
1 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Regev then told the crowd, “Part of the privilege of working in a company, which represents democratic values is giving the stage for different opinions.”

Followed by:

A Google spokesperson said the employee was fired

Do I miss any logical step or a managing director just said that Google doesn’t represent democratic values? 🤔🤔

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You can change the settings of your account to not show NSFW and porn is filtered out 🙂

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What year is this? 2008?!? Now we have Netflix and piracy is not a problem, right? Oooohhhh right they decided to kill the golden egg chicken but they still want the eggs

How much I would love if EU pulled a USB-C on printer ink/toner.

“All printers must be compatible with one of these X possible formats of ink/toner. Lockdown is forbidden too”

Sure the printers would be more expensive but I am sure we would see an incredible improvement in quality and decrease in ink/toner cost

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Wait! Vatican recognized Palestine?!?

Either way if what Spain said is true and Europe becomes green as well, it would be pretty much US, Australia and Israel to not recognize Palestine

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This article is totally not sponsored by Apple 🙄🙄🙄

So many BS points

There is a net effect in browsers and in rendering engines especially.

The more people use chrome engine (that is pretty much everyone except Firefox) the more web developers support only Chrome because... Cost/layoffs.

For this reason i make a point in using only FF (except for websites that already don't work with Geko).

Monopolies are not good for anyone (especially with current Google attitude)

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Because Google is like 90% of the market.

It’s not the bidding part per se the issue, the issue is that the bidding (and possibly other effective strategies) are so successful that Google is almost a monopoly.

The illegal part is that google is a bit too successful AND it uses these not-merits based techniques 🙂

The idea is that if you really want to become almost a monopoly you should not play these games. And being a total monopoly would be illegal in any case

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Well there are billionaires that do pump and dump. He just seem a decent human being 😃

The real question, in EU, is not Facebook (or even Instagram). It’s WhatsApp. Business talk with WhatsApp, family talk with WhatsApp, meet a person in a bar? Yep WhatsApp or you are the weirdo

As soon I got the banners, I uninstalled the app and switched to friendly. Not sure if I have such luxury with WhatsApp…. Maybe time to explore matrix? 🤷

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Disney+ abonament can go up 80% and nobody cares. Union asks for 25% raise...and it's shocking

(And, yeah, regular household needs to face much more than just the Disney+ fees)

And the cost to own apple hardware (that is not exactly cheap, even 2nd hand)

Dude what are you talking about? This is in UK

There is difference between peaceful protest and sabotage. Exactly like there is a difference between discussing with someone and punch them in the face.

If you think people should not discuss because it’s pointless and should directly switch to punch in the face I suspect you are not necessarily the internet stranger I want to listen to

A milder version of this is what there is in Switzerland. In Switzerland a person cannot rent an house/apartment that costs more than 1/3 of what they earn.

While clearly there are more and less expensive areas, it kills the race to unreasonable prices (like, let's say, NY or London or... everywhere) and allows essentially everyone to have an house (and who cannot still afford there are social helps but that is for another post)

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Often in Mafia trials there is one or more people that collaborate with justice. The family has to be protected and secured because otherwise Mafia would kill them.

I am saying this for no particular reason except for informing on the degenerate tactics of the Mafia

Penalties for DMA is 10% of global turnover for first offense and 20% of global turnover for subsequent offenses and, eventually, further penalties like the prevention to acquire companies.

DMA is not a joke (and I <3 EU, DMA is a very balanced law aggressive on the big player and not impacting small players)

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I would not pause the history, i would populate the history with balanced contents and then (if you feel like your mother will actively look for radicalized content) pause it.

So that the algorithm will have something"balanced" to work on.

Re not acting immediately: per GDPR they can't keep deleted data on your activity more than a few months (and probably they do before the deadline)

Nope, because Facebook app is not a VPN service so it cannot intercept traffic.

What it is unclear from the article is how they circumvented the certificate check on the app side. Probably (given this was many years ago, maybe these apps weren't setupping certificate pinning/HPKP)

Picking skin is a symptom of something much deeper (and possibly darker).

The fact that you want to get rid of it is great but as someone mentioned you need help.

I would suggest reading "The body keeps the score" it may give a glimpse of the issue... But you need a professional

Good luck dear internet stranger and remember that you are lovable and loved

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Confidentially incorrect: at Google there is no clock in and no clock out (for employees, contractors is different). At Google you can work 1h per day or 20h per day you earn the same. Performances are assessed on the output not on the hour worked.

So, no, find another reason for which Google is right. Popular topic is “they disrupt other people work by making noise” (of course people can work on a laptop in another place because there is generally no special equipment at the desk but details) or “they destroyed properties… you cannot see in the picture but they destroyed millions of precious bacteria on the floor”

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I guess they may have thought you were there only for the "legal speed".

I would just try another doctor... I would not take it personally... Albeit it sucks you had the experience 😕

Hardly a stupid manages to become a bishop… it’s like saying a stupid becomes Senior Vice President of a huge corporation. It just doesn’t happen “accidentally”.

What it is more likely is that he was in the conservative side of the church (pope Benedict nominated him). When a “progressive”, (relatively) young and healthy as Francis went on power he realised that he couldn’t become any more senior in the church (before retiring in 10years) so he tried to accumulate as many “donations” as possible from the most gullible people in his neighbourhood (MAGA supporters). He just did what trump does: be an anti establishment (while well inside the establishment)

I am 100% sure this dude will not die in poverty

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I guess each person is different. I have zero sexual interest for women under (at very least) 25 (i am slightly older than him at the time they meet)

Even if they look older than they are, i still have no interest because there is too much different life experience and expectations. I just don't click (as a friend let alone as lover or partner).

Why 18 and not 17 or 25? Well society decided this is a (imo conservative, could have been higher) threshold for old people to have sex with young people.

Also 17 year old people can totally have sex with people of similar age (and we all have done 🙂) so it is not really about sexual self determination but rather avoiding predatory/manipolative behaviors of (much) older partners/lovers

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My first not embedded OS! Actually not... It wasn't the hipster "warp"... Boy i am old 😅

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And Russia. Funny how sometimes you need a small nudge from a military/strategic threat for doing the right thing 🤷

Training a combat pilot used to cost (in early 2000, not sure now) 10M€ for a NATO member.

Find me a modern jet that costs so little. Regardless of what politicians say, human life has a price… and it is waaaay below a jet (even including the training)

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Here we are talking of very debatable definitions of “making sense” tbh

And this is one of the many reasons that these days I create a @duck.com email address for each website.

My password manager (Bitwarden) happily generates for me both the mail and the password… now instead of having to look up for the unique password for each website I need to look for both the unique password and unique email 🤷

Furthermore if they are incompetent enough to make shitty regexp they are for sure incompetent to keep their db safe from hacking/leaking… and I am fine with a duck.com address being locked, less so with my actual email address

Self hosting is less appealing for criminals, though. Especially if the protocol is "vanilla" like ssh.

When you hack LastPass you know what you'll find, millions of passwords. When you hack a dude ssh you have one chance over one million that there is one dude password wallet.

It doesn't make financial sense to hack self hosting (unless it's specific server software)

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I am here with my popcorn to see how well this will play for those CEOs.

We are in an age in which getting to a power position is a reality show. You don’t need to know how to do anything, really. It’s enough that you have charisma and trigger emotions (possibly negative emotions, they work better)

At least in Europe, passengers jets are new because more fuel efficient at the "normal" speed. These old jets are then transformed in cargo where they go very slow so fuel efficiency goes up by other means (and the old jet is way cheaper).

This was a passenger plane so i doubt it was anywhere close to 50 years old

I never felt so close to try NetBSD as after reading this 😃

I would like to learn more on a sentence you casually dropped

it’s basically universally accepted that porn is harmful to children

It would be interesting to read some studies and what is the definition of “children”.

In other word I think that assertion is undebatable for a 6 year old… but what about a 14yo? And a 17yo?

To be fair, me as a south European kid I had an hard time to understand where the issue was there 😅 Sure power imbalance but more something to frown upon rather than the huge deal it became.

I think it is better that that kind of “scandals” are not happening any more

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If you stop putting fuel in your car, the first few miles are very cheap i must say....

Not the commenter but it seems like the parameters of the HTTP Get/Post weren't protected/checked. The API was likely something like: Email to reset: string(email account to reset) But it accepted something like: [string(email account to reset), string (email to which the reset mail is sent to)]

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From "free speech absolutist" to "free speech extremist" 😃

The real question is... Are these people repeatidly hurting you or they were one offs?

If it's repeated... Well that is an issue... You don't have a defense mechanism.

If it's one off... Well you just are an optimist person 😃