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Joined 12 months ago

You forgot to summon them: tankie, tankie, tankie

There, that should get them to chime in.

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Sure doesn't help that the billionaires win no matter the outcome.

Well, it is canon that the Abrahamic god kills children en masse sometimes. He does love a good genocide.

Not even "vote Democrat," she just urged people to vote period. And linked to encouraging people to research what would be on their ballot. The fact that the right takes this as an attack on them isn't surprising to anyone.

I was born in 1993 and I did that with my neighborhood friends too.

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The more positive spin version is that they test freedom of (and from) religion to ensure it is being applied broadly and not solely for Christianity and, to a lesser extent, Judaism.

So you think it's totally fine that people just doing their fully legal job in the state they live and work in should be subjected to arrest warrants that prevent them from ever safely entering a completely different state?

"Sorry boss, I can't go to that conference. It's hosted in Texas and I'll be arrested as I exit the plane."

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You seem annoyed at either possibility here. Which would you prefer?

Because if they let third party scrapers access the private data without user action, it's not private and they may as well not do this at all.

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Both my brother and my brother-in-law are professional chefs and they each eat the weirdest nonsense on their own. It's like their palettes have to be so refined at work that they need to throw the wildest combos of flavors together at home to feel like they're eating something different.

So if anything I think this qualifies you as the "chef guy."

Basically scripts you can run on the fly to pull calculated data. You can (mostly) treat them like tables themselves if you create them on the server.

So if you have repeat requests, you can save the view with maybe some broader parameters and then just SELECT * FROM [View_Schema].[My_View] WHERE [Year] = 2023 or whatever.

It can really slow things down if your views start calling other views in since they're not actually tables. If you've got a view that you find you want to be calling in a lot of other views, you can try to extract as much of it as you can that isn't updated live into a calculated table that's updated by a stored procedure. Then set the stored procedure to run at a frequency that best captures the changes (usually daily). It can make a huge difference in runtime at the cost of storage space.

And this is why unions are so important. A union for a former job of mine also made a big deal about not only duties beyond the job description but workload beyond normal.

Republicans didn't force her to collude with the DNC to tamper with the primary. Nor did they force her to campaign on such gems as "$15/hr minimum wage is too high" and "we don't need universal health care" and "if you don't vote for me you're sexist."

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On your second point, that's what the science actually says. "Observer" or "observation" is used in a scientific sense and was probably a poor word choice. Science journalism gets carried away with anything that has the word "quantum" in it and it drives us mad.

You're absolutely right that the mechanism that's causing the wave function to collapse is the presence of whatever piece of equipment the particle is hitting. Whether that collapse happens at the two slits or the back wall changes the pattern, and that change is what shows wave-particle duality.

Also: physics doesn't claim to know that the Big Bang only happened once. That's just as far back as we can rewind with our current models. This is again something that science journalism takes a lot of liberty with.

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Hands down the worst phone I've had was the Nexus 6P. The battery issues were incredibly bad, to the point there was a successful class action lawsuit about it.

Since that was a Google phone manufactured by Huawei, I have no idea how that contributes to this conversation but it seemed relevant. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Going through The Expanse again. Such a good show that unfortunately got soured towards the end by a bad egg in the cast. But I'm enjoying it regardless, the work everyone else put into that show deserves praise. They found such a good balance point on the hard vs. soft sci-fi spectrum. Just enough realism and scientific accuracy to make the setting feel authentic without getting in the way of the story.

And Dominique Tipper as Naomi effortlessly code switching as she interacts with Inners and Belters is astounding. Not just her, all the Belter actors do such a great job with their dialects, but because of her screen time and back story it's a lot more varied for her.

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I have a pipe dream of slowly developing a game of my own, but even if I think I could eventually figure out my own homebrew engine, the whole thing is operating on my free time so that's even more unrealistic of a goal that's either gonna lead nowhere or to massive headache down the line.

So I looked around and liked a few things about Unity:

  • 2D game support
  • Easy publishing to consoles
  • Free to develop in while I test the waters
  • Plethora of training material available

I've sunk a decent amount of time into training materials already, and was starting to feel good about the whole process when this news hit. Not even gonna question it, I'm looking elsewhere. Godot looking mighty tempting to avoid any shenanigans like this. Ultimately if my dream ever realizes I'd like to be able to publish to console, but there are routes available for that with Godot and maybe the options would improve by the time I reach that point.

One day nationally is the only answer.

IMO, no one comes out of this looking good. The DNC has shown that it is willing to invalidate entire states' voices when they disagree on with state politicians. That's a very bad look considering they're still suffering from all their bullshit in 2016.

On the other hand, NH doesn't get too declare in their own state law that they get to vote before anyone else. Throwing a fit because someone else gets to go first is childish.

Make primaries a single national affair and be done with it. Better yet, make the general presidential elections national too.

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I'm about 3 weeks into my Bolt EUV ownership. Literally never considered any of their other EVs based on price alone. Really happy with my Bolt EUV so far, and really glad I snagged one before they stopped making them. For all their talk of limited demand, there was a lot of competition in my area to get one.

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This strategy can backfire if your game gets popular enough. If both versions are counted separately and they each pass 1mil downloads and the 12 month revenue threshold then you're paying the higher per-install fee brackets twice.

To demonstrate, let's imagine a game like this has 4 million installs in the first year and uses the Enterprise plan for the best pricing structure.

Scenario A: single version

  • First 1,000,000 @ $0.00: $0
  • 1,000,001-1,100,000 @ $0.125 : $12,500
  • 1,100,001-1,500,000 @ $0.06 : $24,000
  • 1,500,001-2,000,000 @ $0.02 : $10,000
  • 2,000,001-4,000,000 @ $0.01 : $20,000
  • Total cost: $66,500

Scenario B: two versions priced separately, 2 mil installs each

Each one is the first four lines above, so the total cost is $46,500*2 = $93,000

In either scenario, additional installs beyond these 4 million cost $0.01 each (regardless of which game it's installed on). There's a fine line of staying below the annual revenue thresholds (or not too far above) where this strategy does save you money.

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If you click through to it, the actual study uses Celsius. The Fahrenheit is just the journalist converting.

Yeah, could potentially make a lot of states unsafe to go to because you "broke" a law you weren't subject to.

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New full name: Theophrastus Bombastus

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Yeah, I have no idea how to answer this. I haven't logged into Reddit once since 3rd party apps shut down, but I will still go in incognito mode via mobile browser when seeking specific information if reddit threads come up on a search. I'd say it's not a regular basis except I search for a LOT of stuff all the time. But I'm definitely not browsing Reddit anymore.

That would basically cover my student loan payments, so it would be equivalent to loan forgiveness for me. Improve is an understatement, that would actually allow me to save money. Right now my wife and I make slightly above area median income and we're just treading water financially. This would be a game changer. We could actually consider having a kid.

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If Draino works for you, great. But in case anyone is reading this and has an experience like mine where Draino never seems to fix clogs for long, especially in showers/bathtubs: try Green Gobbler. It's non-caustic, so easier on your pipes, and it breaks down clogs using enzymes to break up organic material. In my experience it's much more effective than Draino.

I'm stuck in an infinite loop of combining water, fire, wind, and earth with everything. I haven't even done any combos that don't involve one of those except by accident.

Send help.

Officially they're on hiatus. They originally said they were retiring the line, but then changed their tune and stated that the Bolt line will return after they can implement their new EV battery tech in them. I believe the statements have been imprecise about when that will be, but potentially sometime in 2025 (meaning the 2026 model). That's assuming no delays or changes to the plan.

If you want a new Bolt without waiting for the revived line, I'd think about acting soon. They're moving really quickly in my area. I'm really happy with the EUV so far, but I'm still only at like 250 miles. I didn't go for the Premier since I don't care about adaptive cruise control or their "Super Cruise" self driving thing.

Yeah, overreaction there. Like the other commenter said I wasn't correcting grammar or spelling, BSG 2004 is set in the past not the future.

"Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to inform you of a fire that has broken out at the promises of..."

Choosing not to prop Trump up as a pied piper during the primaries would also have been a good step. And putting anyone but one of the most unelectable politicians against him would also have been a good idea.

It also gets credit for being the excuse Democrats gave for 10 years about why health care reform wasn't important anymore. IMO the harm that has come from that momentum halt completely reversed any good the ACA did. If the Democrats treated it like the stepping stone it always was, I would agree it wasn't "jack shit".

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Cas Anvar, one of the main cast. Between the filming and release of the 5th season a massive wave of sexual harassment and assault allegations came out about him. He was dropped from the show for the final season in response to an investigation of the claims.

And this is why scientists tend to dislike science journalism. Whether intentional or not, it misses out the nuance that scientific findings usually require. And then those misrepresented facts start getting quoted elsewhere until you get a web of "sources" that just point in a circle and can eventually cut out the actual source that includes the nuance.

Always be skeptical of journalism headlines and check the body. Then be skeptical of that and check the source. Then still remain skeptical of that because one study doesn't determine scientific consensus. Before long you'll be in the rabbit hole of the replication crisis.

But don't write off science. It's flawed because humans are flawed, but it's still our best tool for determining truth.

I don't believe a Democratic win will push anyone left. The Republicans clearly have no interest in that, they'd rather get rid of democracy altogether. And the Democrats see any victory as a mandate for their centrism and any loss as a reason to move right.

If a Democratic win moves us left, why didn't 2020 accomplish this? Why didn't 2008 accomplish this? Why has every Democratic victory after FDR moved the party to the right?

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Ease of syncing across devices has me using an internet-based password manager (Bitwarden), but I keep a second local-only password manager (Keepass) that only stores my Bitwarden password. Just in case.

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I love both, but I actually prefer Atlantis's ongoing series arc over the more episodic/season arc structure of SG-1.

Possibly unpopular opinion (?): Universe was a fantastic show that got cancelled right as it was getting really good. Stargate's answer to Voyager and Battlestar Galactica. Really wish we could have gotten more of it. With the way they left things, it's not too late to revive it if they can get actors on board. They can easily explain cast aging or not returning with the final cliffhanger.

It's not as stark of a difference, but in western Washington we've also had a noticeably warm winter. Really just feels like a continuation of fall. Almost the entire winter we've been around 40-50 °F, only had one cold snap that even got down to freezing, into the 20s for 4 days or so.

Big Bernie fan. I disagree on your wording. Bernie probably couldn't draw enough people. Unfortunately the Democratic Party in collusion with Hillary's campaign denied the people the right to vote in an impartial election, so it's impossible to know.

Hillary probably didn't need to tamper with the election to win, but she did tamper with the election. Moreover in doing so she handed the presidency to the authoritarian toddler that she elevated as a pied piper. She's directly responsible for Trump gaining power. She needs to stay the hell away from US politics, she's done more than enough harm.

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