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Joined 6 months ago

They're saying that the proposed gender change (in the docs) will most likely not be accepted. That's still bullshit, but to insinuate transphobia based on this comment alone goes too far IMHO.

I usually check my emails while on my autopilot commute to work

Also, with a 90-minute commute each way, in 2023, he apparently started sleeping in his car, showering at the factory and microwaving his dinners on days that he was working.

This guy sounds like a fucking idiot.

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And his concerns echo those of many teenagers and twentysomethings in town: fears of war spreading in Europe, inflation, economic decline, “unchecked” immigration and, above all, violent crime, which they say is rampant when they use public transport or hang out in public spaces at night.

The AfD will not solve a single one of these problems. Idiots.

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The country’s top Islamic body has called the practice “one of the virtues of Islam.”

Religion is a cancer.

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It's Lena Headey and according to google she's 1.66m.

No way. Sitting around for 4.5 billion years doing nothing while nothing happens for most of the time? I'd go insane after a few months with billions of years still to go. The "with all your senses" part also sucks for the millions of years when earth was a ball of lava with a steady rain of asteroids and no atmosphere.

Kurzgesagt made a video about the entire history of earth, each second representing 1.5 million years. I'd suggest watching this to get a sense about the absolutely massive amount of time. Our monkey brains are not even slightly made to observe all of this.

Also funny that you mention money, as if someone who just witnessed the entire history of earth would care about a measly million dollars.

Since you're already familiar with a debian based distro, switching to the OG debian would be an option.

Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV.

We've been here before. Of course he forgot.

but e.g. the app store version on a mobile has a lot of stuff turned off.

Considering that the chrome app does not even have a way to install extensions, this is still a massive win for Firefox.

Mozilla has also started to make more and more extensions compatible with the mobile app recently, see

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Oh hey, it's me!

Funny to seem him arguing against HibernateDelaySec because of possible data loss, yet if systemd-tmpfiles purges your fucking home directory it's "documented behaviour". The superiority complex of some people...

TIL that a proxmox app exists. Thanks!

Interesting read! The follow-up about the biggest smallest PNG goes even more in depth about compression and produces a 1x2064 pixel PNG with just 67 bytes.

You should check out Uptime Kuma which offers different monitor types. This should give you a good start for your own implementations. Or maybe you'll find that Uptime Kuma already covers your usecase.

If you try to spin up multiple services but get stuck on creating a directory, you're moving too fast. I think you'll need to start a bit slower and more structured.

Learn how to do basic tasks in the terminal and a bit about how linux works in general. There is a learning curve, but it will be fun! Then move on to docker and get one service up and running. Go on from there with everything you learned along the way and solve the other problems you'll encounter - one at a time.

This patch is a week old, so hopefully you have already updated.

GitLab seems to have glaring security holes quite often. Surely this is in part because of the open source codebase and their bug bounty program, which incentivizes researchers to look for these flaws. I'm still baffled sometimes. I've read about a lot of > 9.0 CVEs while maintaining our GitLab instance, there was a 10 only three weeks ago. Thankfully our instance isn't public.

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One of us! One of us! One of us!

Interesting - I didn't bother to set the X-Real-IP headers until now and this might speed up my instance too. Thanks!

Then I wondered: what if the program is "smart" and throttles it by itself without any warning to the admin if it thinks that an ip address is sending too many requests?

The word you're looking for is "Rate Limit(ing)" and according to the documentation you could also disable it completely.

But I guess the cleanest and most secure solution would be to just set the headers on the reverse proxy.

AC2 will always have a special place in my heart. If you're in a renaissance mood, you should definitly try it. I loved to roam around florence and venice while experiencing Ezios adventures. It was also fun to witness Ezio maturing over the span of three games from a rather dumb young man to an old veteran assassin. When the series ended it felt like saying goodbye to an old friend.

Uhhh so I copied the part from their website that tries to answer your question and now my clipboard seems to include an invisible link to some scummy sounding website. So either I have to nuke my smartphone (and another system I tested this on) or this just got a whole lot sketchier.

That organization is FUTO, founded in 2021 by 18-year Silicon Valley veteran, programmer/founder of Yahoo! Games, and WhatsApp seed investor Eron Wolf.

Through a combination of in-house engineering projects, targeted investments, generous grants, and multi-media public education efforts, we will free technology from the control of the few and recreate the spirit of freedom, innovation, and self-reliance that underpinned the American tech industry only a few decades ago.

FUTO is not reliant on any existing tech company or venture capital firm for its funding. We are not expecting quick profits.


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I'm currently having a good experience with MikroTik. I think their products provide a good combination of features and pricing. There are a "CRS317-1G-16S+" and a "CSS326-24G-2S+RM" in my rack and I have my eyes on the "CSS610-8P-2S+IN" as a efficient little POE switch.

I haven't used Ubiquity, so I can't compare these two brands.

For APs I'm currently using TP Link Omada with a selfhosted Omada Controller and for Routing, DNS, Firewall and stuff I use OPNsense.

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That's what I always tell myself too.

Arrested without some sort of cuffs and being walked around with a rifle resting on his shoulder? I don't know, doesn't look like an arrest for me.

Do you want to build one yourself or are you mainly interested in off-the-shelf solutions? What's your budget? Do you run your services as containers? Do you need hardware acceleration for streaming with Jellyfin/Plex?

I would like to already have some redundancy, can I use the hard drives as they are or will I have to do something to them besides adding other hard drives?

Why do you want redundancy? To keep your data available or to keep your data safe?

Yep, I couldn't run half of the services in my homelab if they weren't containerized. Running random, complex installation scripts and maintaining multiple services installed side-by-side would be a nightmare.

"Well hello friends :^)"

I'm not using Authelia myself but I don't think you'd need to run beta releases to get security patches.

Does it have to be by monitoring emails or do you have control over the backup script? I'm using Uptime Kuma to monitor my backups via push monitors. My backup scripts call a webhook to indicate success or failure. If the webhook isn't called for X hours, the backup is also marked as failed. Works really well.

A great investment! Just a few nights ago my power died three times for a few seconds while my NAS was in a degraded state and resilvering. My UPS saved my ass.

Nice rack btw!

Thanks for testing! I really wonder what happened there.

I use Wasabi S3, but only for my most critical data. For full backups including large media I setup a offsite NAS.

Regarding tooling I'm really happy with Restic (coming from Borg).

I upload encrypted daily snapshots to a bucket in the cloud using restic.

How do you upload a snapshot? I'm using TrueNAS where I can make snapshots visible in a otherwise hidden .zfs directory. Do you just backup from there or something similar? Is there an upside to backing up a snapshot instead of just the current data?