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What's scary is that I think the owner of userbenchmark actually believes that statement. Which might explain how he's so out of touch that he thinks his own crap doesn't stink and deserves to be locked behind a subscription. I'm just sad that there might be a not insignificant number of people that pay for it.

Even on cars that support it, it has always told you that you need to close Steam to put the car in drive. They don't let you play any games while the car is in motion.

It's been a decently good feature to have; the few times charging was a bit slow for me, it was nice to be able to play FFVI or Secret of Mana to pass the time. And it even synced my saves for when I got back home.

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"Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning."

Did she happen to have the entire interview recorded? Would be nice to see how well she did.

Isn't mother's milk still vegan if she consents?

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I get your point is to have a neutral 3rd party help oversee the elections, but having the UN do it would be one of the fastest ways to spark a civil war. A lot of Trump supporters very much believe the UN is one of the key players trying to bring the new world order.

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"Why do you have a wallpaper with gnomes having sex?"
"Meh, it's the default, I can't be bothered to change it."

When I was twelve, I woke up convinced that the color yellow was called yellow, because humans had figured out that word was intrinsically linked to that color.

I was devastated my "epiphany" stopped making sense after I fully woke up.

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Well, they are a minority.

I mean, if she's already dying, what's the issue here? I'm losing money if I have to stop and call 911, when she has a perfectly good phone to do it herself.

You're not really out of the loop, this was more than 20 years ago: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bnetd

I just tried this a couple different ways:

  1. Removing permission for "nearby devices" - this unfortunately appears to block both Bluetooth and NFC permission
  2. Turning off the phone's Bluetooth - NFC still works while the Bluetooth radio is off, but you'd basically never be able to safely use Bluetooth anytime you aren't watching your car. Setting a PIN is still unfortunately the only way to go, and hope that a dedicated attacker doesn't also find a way to capture your PIN (e.g. camera zoomed in on your screen).

Yep, the only thing better than encryption is for the data to not be on the device at all.

In headlines, a comma is often used in place of "and", so it should be read as "GOP Rep sued for falsely claiming man was Chiefs' parade shooter and illegal alien"

I think there are two arguments going on here, though

  1. It doesn't need to be trained on that data to produce it
  2. It was actually trained on that data.

Most people arguing point 1 would be willing concede point 2, especially since you linked evidence of it.

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Falling injuries would skyrocket if that door opened outward.

Just think of this as more of a YSK, instead of breaking news. 😉

I don't believe you're fully arguing in good faith here.

I'm assuming you've seen a naked adult, and if you had never seen a naked young person, I don't believe for one second you would be unable to infer what a naked young person might look like. You might not know for certain, but your best guess would likely be very accurate.

Generative AI can absolutely make those same inferences, so it does not need inappropriate training material for it to generate it.

The AI knows what a young person looks like.
It knows what a clothed adult looks like.
It knows what an unclothed adult looks like.

An AI trained on 100% legal material could make that inappropriate inference without even trying.

Now, have all the popular AI models actually been trained on 100% legal material? I have no way of knowing that answer, but you're incorrect to assume that just because it can output inappropriate images, that absolutely 100% proves that data was also included in its training input. Edit: nevermind, it definitely has been trained on inappropriate material, but that doesn't disprove that it doesn't need to be.

In this hypothetical, the AI would be trained on fully clothed adults and children. As well as what many of those same adults look like unclothed. It might not get things completely right on its initial attempt, but with some minor prompting it should be able to get pretty close. That said, the AI will know the correct head size proportions from just the clothed datasets. It could probably even infer limb proportions from the clothed datasets as well.

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It's a play on an idiom, "there's gold in them there hills." I'm not sure if it's just a really old idiom, or just a rural dialect, or both.


I have no control of my emotions when watching movies. Aladdin setting the genie free? 😭😭😭😭

This is the part of the conversation where I have to admit that you could be right, but I don't know enough to say one way or the other. And since I have no plans to become a pediatrician, I don't intend to go find out.

Why do you assume that complaining is the same as saying Twitter isn't allowed to do this? I can still think it's shitty without thinking they aren't allowed to do it.

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I always remove the stick once I've eaten down to the stick. So for me, at least half the corn dog is always eaten with my hands.

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Who decided that's how downvoting should be used? There is no official rulebook (especially on the fediverse), and etiquette is decided as a group, but there isn't clear consensus on this.

The technical function of the downvote is to push the comment down far enough that people won't see it. And so people will continue to use it as a way to communicate that they do not approve of the comment. And telling people to stop downvoting comments they don't like is trying to enforce a rule they never agreed to.

The issue is just for 1 on 1 phone calls, meetings seem to work fine.

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Okay, maybe a not-for-profit organization that he voluntarily resigned from gave him a golden parachute deal with perpetual royalties that's totally secret. We can never know ...

One thing we do know? Using Brave has a 100% chance of supporting him financially.

Ooh, you beat mine: 848330 (unfortunately, mine was hacked over 5 years ago, and by the time I realized, their logs didn't go back far enough for me to validate that I was the original owner)

And even if the 240 million laptops were all 24" ultra wide behemoths, that's still only ~146,304 km; not even half the average distance to the moon.

I wouldn't even call the article hyperbole, but if we take the author in good faith, then they're just terrible at math.

I've heard conservatives claim that many liberals actually want forced abortions, because it's really about eugenics and population control.

The original question was whether it was legal, not whether they could get away with it. If they did get caught, there is a very high likelihood they could be convicted of fraud.

It's probably closer to a strawman or false dichotomy, than it is projection.

Though, providing basic needs to prisoners seems like a relatively small price to pay to keep them off the streets and hopefully deter other crime.

The viewing options OP listed should all work with AV1, I think they were just worried by the preset names. Plus, hardware support should only get better.

OP, you should be able to adjust settings after you select a preset, so you can pick different dimensions/frame rates/audio codecs/etc.

Side note, I've found that the matroska container is the easiest one for me to use if I want better subtitle support.

Dog whistle literally just means coded language that an ordinary observer might not notice, but can be used to subtly identify other like-minded individuals.

Not all dog whistles are necessarily bad (depending on perspective). I'm an ex-mormon, and one dog whistle is a tapir. Without more information, it is too subtle to really know for certain whether I just like tapirs, or that I'm actually ex-mormon. But eventually, two ex-mormons might see enough signals to finally confide in one another.

A lot of the language you used is innocuous enough, and I didn't feel like it was at the level @hoodatninja claimed, but it definitely had a "Reddit was becoming too woke" vibe to it, without actually coming out and outright saying it, aka, a dog whistle.

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I sync OneDrive to my Synology as well, another reason I'm okay with the "double" traffic is that my and my wife's photos from our smartphones immediately get backed up to our Synology, even when we're away from home.

Tap on your username at the top, select Settings, and you should find a privacy section. Right now you can only toggle showing magazines or users you follow.

He's saying "crime pays," so the tax won't hurt them.

When I lived in England, I felt like I was going to freeze if it got colder than 17°C, usually had the heat set to 19°C. During the summer, probably around 22-24°C.

I now live in Phoenix, AZ, and set it at about 65°F in winter and 74°F in summer.

I'm pretty sure @WouldYouLikeAnyToast was being sarcastic

You tilt your head back like you normally would, and then just breathe out through the liquid. It does the exact same thing you're doing, just without vibrating the vocal cords.