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Joined 1 years ago

Yes, statistics generally teaches to not worry excessively about outliers.

More specifically with Serbia, they were genociding until NATO stepped in and bombed them, and have spent the last 20+ years crying about how NATO was the big bad boogie man who attacked first, while simultaneously trying to destabilize Kosovo through frequent Russian backed violations of the MTA that ended the open conflict. Literal government policies of a schoolyard bully.

Part of the beauty of Lemmy is fracturing intentionally into smaller instances. The content is no less accessable to people who want it, and it'll hopefully provide a better, more reliable experience by being off lemmy.world on a smaller instance.

I believe many are trying to help reduce the load in lemmy.world, where most new users (including myself) started.

If I took a few hours to make an impressive AI generated price of art, that's still %0.0001 the amount of time an actual a real artist would've spent developing the skill and then taking the time to make the peice. I get to skip all that because AI stole the real artists' works.

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Hi I grew up in rural Kentucky, currently live in rural Indiana. The flyers of this flag hate gays and blacks, unilaterally.

Think for a second. Why, if you didn't want to project the idea that you proudly hate gays and blacks, would you fly this flag? The association is too deep. You can't fly this flag without very intentionally telling all the black and gay people around you that you hate them, even if "that's not what it means to you"

No, everybody flying this flag knows that, they don't care. They're cool with the message, they support the message. They just know it's not a great argument for the media 😉

Or they know bragging about it on the Internet without rank to protect them will get them dogpiled.

I could just have been commanded by some softies, but officers don't generally have the constitution to get personally attacked. Think about it, they literally wrote the rules that say enlisted can go to jail for shit talking them.

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Yeah the sentiment surrounding vapes generally is that they're better than cigarettes. Most people still want to entirely quit vaping, quit nicotine altogether.

Unfortunately, vapes are super enticing to younger people. Even ignoring the underage market entirely, young people love vaping. I'm in the army, so maybe my demographics are skewed, but EVERYBODY is vaping super high nicotine disposable vapes these days.

When I first started vaping, nicotine concrentations were commonly 3 or 6 mg/ml, now 50mg/ml is common.

I imagine they could if they knew exactly what you did and when, but if it doesn't get discovered until later and nobody knows what happened, it would probably be a bitch to figure out

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I just saw the ad at first and froze up, thinking "shit Lemmy, already???"

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When I get deja vu, it feels to me like I've dreamt of whatever is happening before, I've always pretty easily been able to say "oh it's just deja vu" and move on.

But once, I woke up and told my wife about a strange dream involving very specific details of a situation with me and my brother. Along the lines of my brother throwing a beer can, it bounced off the trash can, bounced off me, then back into the trash can.

A few days later, my brother did exactly that. I was dumbstruck, even my wife was like "what the hell"

Would it make any sense to stand up my own instance, federated with what I want, follow the communities I want from other instances, and just ignore the rest? Is there any reason to not do that?

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I'm pretty specifically trying to bring to mind the time it takes to hone the skill. Photography is similar in that it takes many many hours to get to the point where you can produce a good work of art.

If an artist (or photographer) spends a couple hours on a peice, that's not the actual amount of time needed. It takes years to reach the point where they can make art in a few hours. That's what people are upset about, that's why nobody cares about "it took me hours to generate a good peice!", because it takes an artist 10,000 hours.

What AI art is doing is distilling that 10,000 hours (per artist) into a training set of 99% stolen works to allow someone with zero skill to produce a work of art in a few hours.

What's most problematic isn't who the copyright of the AI generated age belongs to, it's that artists who own their own works are having it stolen to be used in a commercial product. Go to any AI image generator, and you'll see "premium" options you can pay for. That product, that option to pay, only exists on the backs of artists who did not give licensing for their works, and did not get paid to provide the training data.

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Not even just that. My dad didn't go to college, he joined the military at 18. He walked away from that and landed an engineering job with no degree. Now, he's in a position that would ask for a masters minimum making nearly 300k a year.

I joined the military and walked away with bad knees and a list of phone numbers to get a job in the trades. Don't get me wrong, I took it, but damn I'm sure as hell not making anything near what he was at my age.

I live in the middle of a sprawling wind farm. Every direction I turn, I can see wind turbines looking ominously over my neighbor's houses. It's awesome, and way more interesting than the hundreds of square miles of corn fields they otherwise occupy.

Factorio definitely taxes CPU usage heavily if you're building a mega base. Don't get me wrong, it's gotta be a big ass base, but you could just import somebody's monstrosity and run it in the background.

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I think the main issue with air tag stalking is somebody else slipping their own air tags into your car, purse, backpack, etc to always know where you are

That works so excellently for the military. You're technically able to be called back in at any time, but you're also allowed to drink when you could reasonably expect to have that time off.

And the clincher; you're not allowed to be drunk on duty, so they can't even say "no worries, I'll pick you up" without implicating whoever ordered you in

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We don't know the full story. I'd generally agree with you that family is more important than random strangers, and we should make more effort with family that we would with strangers. But that only goes so far, and the family members need to be making similar efforts, it can't all be the children's responsibility to retain good will while the parent routinely damages the relationship.

The OP already said they'd given their mom 6 years, that's clearly the "family" effect, they have their mother many many more chances than they would a stranger.

I don't know what your relationship looks like with your parents, hopefully it's lovely, but once you're an adult the power dynamic needs to change dramatically. My parents no longer control me and can't tell me how to live my life. They can provide advice, which I generally cherish because they're more experienced in life than me, but if they try to strongarm me into their choice like they did when I was their legal charge, I tell them "NO"

Yeah that soldier's boots aren't bloused!

You need to be logged in and have nsfw enabled on your account. I had the same issue for a bit.

You could certainly make the argument that reddit / Lemmy and anything similar is social media, but the anonymity means you aren't seeing or competing with people you know.

Idk, maybe I'm just coping, but I've never felt the need to do anything performative for the masses of internet strangers - unlike some friends of mine who studiously document anything fun we do for the ever important task of impressing people on Instagram.

Whenever the negative effects of social media come up, it tends to be about people comparing their "boring" lives with the carefully crafted veneer of other people's lives they see on social media. That doesn't happen (as much) when you don't use your identity and you don't know anybody else on the platform.

Yeah, the only reason anybody says that is because we're so desensitized by pay-to-win mechanics and games being released half finished with day 1 dlc to fill the gaps, so we say "at least it's better than that"

Remember horse armor? I bet there's plenty of video games out now with cosmetic horse armor for sale.

My wife has suffered from post Lyme disease effects for the last decade. Yes we need a vaccine for this.

We're kinda past the point where ONLY lethal diseases need to be prevented, yeah?

Now, obviously it would depend on how shit your life is with your parents vs alone, but in my case I was much happier being poor but living with great roommates and experiencing just simple privacy for the first time.

I've always heard it's intelligence that tells us tomatoes are fruit, but wisdom tells to use it like a vegetable in cooking

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Looks like what my phone does when I use the Google Lens. Basically I point my camera at text and it'll translate, showing up like that

It is??? Where will be streaming??

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Without knowing what fight you stopped at it's hard to really talk about your experience, but I promise you don't need to know a fight is coming or cheese the fight. There's a point where the fights just click for you and become easier. There's also plenty of content you can go to instead to level up, if you're under leveled.

There's only 1 fight I can think of that's balls to three weeks nuts (the Blackpits) and my brother and I still beat it legitimately, just took like 6 attempts.

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Tbh, Lemmy is big enough for me. I've always been more into the comments than the posts, I just like posts to set up context. Lemmy has plenty of comment discussion going around in the communities I like that I'm satisfied. More content would not be a bad thing of course, I'm just wary of the implications of the Fediverse being mainstream.

What? No, he's saying they're bringing reddit behaviors with them as they leave reddit, and he hopes they'll stop.

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I've always assumed the issue is that I don't need my chest and arms to walk around around all day. If they're sore, I'm not constantly reminded :P

Oh-zero-hundred or zero-hundred if we gotta. Generally.... Midnight lol

Army here, we always say 0000 for midnight, but honestly that's probably just because it's what our phones and watches call it. Perhaps it was different before electronic timekeeping was the norm.

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Early 20's here with 65y/o parents 👋

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Even more so, it's turned into a hot button topic where people will be actively pissed of at you if you try to bring it up in discussion, calling it a "dog whistle" for nazi / anti-women ideology.

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I feel you, I once was applying it to my inner thigh, and it leeched onto my balls and ruined my life for a few hours.

It's it possible, much like an edible, you applied the second dose before the first dose had the time to set in?

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I have always wondered what the virgin-ness means, anybody know?

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Windows user here, have used Linux here and there too:

Gaming. It's gaming. Yes, Linux has workarounds and options, and some people are super knowledgeable and willing to go through those hoops. I'm not, not anymore.

I spent a little bit of time hunting down and eliminating W11's annoying behaviors, and now I don't mind it at all, and I get to just jump in games with very little hassle.

I'm pretty excited about the future of Linux gaming now that steam OS exists and Linux is a super viable target for developers, though

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Probably because hangover severity increases exponentially as you age. A 16 year old can knock back 20 shots in a night and basically die, but wake up with no hangover.

A 40 year old can drink 3 beers and spend 2 days recovering.

Extreme examples yes, but the younger you are the less you have to worry about hangovers and how to prevent / manage them.

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