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Joined 1 years ago

Atari 7800. I bought it from someone on craigslist about 3 years ago. The video was pretty fuzzy and audio wasn't consistent, so I talked them down to a good price. I ended up modding it for composite video and audio, but I rarely play it. I didn't grow up with an Atari, so I don't have the nostalgia for the games, but I still think it's pretty neat.

TIL that plain TeX is a thing.

Neat, lots more e-waste incoming

This sounded strange to me, so I looked it up. This Wikipedia article suggests all US states have a good samaritan law, and some extend that further by requiring bystanders to reasonably provide assistance. However, who is liable and to what extent appears to vary. Additionally, interactions with other state laws could complicate things.

All that said, I admittedly don't know much about good samaritan laws beyond this article.


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I mentioned to a family member how much I like my garlic press. I then received a garlic press for Christmas and will certainly be regifting it.

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Holy fucking nope. I wasn't planning on getting Windows 11 and this serves as a great reminder to make the transition to Linux. I've been thinking of picking up a raspberry pi 5 as my next desktop. Anyone want to share their experiences doing something similar?

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The Book of Eli (47% critic 64% audience). It's a good story, it's well produced, solid acting. It's not the best movie ever but I enjoy it.

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I think the reported numbers are coming from downdetector.com, which relies on self reporting and people being aware that the website exists. I imagine many more customers were affected. Also, anything the prevents emergency services communication, which occurred during this outage, should be considered a major outage imo

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Predictability in a chaotic system across various scales of time and space.

Telling someone that I'm on my way. Finding music to listen to. Figuring out what my next errand is or checking if I have anymore errands.

Not an ingredient necessarily, but I toast rice with spices before cooking it. I throw some oil and garlic in the pot I'm going to cook the rice in, then put in the rice and (for mexican-like dishes) garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder, cumin, a little oregano, a little cayenne pepper, and salt. I mix that all up continuously over medium heat for a couple minutes, then I add the water and cook the rice. It makes an incredible difference in taste

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That's a bummer that CSAM is still being posted. I get that y'all need to stop the people posting it immediately, and I agree with whatever you need to do to make that happen. However, I hope you can find a solution later down the road that allows VPN users to continue fully interacting with the site.

I don't think it's so much a concern about violating the ToS as it is the consequences of violating it. Valve may be able to lock the account or close it if they have good reason to suspect the account has a new owner. An example of solid evidence of this may be changing the payment method for purchases, such that the name on a credit card doesn't match the previous cardholder name on the steam account.

But if the new owner doesn't plan on making new purchases on the account, it would probably be more difficult to confirm the account was transferred.

I had this happen to me on eBay as well. I paid a few extra bucks to avoid buying from Amazon and instead got the item mailed to me directly from Amazon. This is against eBay's policies (you need to have the described item on hand) and may be against Etsy's policies too

I strongly recommend Mint Cinnamon for those coming from Windows. It just works and feels similar, though it's not a perfect comparison and will require you to explore things a little bit. Even so, you should be able to run most things without the command line or worrying about how the OS and file system are structured

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Oddly enough I've had the most success selling things on craigslist in the past few years. When I list things on OfferUp I get some messages but everyone is super flaky. People are still flaky on craigslist but I almost always end up closing the sale there instead of OfferUp

Both. I bought one from this brand before and it rusted after the first use. I'll admit I may not have washed it properly, but that's not something I expect from my kitchenware. And I don't see a use for a second garlic press, but I'm open to hearing one

Though it sounds silly, sundogs are the name of an actual optic phenomena. They appear as bright spots on either side of the sun, aligned with where the halo may appear. Hence, they are "dogging" the sun.

From stinks to skinks

I can't let go of it either, though I don't listen to it as frequently anymore. Got any good recs?

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I peaked during the pandemic and was also depressed. It's a difficult cycle to break but I got out of it. If you want to chat about it let me know.


That's the story I was expecting


The United Nations collectively minus the US: "The situation in Gaza is fucked and Israel needs to de escalate so innocent Palestinians can survive."

The US: "Well we have specialized interests here and if we can't have our way I guess a few more innocent Palestinians will have to die."

Bruh. I did not know Constantine was so poorly rated. I love this movie.

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I can live off soiled bread I suppose

Looks like a couple people mentioned this, but you will likely want/need to mod whatever system you get. I have a modded NES and Atari 7800, so I can comment on those.

There used to be a NES mod that fixed the pin connector issue, called "Blinking Light Win" https://www.arcadeworks.net/products/blw?variant=36483581116569. They've been sold out for at least a couple years (I've sporadically checked out of curiosity since I bought mine). But if you can get your hands on one I strongly recommend it. It has made my NES incredibly reliable and it's very easy to install. No soldering, just open the console, remove the 72 pin connector, and pop in the BLW. Done.

For the Atari 7800, there's a composite video/s-video board mod you can pick up. I'm forgetting what the name of it is, and I don't have the manual handy at the moment, but I will try to update later with the name and link. Anyway, this one is more involved and requires some soldering. It's not too difficult, just requires some patience, and it's very worth it. Composite audio is a separate solution, but doesn't require extra hardware, just a little more soldering.

I hope that helps! Feel free to reach out about these mods and I can explain further.

I'm really enjoying Valheim lately. It's similar to Minecraft in a lot of ways, but leans a little more into RPG elements with leveled skills. There's a bit more of a story, heavier focus on combat, and NPCs to interact with (though I haven't reached that point myself).

Just made that shit up. I was trying to think of something stupid that wouldn't identify me in any personal way, and this one made me chuckle

Morrowind with online multiplayer. Don't get me wrong, I like Skyrim and ESO is cool, just different. But I enjoyed my Morrowind experience and would love to see it modernized in some ways, mostly visual

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Figment. I'm not sure how much attention this one got, but I hadn't heard about it until I was searching the Nintendo store for deals. It's a short puzzle/action game with a good story that felt compelling.

Oh that's interesting. I started poking around with a Gameboy emulator guide implemented in Python that intended to emulate a Z80. Got any good resource recommendation in case I decide to pick this back up and inevitably get stuck?

I really enjoyed year zero as well. It felt fresh, there was a decent amount of experimentation, and I appreciated the lyrical themes

I'm gonna try this one today, thanks!

Job for a Cowboy. Their latest album, Moon Healer, is fucking incredible. If you're into technical death metal it's a must listen

I was on the left tail of that distribution at first, ngl