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Joined 1 years ago

I wish we had a government that functioned. This shot is 100% antitrust. How is it that this shit is let fly.

"Gotta use the sandbox"

There's nothing saying that tomorrow this isn't the case. Laws are fluid, just because they won't come after people currently for small time piracy does not mean that won't change.

Ha , gottem

I find when I'm lost in the endless ocean that is the modern world. The little things that you can feel excited for make a big difference. For example I'm a hot sauce fan and when I go to the groc shop and pick up a new Interesting looking hotsauce I get a lil feeling of excitement and anticipation. "Is it going to be good, will I like it, I can't wait to try it". Idk if that's just my broke as brain coping with reality but it's the little things you can make exciting.

"It has become clear to us that the increasing costs of maintaining a Canadian based workforce is beyond the scope of our current fiscal goals, It is with a heavy heart that we will be closing our Montreal office effective immediately. We thank all of our former employees for their service and wish them all a safe and lucrative departure from our team"


Rip archive dot org


Funny how these devs think they have leverage here. They will be replaced by outsourced labour and the quality of product from them will plummet. Game devs thinking that unionizing is a good thing is beyond me. They must know that they are effectively replaceable pawns at these companies. It's like if CSRs tried to unionize In north America. They would be replaced with ai and 3rd world labor faster than you can say manager.