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Joined 11 months ago

I used to work at a company that practically refused to hire black people because their dress code precluded basically every common black hairstyle.

It pisses me off that dreads and braids are some sort of white-collar taboo.

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Your logic implies that a hundred cows are killed to source a single burger. That's not how that works. Be vegan, but don't be stupid.

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Same for me. It used to be the case that a block of cheese was cheaper than sliced or grated, but at some point in the last 10 years it's evened out. That's the case for every store I shop at.

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Yeah, the levels have to be cleared by their creator before they go up.

Me neither, but this guy has ConcernedApeLLC on his LinkedIn.

I really don't like that it uses the same assets as Stardew and seems to be very much in the same genre.

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Couldn't you use the penny and just attempt to find the cure for death? It makes everything else silly.

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Reddit bad

Everyone is being very serious.

When I got my first smartphone, circa 2009, I left it on the toilet paper holder in the employee bathroom at my work. I didn't realize I had lost it until I went to clock out and my boss handed it to me and laughed at me for taking a shit on the clock.

The worst part is, I didn't even use the toilet; I went in there to adjust my pants and redo my belt, and I took my phone and my wallet out of my pockets and set them down on the nearest surface.

I'll never forget my boss's face when he called me out. He was a nice guy, but it was super embarrassing.

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No, certainly not most. Some, for sure, but tons of albums are uploaded by some random dude.

Hey it's not exactly what you asked for, but at Carl's Jr. there's a whole ass list of cool substitutions you can make for free. You can order "whole leaf" lettuce instead of shredded. If you ask for a "large bun" on one of the smaller sandwiches and they'll give you one that's usually used for one of the big burgers.

It is the opposite of a button mashing nightmare

I'm still going strong, too. Congrats.

Brutal. He's so wrong and he has no idea.

Dude, that sucks. I can picture the walk of shame. They really shouldn't do shit like that.

It's insane how after all this time, nothing fills that niche quite as well as ARK.

That's one way to interpret it, but I don't think the movies ever actually tell us that. The game certainly suggests something else entirely.

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Wrong. Meelo is awesome.

I haven't seen anyone say The Boondocks yet. That show has a banger of an intro.

Noah is the shit.

This is a great video.

Well they added a few cosmetic items from the show, I'm pretty sure.

Same. I played it on the switch maybe a year ago, and at first I didn't understand the reputation for being tough, but after a half hour I was too frustrated to keep playing.

My concern would be if someone slipped and got their leg wedged between two of the steps

I know it's kind of an unpopular thread, but geez, those are widely considered some of the greatest games. It seems like you're a bit older than I was when I played most of those, and I wonder if my youth made me enjoy those games more than they deserved.

The Parasite Eve game on the PSP was pretty good. Mega Man Maverick Hunter X and Mega Man Powered Up were both good too.

Something is just fucking wrong with the Mega Man collections. I can't quite put my finger on it, but they just don't feel right.

Of course it does. I remember a lot of people thinking Rock types were immune to electric attacks because nearly every rock type in red and blue was also a ground type.

Same. I rocked that game for a year before Pokemon Go came out. It was insanely addictive. I would walk like 3-5 miles a day and I'd take way too many breaks at work to go hit the portals by my office.

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I'm genuinely asking: What makes you not want to be angry at the people who hurt you?

I wouldn't say it looks like shit, but I'm not impressed.

Ah fuck, I didn't notice that. Is that true in all cases?

I've upgraded mine four times.

He doesn't mean that you mentioned fallacies, he means that you used them lol

A lot of the time I can't wait to finish my cereal so I drink all the milk like halfway through. I love milk

I heard you're into (non) heavy metal



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I love this song

So, everyone suffers because you surround yourself with people that you think are beneath you?

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Lol you got rage baited

Zombie movie makers are always looking for a fresh new angle. I think you just found one.

Such a good song. I like when the guy is fixing his hair in the reflection of the disco ball.