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Joined 1 years ago

They're coming for your children!!!

It's hard to feel sorry for fabulously wealthy people who use their hoard for personal pleasure, while others die seeking basic needs that could easily be provided if everyone shared.

I love those videos where people are caught trying to have a private conversation by someone who speaks an unexpected language! Also it's shocking to me how many people loudly speak common dialects of Chinese and don't expect anyone to follow... literally over a billion humans can understand Mandarin, someone is listening.

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"We were throttled because we use too much data. They said this happens when people stream videos a lot."

I'm replying to you from Kbin! Federation is great.

This valuable post here, apparently

This happened to me on a smaller scale.

I had a sinus infection for several years. Doctors threw every antibiotic at me and nothing stuck. Was told to take antihistamines and see if it cleared up.

I ended up with a bunch of dental cavities from dry mouth and said Enough - I got an appointment with another doctor and pleaded with them for a different prescription. Antifungal. A week later it was gone.

Just put Mending on it, you'll be fine

He really likes to acquire things and then turn them into (e)Xes.

Well if the headlines on human rights violations and fraud weren't enough to make you think twice, I doubt my experience today watching a senior man wrestle a huge TV out of his non-air-conditioned Amazon truck by himself for my neighbor would change your mind.

I went to the emergency room when I was 19 because I couldn't swallow it hurt so much (they were not very sympathetic).

Me too, and I was glad my body responded so I knew it was doing something.

Well written. It's just cosplay.

Microsoft doesn't make any money when I play Minecraft on my PC. I paid them once, 14 years ago, for an account.

I have been receiving new content for free from them on occasion, and playing endless content from the community for mostly free. The community of content creators is what initially brought me to the game when it was in beta and it's what keeps me coming back.

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As someone suffering with an illness similar to Long Covid, I too am pleased with all the medical innovations coming.

Not who you replied to, but I also had no interest due to excellent role models in my family for what NOT to do. I have had 1 alcoholic beverage my entire life, on my 21st birthday, and it was completely lackluster.

Sprinkle it with glitter, the herpes of the craft world

They're good for a few years but not forever.

I'm in a similar situation and the fallout from the pandemic has done amazing things for my family.

My spouse doesn't have to drive two hours a day to sit in an office, we get to have lunch together, there's time to run midday errands. And many things that I didn't used to be able to do remotely, are suddenly accessible, like talking to my doctor or signing legal documents.

My family too. Arby's and Jack were places we never even considered going.

As an adult I've tried both, and my conclusion is Arby's tries to be Subway and Dairy Queen and does a mediocre job; Jack is like microwaveable gas station snacks.

I lived in a city where they were building a residential district around light rail and built the entire area without parking spaces. I think there were a few spots for deliveries here and there, but we're talking a dozen apartment high rises with no parking garages.

They just assumed that because there was light rail through the district, nobody would need a car there??

This is in the States, where stroads are the norm and nothing is walkable. So those people might be able to take the light rail to a small number of major employers on the other end of the light rail line... but their kids will have to be bussed to school, and their spouse will have to get a bicycle to go grocery shopping, and good luck going to the dentist across town.

What about having friends come to visit? They gotta park at the transit center and rail in?

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Over 10. I left for Voat, then it died, then I didn't come back for a long time. Started enjoying it again and now I'm done.

I'm impressed they are all willing to share a litter box! Lucky.

I identify with your sentiment so much. Forced to spend the first quarter of my life absorbing questionable curriculum that ultimately didn't prepare me for adulthood, then agree to unforgivable debt, for what?

For many students, Hess said, the point of an expensive college education is not to gain practical job skills. “It’s just a really expensive toll that lets you jump the queue and get the good jobs.”

The current status of college in America is a scam. It's designed to uplift the upper class and ruin lives of the lower classes to discourage future generations from trying.

Chetty and Friedman and Deming — all of whom work at Ivy League universities — put it starkly: “We conclude that highly selective private colleges currently amplify the persistence of privilege across generations.”

It's gatekeeping.

We absolutely need a points system in this country. Dui, lose your license AND your car for a month. Hit a pedestrian, come see us in 5 years.

I know these harsh consequences can be even harder in the US than Europe, but as someone who has never been able to drive I know it's not a life ender to lose the privilege for a short time. It's worth the grief to get people taking it more seriously.

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I ordered some on Etsy in August, their usual harvest season. They were ok but not particularly flavorful.

Right, I can't use my phone without it and I'm not buying into Apple. I also really like the user reviews on Maps, it's like Yelp and TripAdvisor before they both fell to enshttification. I've also got a Voice number that I pay nothing for and I give it out when businesses demand a phone number. I don't see myself switching to anything else for those.

It literally says "11 years ago" in the picture

Two bits of info I wasn't aware of! Going to check out MS!

Good things don't last forever - chase your dreams.

Well that's terrifying. You're just minding your own business and all of a sudden your finger is a toasted marshmallow.

Funny you say you would feel more free. I think if I came from money there would have been many expectations of me going to a fancy school and having a successful career. My marriage options would have been guided and I may even have been expected to take over a family business. Basically my life planned out by family with incredible power.

Since I came from a modest lower middle class family, all anybody expected me to do was pay for myself. I've pretty much been able to do whatever I wanted as long as they didn't have to help me make rent. I've traveled, tried different kinds of jobs, and even started my own little company on the side.

Why have you not learned to draw or play an instrument? Do you suffer from long work hours or inadequate pay? If so, my apologies, this world isn't built fairly.

I ordered mine directly from the manufacturer and it doesn't install stuff. However, I also declined to agree to any of the Samsung ecosystem helper apps like the Store or Bixby.