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Joined 12 months ago

I am pretty sure that body autonomy and a women being able to make her own choices about when to start a family are why we support a woman's right to choose.

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It's criminal that some computers are still sold with mechanical hard drives, but I will still be using them in NAS for years to come. The right technology for the right job.

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Wrong department was called. They should have called in the firefighters.

They are going to use this as an excuse to finally have to get out of providing (POTS) land line service. Expect them to spin off a subsidiary that owns all this old infrastructure, declare bankruptcy, and either get a bail out to repair the cable of they convince the regulators to let them kill off POTS for good.

I used to collect the Cult of The Dead Cow text files. Hacking, phreaking, and weird stories. Looks like someone gathered bunch of them here.

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This was a long time ago, but I had to go to the methodist version of confirmation. It was not any one thing that made me stop believing, but many little things. What I could not get over was the "virgin" birth of Jesus. They talked for weeks about this and the "miracle" got more and more ridiculous over the lesson. Joseph got played.

You should listen and support your local community radio station. There are a lot of fantastic stations with music programming you won't get from an algorithm.

Ps fuck sinclair... even under soros they will be a top down radio station and won't have YOUR local communities best interest at heart.

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I left a job when the previous notes admin left and they tried to get me to run that hot garbage with no training and no bump in pay.

Absolutely Parents who do not want to have a baby should not be forced to carry one to term. It ain't some angel that came down and inhabited the womb that should be laminted as lost.

I use my daily and purchased my phone primarily based on the fact it had a 3.5 jack. I am a long time DJ so my headphones are very comfortable and natural for me.

1969 Chevy Impala convertible. Massive red boat, totally impractical, and my daily driver for YEARS.

"But since Mr. Milei took office on Dec. 10 and quickly devalued the Argentine currency"

Usually that is true unless you devalue your currency so that anything that is made outside of your country is instantly more expensive. They are a net importer of oil and gas so this action worsened inflation and almost instantly for everyone.

Late to the party on this post, but I was a 14 year user. I was ready for a change as the communities I had subscribed to had stayed pretty static and was grateful for a reason to go and find an alternative. I spend less time doom scrolling as I have not yet installed an app on my phone and I think I may keep it that way.

Thanks to all of you for being here and making this a vibrant place.

I tried to read the story, but only being able to read 10 words before I had to scroll past an ad gave me dementia.

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I am a DJ on a local non commercial radio station. All music all the time. We do have show promos (i.e listen to face metal on Friday from 4pm to 6pm with your host dj sparkles) but no underwriting so we aren't shilling for a Corp at the top of every hour either.

If you are on lemmy you should be looking at what your local stations are doing to try to empower the local community.

For Gmail if you mean a lock on consumers who generally don't pay for the product I would agree, but I have done more g-suite to Office 365 in the past 12 months than I have in the past 5 years. It is too bad because we could really use some competition and different ideas in the office productivity space.

That is beautiful!

Thank god Balmer is no longer in charge of Microsoft or we would soon have a Microsoft car. It would look vaguely like the Apple car and have one unique feature that is so poorly implemented it is worthless.

I still have my "Free Kevin" bumper stickers somewhere that I bought from 2600 Magazine. I think his mom is the one that shipped them out. He really got frickin' railroaded with those charges.

I bought a cheap learn to solder kit and did that project before fixing an old Dell motherboard. It came with a soldering iron but agree with the poster above that a better soldering iron makes a big difference.

Sounds like Arizona doesn’t have enough chip knowledge, which is believable because there are no other chip or silicon manufacturing in the state.

Dude you are so wrong. Intel has MASSIVE fabs there and are building an even larger one on Chandler, Motorola has built chips in AZ at many different locations for 30+ years, Honeywell, Nokia, etc. ALL have plants there. It is colloquially known as the Silicon Desert because of this.

That Meco Star Wars / Cantina song is pretty rad for a novelty song. The rest of the songs are of dubious artistic merit.


I don't see it in the next upgrade cycle (2 - 5 years). My data needs on a NAS are creeping into 50TB and 100TB at several different installations and unfortunately growing. Gigabit ethernet is my bottleneck not disk i/o.
