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Joined 1 years ago

I'm not sure that it's simply that a city attracts left leaning people.

I grew up conservative, religious, and from the country, and had to move to the city because that's where my mom took us. My move to the left ocurred due to what the city offered: cultures. I was exposed to many other ways of thinking, to art, to music, to trends, to drugs. I came to see other types of people as just people like me, with different points of view but each deserving their own chance at the American dream. I also became atheist.

The city might attract the left, but it also creates the left.

Incidentally, I want to move to a more secluded part of the state, probably where you'd see the F**k Biden billboards. We can't all be pigeon holed so easily.

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This looks like an AI-generated fever dream nightmare.

Considering all the volcanoes and heat vents down there, I doubt a data center is going to tip any scales.

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Microsoft Solitaire on Android. The ads were driving me nuts so I went to pay for the app. If I recall they wanted almost 10 bucks a month for that shit. Deleted, forgotten, until now.

Well, that solidifies my plan for graphene os on this 7pro and once fairphone comes state side I'm going all in. Been moving to Proton services and this will be the first and last Google phone I get. So sick of their backtracking on everything I enjoy. Fuck Google.

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No representation without taxation.

I recall there being laws in place to protect people in your position. Since you had to move across the country to remain employed and they let you go after you did so, you might be entitled to money or your job to some extent. Sorry, I have no idea the name of such laws or any source, but if I were you I'd look this up on the side because it could mean sustaining you out there while you get situated.

My sister is a sweetheart who loves animals, nature, people, and has given so much of her time and money to take care of our mother.

She voted Trump and it seems like she would do it again. Why?

She's a fundamentalist evangelical Christian. You have to understand the Christian slant if you're setting out to understand Trump voters. It's not the only lens to see the MAGA phenomenon through, but it's a big one.

Why are those two tied together so tightly, even though it's glaringly obvious that Trump isn't a Christian himself and doesn't espouse their values? He gave them all the things they wanted. And he'll keep doing it.

You'll find plenty of other people backing Trump as well, and many will be total assholes and pond scum. The liberal tears crowd, the trolls. Probably the ones many commenting here are talking about. But I suspect these types are only the vocal minority and it's people like my sister who are a much more silent majority. They are beloved people in their communities, they are not the monsters you would make them out to be. It takes an open mind to understand their position. Make sure you're ready to explore and understand without judgement, or else you might as well just write them off and find something more productive to use your time with.

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He's sweating Mac sauce.

The Democrats need an effective communicator that really connects with people.

I'm excited for this ticket, not because I'm Minnesotan, but because the country desperately needs Waltz, on television, at least as much as MAGAs have been. His rational and relatable mind is a remedy to the years of maddening bullshit that have been blasting us lower and lower to the depths.

I was so jaded by the Democrats and their inability to escape their ivory tower of power and even attempt to relate to me, that I was firmly resolved to vote RFK this election.

Now they offer a glimmer of hope. Here's hoping the tides are changing and they actually have conviction behind their normally hollow words. Biden has achieved some progressive agendas, and thankfully he released his grip to let others continue his surprising work.

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Here is his acknowledgement and explanation if anyone is interested:


Spot on. Real life isn't like the internet, when you act the aggressor the victim isn't going to down vote your behavior, they're going to run away or defend themselves.

When you stop thinking for yourself someone else will do the thinking for you.

It's ok to lose, it's an opportunity for personal growth.

Every person has a rich history and complex life they lived. Avoid the urge to pigeon hole, label, or otherwise treat people as a group.

I don't see how that could be possible, but if you can explain I'll keep an open mind.

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I get that anecdotes are not evidence. But each person has their own physical makeup and experience and I'm only sharing mine. It did not go back to normal for me quickly, it took months.

I'm happy that it worked great for others. I am an advocate for vaccines and my children have all their vaccinations. But I will not be getting this vaccine for myself.


I wanted to like it and I tried it over and over but I could not for the life of me get opensuse aeon or kalpa to work on my desktop when tumbleweed works perfectly. As soon as I installed the Nvidia drivers it went belly up and I couldn't find help online.

I'm still new to Linux so I'll accept that I need more experience but I can't help but feel like a degree in computer science is a recommended prereq for this stuff since there just doesn't seem to be solid documentation to get you through it.

That experience made me take microos off my server and put in proxmox instead.

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Our ticketing system has "untrained user" and "works as designed, not as expected" as options. Can't fix the problem if you don't know its nature.

I guess one man's vanilla is another man's mummy wraps.

And what options? When were we ever given a real choice?

I could never get a whistle when exhaling no matter what I tried. It takes no effort for me to whistle while inhaling though, but the range and volume are limited this way.

Down votes are for comments that detract from the topic. Having an unpopular opinion on a thread that's asking for your unpopular opinion is exactly what up voting is for. It's too bad you can't down vote the down votes in these apps.

Mine was a very similar path to yours. Way too many little observations that alone could have been shrugged off as a rounding error but taken together it was clear that shit wasn't adding up.

Then I started listening to biblical scholars and now there's nothing that could convince me otherwise. It's a collection of human literature. The good and the bad that had come from it is only a reflection of our humanity.

No worries, I really appreciate your follow-up.

I agree with Robert's professed view that vaccines should have enhanced safety protocols to ensure positive health outcomes. Specifically, a long term study on ingredients and so forth. This, he claims, stems from the staggering increase in child health issues in the past forty years. It makes perfect sense to want to use US health institutions to research possible causes and get to the bottom of it. I don't trust monied interests, but I do trust the scientific method.

However, scaremongering is wrong, and that appears to be what caused the issue. It isn't perfectly clear that Robert directly has blood on his hands, but it does seem like the company he kept at the time has done some damage, and so he at least has something to answer for here.

Thanks again for getting back to me on this.

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I've been looking to move from wpf to blazor the past couple of years, looks like the iron is hot.

Thanks for sharing!

I like fedora but I'm really loving opensuse tumbleweed on both my desktop and laptop. I have Nvidia rtx cards and support is just a few mouse clicks post-image. I get better FPS now than I did in Windows 11.

Adding that zorin was great as well but it's Debian-based so driver support was behind enough that some games wouldn't launch for me.

I can see how the advance/change of criteria can lead to an increase in diagnosis. But I don't think it's merely a perception that has evolved. Cancer rates in youth are rising significantly. The recommended age for common cancer screens are being lowered to reflect the change.

There was a time when the use of lead was perfectly normal and the flight to eliminate it for public safety was deemed as fringe. Likewise, I feel that we have new kinds of pollutants affecting our health and I have a keen interest in knowing what's safe and what isn't, now that I have children to care for.

I see vaccinations as one of humanity's greatest achievements. mRNA technology is exciting to me. But just like scaremongering upsets me, so does hasty policy making and social policing.

That said, my family is fully up to date on vaccination schedules. But I have worries that if we let our guards down and only take in facts on authority, we'll give way to corruption due to our unquestioning nature. This is in no way limited to vaccines, in fact I hardly question vaccines at all. I'm mostly interested in industrial pollution and Robert has extensive experience in this area. That's why I favored him, as a figure who lived to expose industrial and government corruption at the cost of human health.

It's like that episode of South Park where half the town supported the war in Iraq and the other half protested the war. Except in this case it's all the same person.

Based on some articles I read I'm not too surprised. The guy sounded like he was getting looney.

Because one is an app and the others are a technology standard. I can install Signal on my phone and use it to talk to people securely.

Where do I go to get XMPP or Matrix? Can I trust app makers to have correctly implemented the protocols? When it comes to security I tend to trust larger entities versus the garage startup.

I loooove my openSUSE desktop. 11 was the last straw. No amount of AI is going to bring me back.

I HATE advertisements, and I paid for Pro but it seemed like they didn't care. They want to milk me for everything I'm worth.

Good thing we have options. Linux has gotten so good, it's better than Windows 11 while letting me decide how to use the OS. Big learning curve, but it's smooth sailing when you get past it.

Dude, if you think the game engine designer and programmer had nothing to do with the end result then you're out of your mind. Romero did some design, play-tested, and wrote some utility applications for game development. He is not the star of Doom by a long shot. There were others, but Carmack was the music maker, the dreamer of the dreams at that company.

You do know that symphony of the night is not the first Castlevania, right? The first Metroid and first Castlevania games both came out in 1986.

Get some culture Van Winkle, you have been asleep for too long.

She really is, and the others who want to tar and feather any and all Trump voters could learn something knowing her.

But your hunch is likely correct. Christian fundamentalists do not vote Democrat. Democrats support choice, and in their frame of reference God already chose and we don't get a say. Abortion is a big one, despite there being nothing in the Bible to indicate a solid position on the matter.

Aside from the religious dogma, I doubt she spends any time on the internet or listening to political punditry. With less information to go by, she probably sees the hate as a part of the left's own orthodoxy and something that can be dismissed. As much as the left has going for it, there is some fierce orthodoxy and tone deafness that fuels the right wing's disdain and drives their dismissal of us.

Can you be culpable if you were not aware? I know that doesn't fly in matters of law but I think a person can be forgiven to an extent if they don't know the depths of a matter as well as others.

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What's stride?

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Ok that just sounds whacky and made up. At best a mischaracterization of some obscure situation.

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Pfft, your depth of insight could be scratched off with a fingernail.

It's every person and institution that shielded the voters from the reality of Biden's mental decline who should be blamed. These enablers ought to be charged with crimes against the US for election interference.

We could have had a real primary and let voters decide, now we're stuck with a convention nomination process that's out of our hands.

Fuck the DNC.

Think about what you just said in response to my story. You're so ready to tar and feather that you're willing to tell me that somehow you know the true intent of my sister better than her own brother.

In this cartoon of a world you live in, I hope someday you find room for nuance.

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Ideally, yes. Practically? Not going to happen. We can't expect it, we can only hope that's what people are doing.

This fact is why you hear some people say that not everyone should be allowed to vote. There is a staggering amount of ignorance in our society, that's just how it is.

It's easy to excuse people when you have love in your heart. This may be what's missing in our society.

The way you talk to strangers you don't know you absolutely deserve the vitriol. Drink up and nevermind how desperately confused you are.