4 Post – 171 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


  1. Content that you cannot acquire by any "lawful" means.
  2. Content that you already own a copy of (Yes, this includes "only" having a "license" to it; you own what you own).
  3. Content that is outrageously priced, and/or from large companies where the people who worked on the product will receive nothing from sold copies. (EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, etc)
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Mate, you should never think an online influencer/store is on your side. They're not.

Not even Steve from Gamer's Nexus is your friend.

Can you still practice safe exchange with them? Yes, just be informed of your rights.

Edit/addition: Didn't check the link. Thought this was about the last drama.

This addresses new issues, and it's important to solve those issues.

I feel like when Linus was still CEO, he made too many choices too fast, and that's caused the situation LMG is in now.

They have to rush content to get bills paid in time.

An extremely impulsive CEO is never good.

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All this says is that large game studios don't see anything but money.

Game development should be about making the best product you can. It isn't about getting paid 200 million for "development" costs.

Indies know this, and large game companies are A F R A I D. So when someone makes a product that's good, and it threatens their model of minimal effort/maximum profit, they start making hitpieces like this.

Customers do not decide what games you make. Quit game development if you think we set the bar.

Customers choose the best product for their time, and I'm sorry, if that's Baldur's Gate 3 tier standards, and you can't as an AAA studio with 10000 employees make as good of a product, that's on your lack of skill. Stop crying, git gud.

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Do you ...

  1. Admit your own military factory blew up due to a fuckup/enemy sabotage.
  2. Or lie that it was actually something else to save face, like Russia has done for centuries?
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  1. USB headphones require new drivers constantly.
  2. USB headphones are likely to use proprietary apps for basic features like noise cancellation.
  3. Audio jacks use significantly less power/processing compared to USB.
  4. Audio jacks do not hog usb bus lanes, which may or may not be an issue for mobile, but on PC it is.
  5. USB headphones are in general significantly lower quality, because studio equipment uses 3.5mm or other standard jacks (XLR for microphones for example) as they cause the lowest interference.
  6. USB introduces overhead latency which is a no-go for production use.
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Imo this is why big projects that are borderline like this should use github alternatives, preferably self hosted solutions. This was always going to happen.

I wash mine when it starts growing mold. So anywhere from every 3 years to every 6 years.

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This. Unlike ReVanced that requires a bunch of hacks* to work, Newpipe is easy to simply download and install.

Has all the features premium youtube has, and unlike Vanced, it uses Youtube's API to serve the content, which means Google can't shut them down (They tried, and lost the case).

Because Newpipe simply doesn't use the advertisement API, you'll never* see ads in Newpipe.

HOWEVER. Please keep in mind Newpipe is currently in spaghetti code form, and that means fixing a bug causes more to appear. They're working on a complete rewrite, aka Newpipe 2, but it'll take a while. In the meantime, you may encounter some issues if you're on the road for example.

I've had Newpipe shit itself almost always while biking, due to constant mobile connection tower changes. For those errors you need to open the app up again, and press play. It unfortunately doesn't respond to bluetooth play/stop signals in that state.

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See, capitalism is good!

When it's imploding on itself, that is.

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Probably just no more actually talented people where they were needed. Be it anything from devs to board of directors.

Pixel as a phone is good.

Google bad.

But it's not like other brands are any bit more ethical/pro-consumer.

So buying second-hand is always a goos option.

You are mostly your brain, which extends to the rest of your body.

The thing about OOB cases is that the human brain is really good at faking information, or just generating it out of thin air.

In fact it never stops doing that, unless it is allowed to completely die.

If a person is resurrected, the brain generates "filler" information for the duration you were "out".

For some, that is seeing an "afterlife".

There is no universally specified "afterlife", it's based entirely on culture, and what the person has grown to believe in, even if they don't believe it anymore.

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Oh nooo! Anyway, make the best game you can.

AAA studios, you can stop crying, you're like a master car mechanic crying because you can't bolt down a single goddamn nut with pre-existing tooling.

Owned, unless you have proof they still do.

Protip: "It gets better later" isn't a good way to promote a game.

It has to be good from the start.

If it isn't and it can't hook a player, you've just lost a customer, who likely just refunded the game as well.

Now personally: I like terraria from start to end. It got a bit boring in the middle. I used to not be able to play it at all because /something/ about the game really triggered my migraines. It doesn't anymore, and I can play it.

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Chances are MS is still tracking you via TPM and/or hw/peripherals.

I can't not register Windows 11, because despite everything I try to erase my hardware footprint, it still ties it to my digital license.

This goes as far as upgrading every single piece of hardware on my PC, and using an entirely different ISP.

And no. I don't use any Microsoft services on Win 11. I don't use Internet in any capacity when installing. Nor do I use any cd keys for Windows.

Everything the installer asks me, I answer "No." to.

This should honestly be a huge privacy concern but alas.

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Any site that allows customers to resell is a culprit of supporting the grey market. Even if they vet their resellers, you'll get the occassional hacked accounts, and legitimate resellers "turning" rogue after reaching their target reputation.

Use to find actual discounts. Or buy on Steam. Or pirate it. Never support grey market.

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I was thinking it's only spam servers, but it might actually just be downtime for hetzner or something.

Instances do not get banned on lemmy. You can run any kind of an instance.

That said, part of this could be providers pruning "fake customers", aka spammers, scammers, etc, who "paid" for their servers with stolen CC and SSN.

Edit: Someone up to making an uptime map for Lemmy, placing servers on a map based on where they report originating at? This could help seeing if a specific datacenter has downtime.

It's more so lucky that there was someone diligently doing that. It could've easily gone unnoticed had there not been someone like him.

Ain't as simple as "just disable them". G2A acquires keys through buy-one-get-two deals, using stolen credit cards, money laundering, stolen keys (mass mailing the devs for "preview" keys, which they then flip on G2A) etc.

So there's no way to know the origin of keys in G2A. By the time you know it's stolen keys, they've been sold out, and G2A has a notorious history of not giving a fuck about the situation.

You could just arbitrarily disable all keys, but you'd affect >90% legitimate customers.

Give a try. Basically a youtube frontend that isn't ass.

Yes, Vortex is awful. Wanna download a 100 mod collection without shilling money to Nexus, which they sure as fuck won't give to mod creators?

Lmao you better like clicking 300 times to finish those downloads, oh and the fucking buttons keep moving to combat "automation software".

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I feel like this should be more comprehensive. The fonts used in the homographic example, does not display the actual difference browsers do.

That said, it does have useful information as well.

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Sure you do buddy.

Euthanasia is totally legal and not shunned upon everywhere in the world.

Good to see positive research on this subject, was soil health included in the research? I'd hope farming industry for vegan industry isn't doing the same it's doing for meat industry; which is to run the same crop year after year, ruining whatever growth potential that plot of soil had longterm.

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I do support non-monoculture farming. Problem is as a consumer there isn't an easy way to know how it was farmed. Imo sustainable farming should be legislated by government.

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I know I'm not the target aydience, but deer god I can't stand minecraft channels. Absolutely obnoxious camera spanning, 95% of the video is zoomed in a minecraft characters face, obnoxious speech.

That said, I welcome new alternatives.

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How about duckduckgo's email alias service? It allows you to send and receive without exposing your actual email.

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I'm a dog, and I tell you; imaginary dogs count.

That's a misunderstanding of DDoS. 0 byte packets are actually worse than large packets.

Which is why most DDoS (at least was) is extremely slow 0 byte requests until the server throttles/crashes under the number of requests.

E: Consider this. Are you more likely to throttle a bandwidth of terabytes/petabytes with couple million 1gb requests; or break it entirely by sending >4294967295 0 byte requests that effectively never stop being requested from the server?

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Flashing Samsung phones nowadays breaks the "seal", which means some applications stop working, and the camera gets botched because it requires the native samsung app + "intact" phone. There's currently no way to undo that.

Nice try telemarketer, next you're going to tell me your flextape can seal everything.

Nice try Zucc. This just makes me want to defederate Threads even more.

I don't honestly get the downvotes, this is a valid point of view.

It's not one I agree with, but I do agree Elden Ring was rushed with too much content planned.

This may however help with that.

I really hope the DLC expands and fixes core game issues, instead of thinking it has to add even more bloated areas to the game.

Like new areas are good, but don't make them just to have more areas (I'm looking at you, swamp and dungeons).

You can actually just stream media files sequentially via torrents.

It only needs couple* seedboxes by Google to seed the torrents.

Not to mention Beeper claims to be open source, but it actually isn't. That's a HUGE red flag. This could have changed of course, and anyone's free to prove me wrong, in fact I'd be glad if someone did. Because running a local Beeper instance over trusting them with your data is ALWAYS the best choice.

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I didn't pay nuffin and I got 100% GUI for everything I use. Where did I go wrong??!

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Pixel is more or less the best for tinkering currently. Also the only supported phone for Graphene. Xiaomi used to be decent to tinker with, but they've said they're going to close off the bootloader in coming years, so no more tinkering. Huawei is entirely closed. Oneplus I heard used to be decent, but they're just way too overpriced now, with other issues too. I guess motorola/nokia are options for low-range phones. No clue about Asus etc.

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Yes, it's a full 24 hours, but a library doesn't use 24:00:00 to represent the last hour, it's 23:59:59. Once it hits 24:00, it rolls over to 00:00:00.

Hence my initial error of answering 23.

It's not valid, but I don't edit out erronous answers because I believe all data should be preserved, no matter how dumb it makes one look.

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