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Joined 12 months ago

I am burning down private schools in the dead of night.

Be the change you want to see in the world, don't let your dreams stay dreams.

The Democrats are playing politics, the Republicans are fighting a war of extermination.

1 more...

I was using chatGPT to design up a human/computer interface to allow stoners to control a lightshow. The goal was to collect data to train an AI to make the light show "trippier".

It started complaining about using untested technology to alter people's mental state, and how experimentation on people wasn't ethical.

Triple-check that our mortage is paid off in the event of my death, so that my wife and children will have a place to live after I (sole breadwinner) am gone.

Learned the default account password and figured out which teachers had not changed their password from the default. Learned that all teachers had access to a share drive with all student records. Read through a lot of information.

Did not look at porn on school computers, because wtf?

At grad event, in front of elderly relatives, was called out for looking at porn on the school computers, other student was credited for breaking into all systems. More pissed about the latter.

I can't connect to my car's audio with Bluetooth, and can't afford to replace the car stereo with one that supports Bluetooth - it's just not a priority. When I upgrade my phone, I'll stay with an earphone jack.

My therapist, provided I reach the breaking point at a convenient time when we have a session scheduled.

Laser cutter control software is windows only, just haven't had the time/energy to rip out the entire control system and rework it to be open source.

For now.

I've started doing it all the time now as well, as it's valid ASL and we have two hard of hearing children, one of which communicates primarily with sign.

Me, with 20 years experience making software: yes, totally happy about this. (This makes it much easier to keep up with the latest newfangled bullshit.)

Mass death will also slow down global climate change.

Keep in mind that the "them" that gets more resources includes most of the western world, traditionally.

Bluetooth speakers for music in the kitchen, attached sound system for steaming TV, over-ear noise cancelling bluetooth headphones for desk work, over-ear bluetooth ear protection headphones for shop/yard work, earbuds for shopping/etc (fuck store muzak).

Once they stopped working at Twitter, they stopped existing to him.

I think the root cause is the complexity.

Split the problem into manageable chunks, then attack the chunks. Apply recursion as needed.

This is part of a more senior skillset, as some times a senior will be breaking up the problem and assigning the smaller pieces to other devs.

When you think about it, there were a lot of populist movements growing through Twitter. It probably pissed a lot of wealthy, powerful people off.

Then Musk and Zuckerberg were called to private meetings with the president, weren't they? And Twitter was taken over and shut down. Then Threads, owned by Facebook who is known to help out law enforcement quite happily as well as track everything, takes off as an alternative.