Doctor xNo

1 Post – 135 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Check out cVn! Where you can watch user-sourced pre-listed synchronized youtube videos while earning some XNO (Nano) for it, or queue your own youtube video of choice to the list for some crypto-dust, all while chatting in a chatroom with the rest of the viewing community.

This made me realize I'm still too dependable on Google's Gmail, using it in so many places...

I should make work of the complete transfer to thrustworthier locations I have been postponing for so long... All the work this will give me though... 😨

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Governments blocking websites:

Fenceless Gate

Netflix is planning on raising piracy again. πŸ˜…

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Reading these comments, I now suddenly feel weird that I only shit twice a week. I eat daily 2-3 times and my shits aren't even painful or unusually big... Sometimes just 2 rolls and done... I also weigh around the 60kg, so I have no idea where all the food/shit goes... πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Maybe I'm becoming like Axe Cop and my body has a higher % waste-efficiency... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…

Either way, once every 3-4 days is perfectly normal for me... Has been all my life... πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

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You could use Nano (or Vim) over SSH, or set up a Samba-share from the server and mount it in your local OS somewhere.

I find it weird how "Hey, I want you to listen/watch to what I made." transformed into "Hey, you can only listen/watch if you paid for it."

Guess I won't then...

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Wait, so the team in charge of misinformation got misinformed about getting fired instead of expanded?

Guy sure loves his irony...

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Personal opinion here, but I really hate the largification of everything just for the possibility of touchscreens. I've learned to deal with small buttons and the zoom function in my browser. Bigger elements and buttons just bloats up the screen and diminishes PC browsers to basically the mobile version of webpages and makes everything look bloaty. Unity at the expense of clear oversight.

It's just now called "Delete Profile". πŸ˜…

wakes up in 2002

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He couldn't look up how to actually spell it cause of being discon(n)ected. πŸ˜…

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Meanwhile it's not like the big commercial companies like Facebook or even Google do it right... πŸ˜…!

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...this cable accumulated 29 one-star reviews on Amazon and was discontinued the day after we bought it.

"Yes! Somebody real bought it! Quickly pull everything before they sue us." πŸ˜…

You should start in the year 2525. πŸ˜…

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Ironic how a service that can be run by volunteers on a decently low cost got taken over by one of the richest men on the planet, who then can't keep it alive because of financial problems. πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

"Oh, the irony." indeed. πŸ˜‚

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Meanwhile I freeze my PC for 5 minutes cause I tried to move notepad 2cm to the right...

Oh, so thΓ‘t's what 'cat' does!

I actually spent time on ripping the 'you wouldn't steal...' video from the first DVD that I had with it on it, just for the sheer irony. πŸ˜…

Onions. She has stolen them from my plate and came for more.

PSA: Onions and garlick are poisonous for cats!

My cat is fine, though. Not letting her have it anymore.

Edit: oh, and chips! Any kind.

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"There's an AI for that." πŸ˜…

I used to love the interactive ones where it really gives the impression for yourself too that you're hacking, so if it's complicated and fake-functional enough it might be something.

Dunno why anyone would want to downvote this, but here's back up to 1. 😜

Yeah, this is a downside of federation right now. Too many linking still goes to the target instance instead of loading it in your home instance. I hear Mastodon is fixing this behavior, Lemmy should definitely follow this, imho. (Making hxxps://instance.tld/@\user equal to @user@\instance.tld)

Yeah, as said in another comment too: That's very likely VLC's post-processing. It doesn't look bad on your Kodi, VLC just enhances it as it plays while Kodi actually just shows you the real quality. πŸ˜…

I use Kodi too as part of a whole automation setup (so I can use it like a free Netflix that only adds anything I watch while I only need to add filters once per series) and I have gotten used to it now as it doesn't bother me anymore, but in the beginning I do remember noticing it more too, thus having to make that hard choice for the ease of automation over post-processing. πŸ˜…

Kodi is worth it on my Android box, though, as VLC's magic doesn't seem to be so effective on Android(TV)... 😜

The only good thing about it being renamed to X is that at least we can now keep a bit respect for this 'loved' little bird and link it to "remember when it was called Twitter and still functional?" πŸ˜…

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Been going on for years already,... They only noticed this now? πŸ˜…

"It's not our fault, it's theirs!"

points to self

But if they use that same VPN they can just access the US App Store,... The step has just been moved forward... πŸ˜…

Add 2 more full versions and it might crash your towers. πŸ˜…

Not a global opinion here as many hardcore linux users will stand by Arch or Mint, but I always have preferred Debian. It's what Ubuntu is based on, so it uses apt(itude), yet it's not prebloated Ubuntu and much more true to adaptation and unedited software than Ubuntu has become... But in the end it's more personal choice and taste, so usually requires a bunch of failed attempts to get one that fits, as every linux can basically do the same things, yet on some or other slightly different way... 😜

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This. Same... πŸ˜…

Yeah, but unlike 20 years ago where it just came with email accounts, Newsgroups/Usenet aren't/isn't free anymore, right? Well, you have some free ones still, but they are filtered for piracy and alike, so rather unusable.

So, do you happen to know any free ones with everything still available or do you just pay for Usenet? If the latter, I don't really see the difference with streamingservices (other than maybe having the file locally, but torrent does that for free too) and it takes away the whole reason of pirating stuff if you're still gonna pay for it, imho. If the first though: Please share! πŸ˜…

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Or worse, a link to 2 girls 1 cup or tubgirl. πŸ˜…

Just a fun FYI: If you want to know what can be seen torrenting from your current IP, visit

It wil show you anything publicly trackable and occasionally assign tags according to your habits. You can also check anybody else's IP you know of too, and look at what your IP-neighbors have on their name,...

Tags I've seen assigned are mostly 'Porn' if you torrent at least 1 known xxx and I even encountered a highlighted differently-colored tag twice in neigboring IP's that clearly state it's questionable content of subjects that did not go through the accepted minimum amount of birthdays yet.

Always an interesting tool to check when connected to a friend's wifi or a public shared one... πŸ˜…

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Now I just want to try anti-cocaine. πŸ˜…

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I think it still requires some cross-over time to make that distinction. It's probably a 'big decision' to change social media for businesses and will undoubtedly take time,... And for individuals the Fediverse (however improved it's gotten already) still is a higher tech-difficulty than twitter. Plus the choice between servers (even though a feature) also discourages many too as they don't know what to choose or hold off until the right instance comes along. I myself had been planning to transfer to the Fediverse for a few years already, but it eventually took Facebook banning me for a hack on my account, with no supportline or real working contact what-so-ever to eventually get me to do the effort. Lost 14 years of journaling my life there in 4 minutes time... πŸ˜•

Since there is no hierarchical top general moderator/admin and every instance is under supervision by the respective owners of these instances, responsibility of safety is technically forwarded to individual instance admins as far as their instance goes. Or that's what I make of it at least, anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Also, the above conclusion does not include any possible random future law made up to state differently (decision-making entities have weird unpredictable logics... πŸ˜…)

As far as for Mastodon itself, it could use some upgrades in its user management and reporting features, though (an option to automate instant reactions (like tempban until reviewed) on certain categories of reports (like child abuse and extreme/shocking violence) to prevent anyone reported for those kinds of things actively being able to continue until an admin sees and processes the report and reports are definitely not visible enough yet).

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Huh, admittedly I've only been on Mastodon since Juli, but I remember always having had the Lists function, or at least since I joined anyway... I've been classifying certain topics in Lists together for a while now, while they all stay in my home screen... I really hope the update isn't that it now removes them from home to "declutter" the only tab that gathers everything you follow for bored scrolling? That would be terrible...

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That'll teach them not gamifying functionalities they want us to use... πŸ˜…

Even just an exp/lvl counter for all the others you've seen would have worked,... πŸ˜…

I run a full Android Emulator inside my Android since Android 8.1.1 and I have yet to find any limitation to virtualization. I run modded games there, as also sus apps or things I want to play but know has a trojan or virus inside that I can't get out. Currently the lowest device I'm using that has it installed is still an Android 9.1.0. πŸ˜…

So, I'm guessing they either just mean better Android functionalities using it or improved access to hardware. Other than those I can't see what they could add, cause the full functionality already exists quite some time... πŸ˜…

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