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Women in the US are doing that too.

I guess it works, to a point. If your man throws a Shapiro-esque fit over this movie he probably isn't great to be around the rest of the time.

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I'm no expert, but I think it's got something to do with prolonged exposure to the sun

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The suspect was also killed by police shortly after...

Can't say I feel bad for him, but I'm guessing his death is cold comfort to the family & friends of the victim.

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Jesus. The GOP is really trying to salt the Earth with two entire generations...

If the sex worker is consenting without duress and is being treated well (I recognize that's a big 'if') then I'm fine with it. I have no inherent objections to sex work itself so it would feel like a double standard to judge the people who use it.

Unfortunately the moral waters are muddied by the rampant trafficking, drug abuse, etc. within the industry.

Oh, neat. My state did something not completely stupid. I've got some reservations about nuke power as opposed to renewable, but this is definitely better than continuing fossil fuels.

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Hardly the first time someone has smiled in a mugshot, guilty or innocent.

If found innocent then it takes on an 'I told you so' energy. If guilty it makes you look like an even bigger piece of shit.

I wouldn't be surprised if the severity of their situation hasn't fully set in yet. The realization will come crashing down if/when the first of them is found guilty.

I think the big deal will be if it's sustained. Losing a bunch of users for a month isn't a big deal if they come back, or at least stop leaving. If Reddit loses 3% of its users every month for a year then things will be pretty dire for them.

Can't say I've got much sympathy for Reddit, though.

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Yeah, I dropped Spotify when they started plastering my home screen with ads for podcasts that I didn't want to listen to. If there had even just been a way to hide them after the fact, but no. I guess they really needed to justify the deal with Joe Rogan.

Of course everyone involved knows they will face consequences, but they may feel those consequences are better than the payments. Courts can't garnish paychecks that don't exist and a ruined credit rating only matters if you were ever going to be able to afford to buy a house or car in the first place. Afaik actual jail time isn't really a thing for defaulting on a loan. If the only leverage the government has to get people to pay the loan is to threaten their future financial security, then anyone who thinks the initial promises of security is bogus has nothing to lose.

There's also some people who are willing to take the hit just to send a political message.

That said, I suspect nowhere near 62% of borrowers will actually meaningfully boycott in any way.

While screaming and beating their family.

I've never seen a "Biden 2024 make conservatives cry again" bumper sticker, but that kind of toxicity is commonplace in the republican party

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Sounds great, but someone would sue again. A loan servicer if not a republican

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Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. A large portion of Georgia's power comes from natural gas; anything we can do to move away from that is a step in the right direction. Except, like, coal obviously.

Bad move; the house is collateral. The bank can't foreclose on an education, they definitely can take the house.

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Good to see some solidarity. I wish it happened more. I'd have thought that the spread internet, allowing easy and covert communication, would have caused a proliferation in the number and efficacy of labor unions, but alas.

Can't garnish imaginary wages [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]

He hasn't actually been convicted of any yet... technically not a felon until he's sentenced, if I'm not mistaken

Sue? For $50?!

It could easily cost $5000 in legal fees just to take them to court!

Yuzu is an emulator. You don't need a physical console to use it, unless you insist on dumping your own firmware/roms/keys.

Modding actual switch hardware is certainly more involved. Those rcm jigs are annoying, and later revisions require a modchip which is not an easy install.

Recently I've been listening to Well There's You're Problem; it's 30% retrospective on engineering disasters 70% shitpost

I heard once that Nintendo has enough cash in the bank to operate for the better part of a century without turning a profit. No clue if it's true, but if it is there may not be much valve (or anyone else) could do to make them nervous. Nintendo seems petty and stubborn enough to operate at a loss for a long time if it means they can keep running things as they like.

Ai models are already computationally intensive. This would instantly double the overhead. Also being able to detect problems does not mean you're able to fix them.

Tbh I wouldn't know what to make of someone wearing a rainbow swastika

Only 92? I think we can break into triple digits by Thanksgiving

Arch Linux

So that I can brag about using Arch Linux.

Seriously though, I wanted to learn about Linux and chose trial-by-fire. I've used other (Debian based) distros but pacman + the Arch user repository are hard to live without now.

Though if I ever had to reinstall I'd probably save myself some headache and install EndeavorOS.

Do your own maintenance, maybe get into modding them a bit. Definitely room for details.

Or track days. It's the little things that count when you're rocketing down a track at a buck sixty.

Can't say that any of those things you listed someone should be ashamed of, but maybe not proud of them either.

Fwiw, Trump either genuinely believes he's done nothing wrong, or he needs his fans to believe it, so him saying this kinda tracks.

I guess there's a reason pride is a deadly sin

We definitely shouldn't care what he says; He's probably just begging for attention. But he is a US citizen. A quick search shows he became one in 2002.

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Never met a vegetarian?

The judge referenced in this article is for one of the federal trials. He does have charges in Georgia that he wouldn't be able to pardon, but who knows how that would go down... leading the nation from a Fulton country correctional facility doesn't sound like fun.

Well he could try to run I suppose. It would be pretty weird to have a presidential candidate running while in hiding in another country.

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Yeah federated platforms like lemmy are a potential solution. I would guess they aren't more popular because nobody directly profits from the success of these platforms, and since no one entity has control of it people in positions of power may be wary of adopting it.

Also a distributed platform is pretty much always going to be more complicated. This scares off the casual users that make up the majority of social media usernames.

Look at Linux; you can be more open, better on paper, cheaper, and even easier to use in some cases, but the success of online platforms is not a meritocracy. It's a pageant.

If you're swerving to avoid a sudden obstacle you reasonably may not have the foresight or reaction to flip on a signal. The car still needs to not force you back on collision course.

Not op, but in my mind this would depend on whether you have any reasonable means of de-escalation, e.g. running away

If not then it's not really ethical or unethical... it just kinda can't be judged

They do keep context to a point, but they can't hold everything in their memory, otherwise the longer a conversation went on the slower and more performance intensive doing that logic check would become. Server CPUs are not cheap, and ai models are already performance intensive.

The headline doesn't state that the warnings were consecutive.

Perhaps the driver was just aware enough to keep squelching warnings and prevent the car from stopping altogether?

I'll grant you, though, 150 warnings is still a little tough tough to believe...

Going to the beach is nicer in a swimsuit than a heavy coat and mittens.

I'd rather do pretty much anything in the heat of Summer than during any of the winter months.

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Sounds like the injured officers are suing. It's a civil case not criminal, so I'm not sure how much the court would actually be asked to legislate. I'd be interested to hear their arguments, though I'm sure part of their reasoning for suing Tesla over the driver is they have more money.

Coming from the southeast, definitely still a lot of Trump banners and bumper stickers, though less so now. I expect them to be more common as the election gets closer.

Hard to call it far right anymore. Conspiracy theorists and hate are more or less the norm in conservative circles, so far as I can tell.

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Character in the thumbnail is throwing the kukri backwards