But still, storage probably matters least in this day and age. Oh, and…

something I used to completely nuke my home server

If I’m reading this right, then I hope you had backups ready :)

Well, I use sudo-rs, so...

You'd have to copy the files to their designated paths. I've laid out the files so that just copying all the dotfiles - and directories - in the repository to your ~ should be enough to load all the configuration files. You'll also need to install all of the programs and fonts used in this configuration (in the repository's to make sure that everything works.

That should be enough to set it up, but let me know if I can help you any further. Oh, and the configuration files are pretty old, so you might need to adjust them to account for any changes made to the programs they're used for.

Nope - it's my own.

Right now, you'd need to install Neovim packages through home-manager to get anything working, though.

Go for it! It's pretty simple but does help teach a few things.


Well, in all seriousness, I don’t think so. But I do think that Rust rewrites are generally good since they usually end up producing a higher-quality program which is significantly faster (this is pretty important to me).

Of course, there’s no point rewriting everything in Rust, since Rust’s benefits obviously don’t apply to anything.

I think one of the best things about Rust is that it can be used to write basically anything (at least, this is what the extent of the Rust ecosystem leads me to believe), from web apps and CLI tools to, I don’t know, kernels. That’s probably why there are so many Rust rewrites. People actually do write a variety of programs in Rust, and from what I can tell said variety is way bigger than in most other languages.