
1 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Removing ourselves from a shitty situation is not anti free speech. They are free to say whatever they want, and I am free to not have to read it. If you want to interact and read it you are free to go there.

Look at how free we all are.

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What exactly is an "emotional outburst" for you?

There are a lot of things this could mean, ranging from more benign (sobbing) to extreme or scary (throwing things or screaming or worse)

If it's anywhere near the latter then you need to figure out how to manage those symptoms of your mental illness before you're ready for a relationship.

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The most niche thing I probably do (badly) is making chocolate. Not like, just tempering chocolate, but putting nibs and milk powder and sugar and cocoa butter in my countertop melanger and letting it work for like 24 hours until it's nice and smooth. I haven't really perfected it at all and my chocolate recipe is currently mediocre, and i need to experiment with better nibs and roasting them myself, but it's an interesting process that I enjoy.

Otherwise uh, IDK I do everything. I love cooking/baking, and most types of art, I'm huge into fabric arts like nuno felting and needle felting, embroidery is one of my absolute favorite things, I'm pretty decent at sewing, I also like to draw and I am really itching to get into sculpey jewelry crafting and maybe miniatures, I've dabbled in wire jewelry (meh at it), I built (with help) a coffee table where the top comes up so you can turn the base on its side to become a dining table, I'm sure there a bunch of stuff I'm forgetting... oh I guess I'm really good at laundry? I can get stains out of almost anything at this point.

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It's really sad, I really liked him at one time - he used to make a lot of sense to my very lefty mind, and then at some point I realized the things he was saying were becoming more conspiracy than reality and that I didn't really agree with him anymore. I like science and evidence, not crazy bullshit.

Corporations buying them up to rent out is my speculation, between that, people attempting to flip them, and just regular home buyers, it's making for a very low amount available which causes prices to be high, and new houses aren't being built fast enough to keep up.

I cannot think of a game that has better value for money than Factorio.

Rimworld. It's the only other one I can think of that people play for insane hours, it's still my most played game and I've barely touched it in a long while, I think I have 1400ish, my boyfriend has over 3.5k hours

Fucking ugh. This week is just ugh. Our landlady has brain cancer (our rent is currently about half what apartments are going for in our city, they doubled during covid) and I'm not sure if she's passed or not but her adult son has taken over the building with his wife and as of Tuesday have given us notice that at the end of the month we'll get a letter giving us 60 days to move out (month to month lease). We just had a second child in January. They're kicking us out with a five month old so they can renovate our apartment and charge double.

So instead of paying a ridiculous amount to rent somewhere again we're attempting to buy a house, but the housing market up here is super tight and they're all going way over asking price within days. I don't know what we're gonna do if we can't find something suitable in the next week or two so we have time to get this all done in time to move. We do have really good credit and enough to close, but finding one that isn't a failed flip or looks like it's from the 70s or isn't snatched up immediately is wearing on me.

Everything needs to line up and it's just not right now. I haven't cried yet so I guess that's alright.

Well week 2 of "potentially going to just end up homeless" is pretty shit too. Looked at a house an hour away, it was awful, roof in disrepair, the guy was living in one room and smoking in it after his divorce so the whole house smelled like smoke, there was moss growing in a window. Multiple other issues. Noped out of that one.

Stared at realtor site longer.

One gets listed that's perfect, it meets every single one of our needs and isn't a long commute, we go look, put in an offer. We have the highest offer. Our agent calls saying the realtor says if we can offer a gap coverage if the house appraises lower we'll be close, we can do a small gap (5k) and still have enough to close. She calls back later, apparently they're now between us and another offer, but they have a higher gap so if we can offer 10k and extend closing date we'll probably get it. Talk to family, they say we can borrow 3k if necessary, great we have just enough.

Nope they did the same thing to the other buyer and increased the gap and chose them.

I just want to give up. Fuck all of this, fuck shitty landlords and fuck scummy real estate agents, fuck the housing market, fuck not having enough money, fml

I think a little bit it's just that people typically like labels. They want to fit neatly into their little labeled box and the more labels they have, the more unique and/or complete they feel.

I really rejected labels as a teen, I hated the idea of it. Now I realize they can be useful for some things, and you know, if my trans brother feels better because his label is now male, that's fine it doesn't hurt me any to call him what makes him feel good.

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A few big ones really stuck with me.

As a child, it wasn't a complicated dream, but I was dreaming that I was wearing roller skates and a rabbit was pushing me up and up and up a hill, and then pushed me off a cliff. I woke up on the floor.

Past decade, I had a dream about this really abusive ex and his family. We were out on the ocean on these little crappy rafts, and for some reason he and I were in a fridge as a boat. I feel out I think, and there were whales in the water. They grabbed my arms and started pushing me down, and down, and down, and then let go and I just kept going down and then I woke up.

I have had a few more deep ocean dreams but they trigger such a huge fear response (have thalassophobia) that they now always become a lucid dream and I switch to flying to get away from the water.

Past couple of years, I had this really weird one, there was a grim reaper kind of thing following me around wherever we went and it was terrifying. He was just everywhere I went in the dream. I was in the car and we were driving past our city hall and he was on the steps. I had had enough, I made my bf stop driving, I got out, and ran up the steps toward it shouting, "FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU!" I woke up actually in the middle of yelling the third one IRL 😆

Oh and a weird random not quite a dream. About 15 years ago one night I woke in the middle of the night during a dream, and there was this bright vivid scene still in my eyes just hanging in the air in front of me for a good minute, it was crazy, it faded and I got up because I was in disbelief that it had happened. Just a weird brain didn't turn off the dream thing entirely I guess

It's already as easy to access them as it is on any other Linux OS. It's not valve's fault epic has no official Linux launcher. You can already add non-steam shortcuts to the steam os side easily, this is not on valve to fix

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I would say really light makeup, like maybe just tinted chapstick and a thin mascara (if you're blonde use brown, not black

I am a big fan of Babymetal

Yes kill with kindness was going to be my suggestion. I also agree with not interacting with her unless she's directly trying to discuss something with you.

Also, if she says you're doing something wrong, instead of just trying harder or ignoring her, just ask her to show you the best way to do it. People like people who ask them for favors, and this might make her warm up to you some. If it's bad enough that you don't want to be at work, you could also consider asking for a shift change. Be kind, be as strong as you can manage, and ignore if you need to.

Today is my birthday.

My mom has small cell lung cancer and is halfway across the US with my older brother. She has been mentally deteriorating for a while and they forgot my birthday. I get it because there is a lot going on with her disease, it's just hard to see her so broken that she forgot.

My favorite food is artichokes and no store had them in stock, so I'm just gonna have steak and squash instead. Was at least hoping this would be an upside and now it's not lol

IDK. It's been an okay day I guess, I feel bad for my mom mostly. Getting older is hard.

I think mostly because it was unexpected for his age, usually questions like that came from much older people and it was surprising to me that someone barely older than me didn't understand web based email. He seemed like a smart competent dude, so it was just not an answer my brain was ready for. Laughing might not be the best gauge for anything for me, laughing is also my fear response.

Complaints about rgb are always odd to me because you can just turn it off if you dislike it. Even really cheap items without software have an "off" in the color cycles.

As a 38 year old woman I want rgb everything, my entire computer rainbows and I love it

I mean I'm gonna be 40 in a couple of years and I am not a mature adult. I think maturity might be a lie we tell the young adults tbh.

It is though, I've been using non ie/edge browsers for over 15 years, but that's not why the EU went after them. It was because you could not change certain types of links and windows OS searches to open in anything other than edge

Could you argue in good faith please, or at least do some basic research on your points first

I have no idea. My brother is 10 years older than I am, (so he's 49, I'll be 39 in a few months) and it was definitely something he let me play, I just have no idea what it could possibly have been. I've had a controller (keyboard and mouse mostly now) in my hands my entire life lol

I love nuud, I keep telling people about it but it's like shouting into a void for some reason. It takes us forever to get through a tube because it lasts so long (I usually go between 4-5 days between putting it on). It also cuts through my boyfriend's spice which is great for me lol. Best deodorant ever.

I have mentioned it to one of my friends a few times (who tends to have a bit of bo) and she always just brings up how great arm and hammer deodorant is. Idk I don't want to be like "but dude you smell"

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It seems expensive per tube but you use such a small amount (I split a pea size amount between both pits) at a much lesser rate than normal deodorants that even the smaller tubes last a long time. I bought the biggest size last time I bought it and we've barely made a dent.

There is a small breaking in period for some people, and you are supposed to prep your clothes to reduce residual bacteria (I just wash with the lysol laundry disinfectant, I have two kids everything is germy), but once you find your groove for how often you need it is the best thing ever. At this point I would never go back to regular deodorant.

It also has a nice unscented smell, I can get headaches with strong scents so that was a big bonus. I actually tried Lume because of all the ads and it seemed cheaper but I hated the smell (got a sample pack and they were all awful) I had to use it daily and more if it so I ended up just tossing it after a few weeks and going back to nuud. I don't know why people like it.

Anyway, rambling now, I hope it helps you and you like it.


This is probably my favorite game, it's going through a rough patch right now because development had halted for about a year and was then sold to another company last year who are still in the process of transferring everything over. I'm hoping for new development within another year because it's an awesome game, but it's been stagnant for a long time. It's not on sale, but they've discussed a lower price for it openly after they get things rolling. We'll see.

This argument is like saying the switch needs to include steam os software because they're both handheld gaming devices

Also, as I said previously, it's incredibly easy to install things on the steam deck, I don't think there is any way they could make it easier because you would just install it like any other Linux program

You either don't own a deck or don't know how to use desktop mode

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Seriously fucking sounds fucking awful

I just want to ask where doesn't have a homelessness issue? I'm all the way up in cold af New Hampshire and we have a pretty big homeless population in my city

I sold computers at best buy for a few years around a decade ago, and this particular experience burned itself into my brain:

Me: introduce myself, ask what he was looking for Guy in his 30s: wants to look at chromebooks Me: tries finding out what he's using it for to make sure it'll be enough Guy: web browsing mostly, asks me if he can get his email on it Me: yeah no problem, what email client do you use now Guy: Gmail

It was hard to not laugh, but I am reminded of this when I think of the average person's technical ability.

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Yes, middle school late 90s, northeast us. I made it to the top, but I was in gymnastics for most of Elementary school so I was really strong from that for a good decade after I quit 😆 I was also able to do pull ups in high school too (15ish) which from what I understand is typically difficult for girls. Now I can't even do a single push up fml 😞 maybe I can change that before I hit 40 lol

Our high school also had a huge rock wall in the gym which was pretty cool, but we only did it for like a week one year

I wrote out a huge response to this and connect crashed that day and lost it, I meant to reply again but forgot until now. TLDR: everything I can in a home kitchen

I love most kinds of foods, my favorite food has been steamed artichokes dipped in hollandaise sauce pretty much my entire life. My more recent favorite food is jjajangmyeon, I mostly use Maangchi's recipe but I tried another early on that added mirin and cabbage so I add those now too because they're just so good in it.

My favorite recipes though are cheap, easy, quick, and delicious. Instant pot stuff has been great as I had a baby in January and it lets me make pretty decent stuff with very little work. The air fryer is also fantastic and we use it regularly for all kinds of things.

I finally got my 12" cast iron to a great state of seasoning so I've been making omelets and now more recently toast omelet things (basically dip bread in the eggs and flip over, then flip the whole thing once eggs are set, put filings in and close up and cook the bread to a nice golden brown on each side). I also love making beef jerky and oh boy is it way better than store-bought. Grilling is also fun, i smoke our turkey every year in my weber (got a rotisserie thing for it last year!), and I like to bake - pineapple upside-down cake is my favorite, but I'm also partial to sour cream pound cake (served as strawberry shortcake), and St. Louis gooey butter cake.

I'm always looking for new things to try, and my meal planner has more recipes than I've ever made saved in it haha (I should really clean it up).

.. but you would then just install them if you want them. Do you own a steam deck?

Oh I absolutely love covers. My favorite weird cover is probably Tiny Tim's cover of The Doors song People Are Strange https://youtu.be/kzoH88GFqK0