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Case in point. I’m still waking up and thought that said adobe is taking on adobe

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With all due respect - how much discussion about Elon can there really be? Maybe a couple of substack posts here and there to get more insight but realistically it’s just the same thing over and over again. Special man got mad and has been throwing a years long temper tantrum- decimating a company in the process. I don’t think that’s gonna change and I’m pretty tired of seeing him clog up my feed.

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Runs on Microsoft cloud…. Sounds like it’ll be super versatile

Far too many leftists, like their right wing nut counterparts, are contrarians at heart. This is what happens when political ideology becomes a personality trait; it becomes akin to a religion.

hit the nail on the head with that. I've seen so many leftists horseshoe into this perverted self righteousness. and it is even more frustrating when they act like they are directly involved in a conflict they really have nothing to do with.

saw this too! looks like it broke a ton of tweet embeds too... Muskrat says its to mitigate scrapers but--this feels heavy handed

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I’m happy to hear this but honestly I’m confused as to how flipboard is supposed to work with federated media. I thought it was basically an RSS aggregator? Could someone explain

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This reminds me of those hitler quotes that people were duped into agreeing with and then being told it was said by hitler.

Much easier to back into a spot compared to pulling in, safer to pull out. And it doesn’t take much longer. Once you know how to do it it’s very very quick

This makes me think of those memes where people struggle with telling white male celebrities apart

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Fluids! Fluids! Fluids!

Honestly just gotta let it run its course - treat the symptoms and don’t let yourself suffer. But the one thing I personally dislike is the combo drugs, as a rule of thumb it’s better to take individual meds instead of something like nyquil/dayquil - it can just get messy with appropriate dosing. Just see what’s in those combos and buy the individual meds if you can - not the end of the world if you use the quils but I think it’s just better overall.

To answer your question though - no, taking meds to manage symptoms won’t prolong the illness. It might make you more likely to physically exert yourself and then make the healing slower but that’s likely gonna be negligible.

Fluids, eat, and rest. Hope you get better soon!

kagi seems very enticing to me, but man thats expensive... anyone here use it?

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I'm pretty sure Garmin has a good privacy policy - mozilla seemed to like them - and I got a fenix6 sapphire on ebay used for about $250 and I love it. Way better than my apple watch, particularly because I care more about fitness tracking and hate having texts show up on my watch.

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I can’t believe I never thought about that - gotta try this later today

May her memory be a blessing.... I hope that the community she is a part of will find peace in the coming days, months, and years

These kinds of generalizations do not help the cause on either side. It's only going to help fan the flames. Plenty of Palestinians are just regular citizens who live under the tyrannical rule of Hamas, but would much rather prefer peace. May I ask, do you have personal involvement in this conflict at all? Do you see comments like this helping Israelis, Jews, or Palestinians reaching peace and stability?

I'm all about informed consent - I'm wiling to compromise privacy as long as I know how much I'm compromising in exchange for convenience - using virtual assistants to shoot off texts, make calendar events, etc is invaluable to me for many reasons and it improves QOL more than it harms it - I do what I can to limit how much access there is to my queries, but thats just how I approach it

Probably going to be travel nurses, med students, and moonlighting physicians who need to make ends meet - along with others

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Could you… by chance- pick yourself up by then?

This past week I deep cleaned my vacuum instead of studying for an exam

Yes it’s the same as drinking water - you’re getting hydrated

the new VIP tickets will be listening from under the stage and having the opportunity to catch glimpses of the performance through the floorboards

Imo it depends on the patient. If the patient says they take the meds but their signs - vitals, telemetry, routine labs, PE, etc show otherwise - then it’s your responsibility to confirm or deny patient medication adherence.

I’d like to say a functioning healthcare team means that the top level providers will trust their nurse’s judgement about the patients they are in charge of.

But at the end of the day this is about treating patients and ensuring that a standard of care is met. Part of that standard is allowing for shared decision making, non paternalistic care, etc.

But again, it is your responsibility to know what is happening with the patient. It’s not really that you’re forcing the patient to adhere, it’s to confirm if they take it or not.

I think ublock is working on a fix

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this got me to laugh out loud when I opened Elonged Muskrat's wikpedia page and found it completely blurred out. Thank you!!!

I feel it for sure. I’m kinda using it as an opportunity to take a break from socials for a bit to be honest. I’m excited about kbin and lemmy but I’m also happy to have the clunkiness of the sites be a reason for me to be outside more

to me that looks like it could have been an absence seizure

You could check out NTS Radio - so many shows from a very wide variety of genres, and they have an archive of every episode

that's really sweet - how often do you find that the assistants do a good enough job answering their questions?

I’ve seen you comment this before and I’m really sick of it. Get Jews out of your mouth and mind your own business. Idk where your hard on for Jews came from but it’s really weird. Grow up.

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even if that were true - it wouldn't make sense. That would would a) create a huge disparity between signups and DAU b) they did make the signup process very frictionless which would explain the signups better and c) I believe it threads signups were in the millions whereas Instagram has over 1B accounts

i think you're on the cusp on creating the next fad in the wellness industry - find a way to legally call it that and suddenly its flying off the shelves. "it's so safe you can DRINK it!"

Interesting article, I really liked it! I appreciated the link you made to keeping junk food in the house to encourage people to delete those apps off the phone. I wonder if the junkie statements at the beginning might be a turnoff to readers who might be on the fence (if that’s an audience you’re trying to appeal to)

If it’s all articles and documents I’d suggest zotero

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this was super neat! thanks for sharing

I just replayed it on my PC last year and... I enjoyed it well enough - not sure why we'd need a remake though

I'm not 100% but i think Garmin has a pretty good privacy policy - mozilla seemed to like them - and I got a fenix6 sapphire on ebay used for about $250 and I love it. Way better than my apple watch, particularly because I care more about fitness tracking and hate having texts show up on my watch.

If there was lineageos support I might consider it - I only see up to the 8 on the site (and not sure what to expect). it's frustrating because in a lot of ways this is the perfect phone for me. the 2 years of support is a huge dealbreaker --

beats me. in the healthcare world kaiser is pretty polarizing. the effectiveness of having the entire healthcare system in one network has a lot of benefits (patient access, communication between physicians, billing) - but of course with that level of vertical power means that there's ample room for greed to get in the way of prioritizing patient care and dignified treatment of their providers. So it's possible they have a lot more money than we think, which means more time to try to demoralize the strikers.

It could be an emotional/ego factor as well... execs who feel too proud to fold.

what are your thoughts?

You reverse time and have to decide between your girlfriend (?) or literally everyone else in the town

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Yeah I've used it for years and it's incredibly useful! I use the citation tool on it a lot and then I bought papership on my iPad to read the articles away from my computer