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Joined 1 years ago

As a European, I wish a hearty "fuck you" to Trump, and anyone dumb enough to support him.

The US is sleepwalking into fascism. Well, don't say we didn't warn you.

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The killing would stop if Russia simply withdrew. But the Republicans never mention that as an option. Funny that.

Typical Trump behavior, the "Schrödinger's Douchebag" defense. Post the content, see the reaction.

No reaction: mission accomplished, and now you know the line you can't cross is further out.

Negative reaction: I didn't do it, it was a staffer who didn't watch the video, it was just a joke bro, etc. But the message is out there all the same.

Trump is a full-on Nazi.

No one should ever debate Trump unless the moderator has a "shut the fuck up" switch to cut off the mic. That dumbass has a diarrhea firehose for a mouth, and no self control or manners.

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This is such fucking bullshit. The rich live by a different set of rules than the rest of us.

Nipples, where smaller planets could nurse.

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A narcissist is never wrong. NEVER. Their fragile self-image can't stand up to the reality of making mistakes like the rest of us.

“weak and desperate — both as a man and a candidate for President.”

"man" is quite generous.

Someone should tell those babies born with AIDS to stop taking poppers.

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"Former President Donald Trump falsely claimed"

Lied. The word they should be using is "lied."

I am sure this guy also calls out movies with all-white casts, right?

So, Biden can just throw Trump in jail right now, or assassinate him? Cool, cool. Donny isn't too bright, is he.

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“He doesn’t talk like a traditional politician,” Rubio said Sunday

That's right, he talks like a fucking moron, because he is a fucking moron.

Deporting people (in many cases citizens) for protesting a war. Freest country on earth, etc.

"Unfounded fears." "False claims."

Just do us all a favor and say that Trump LIES, non-stop, every fucking time he opens his mouth. He lies like you and I breathe.

Hans Kristian Graebener
Hans Kristian Graebener
Hans Kristian Graebener
Hans Kristian Graebener
Hans Kristian Graebener

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Trump will chicken out if there is a rule that he can't run his fucking mouth over Biden. A stream of liquid shit from that anus-mouth of his is all he has.

Don't be a lard-ass in orange clown makeup, and they won't draw you as one. Problem solved.

Let’s see how endlessly antagonizing the sentencing judge works out for him.

Ha ha ha, he ain't got shit. Russia is impotent.

what a fucking ghoul.

Good, he's a fucking fascist.

Putin's red lines mean nothing, fuck him and his broke-ass country.

Russia poisons everything.

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Pathetic, just like his fans.

ultra nationalists, alcoholics, and drug addicts

But you repeat yourself.

Don't forget stupid. Trump and his supporters are dumb as fucking rocks.

Bring it, Meal Team 6. Conservatives aren't the only ones with guns.

bwaaaaak, bwak bwak bwak bwak bwak bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaak

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Someone's gonna cast "Hideous Daughter."

In his mind, he is never wrong, it is not possible. Just more proof that he is dumber than a sack of toenails.


When this fucker's diet finally catches up with him, Satan himself will make a personal trip up from Hell to collect him. A bigger catch than John Constantine.

Exactly, Republicans are all in on the violence, or they wouldn't nominate him. They know what he is, and they like it.

Making the Electoral College meaningless is within reach:


I cannot stress this enough: Fuck This Guy.

Putin really wants to see Moscow turned to glass, I guess.

Elon is the dumbass who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. We all know someone like him.

Kant would like a word.

Che cazzo