2 Post – 105 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Nice, now just another year to go while they fix it to run well on the Steamdeck.

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It depends. If there is any money on the line or don't want to burn bridges then I'd do the smart thing, whatever that is. Otherwise I'd just skip it.

My butt is orbiting the center of our galaxy at around 500K mph so that thing still has some ways to go.

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How visible is this to the average user? Just wondering because I have yet to see any spam at all in my Mastodon feeds. Big thanks to the admins for being on top of it!

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This is a personal decision but I think it's better to be pragmatic about it. If your country of origin permits dual citizenship I'd do the naturalization simply because it gives you more flexibility. It's a more secure status, no need to worry about renewing or spending longer periods abroad. And you get to vote of course.

Citizenships and passports are bureaucracy and they don't define who you are, that comes from your heart. I'd look at it as a practical matter.

My understanding is that Germany is looking to start permitting dual citizenship later this year.

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Imagine the person (or more likely a whole group) who has spent weeks designing and iterating over those arrows.

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Interesting that they went with the possessed teletubby look.

If you care about privacy, which I understand, you probably want to leave quickly.

Just because you care about privacy it doesn't mean that you have to stay indoors all the time. You can still hang around on the town square you just have to be conscious about what you do where.

A big part of caring about privacy is understanding how the platforms you use work and using them accordingly. With proprietary platforms this is often opaque and the rules can change. Open platforms are transparent and you can actually understand them - if you make the effort.

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The last paragraph notes this is not X11 specific, Wayland is affected too it's just that a bug prevents it from working when the FF window is not focused.

Autotype is already solved - ydotool, wtype and dotool exists (and possibly others as well).

These tools work by creating a virtual keyboard so they don't let you send input to a specific window. The input goes to whatever happens to be focused at the moment. This makes them less reliable than the X11 equivalents and unusable for tasks where you need to guarantee that the right window gets the input.

15 years. I haven't deleted my account yet but I haven't logged in since API day. I have a redirect in place to go through a libreddit proxy in case I end up on the site through a web search or something.

I am pretty commited to never contribute to the site again and I am planning to delete my account at some point. I want to make sure that I can reliably delete my full comment history before I do that and I haven't bothered researching that yet. I am hoping that there will be a way to do it through a GDPR or CCPA request at some point rather than me having to do the work. (yeah I know there are tools but it's still an effort)

Reddit had been my greatest online addiction by far. It's kinda nice that they made it so easy to kick it. A bit like finding an unexpected out from a bad relationship. Good luck with the rest of your life Reddit!

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This looks neat except for the keylogging potential. I'd want something like this to be open source before I can use it seriously.

Looking at the code it seems to be getting the feed from the instance's federated timeline. So it's definitely not streaming "the fediverse" but a decent chunk of it.

The post would have been more interesting if you gave some details on what exactly broke, how you fixed it, relevant bugs etc.

  • Termux is my lifeline to my main Emacs session. Besides ssh and small scripts I also run a couple of personalized services in it that I've written in Go.
  • Antennapod listened to thousands of hours of podcasts in it
  • Fedilab is my favorite mobile Mastodon client. I also use Jerboa for Lemmy but it's not quite at the favorite app level yet
  • KeyMapper is essential for me, especially when managing a physical keyboard
  • NewPipe for youtube
  • Shattered Pixel Dungeon roguelike dungeon crawler
  • MuPDF sensible PDF viewer

Also, RIP RedReader I know it still works but I've moved on from reddit.

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phones are going to ruin everything

they kinda did.

I am sorry but this is just completely wrong. Look at the live feed of which will give you an actual sampling of what people talk about and tell me how many Linux related comments do you see among the first 100 or so. I got 2 on my first try and 0 on the second.

I happen to be a long time Linux user but I don't seek out Linux stuff on Mastodon. My feed is mostly boardgame related stuff which is what I am here for and what I follow. There is no algorithm so what you get entirely depends on what you follow.

Termux for ssh, scripting and other terminal goodness, Antennapod for podcasts, NewPipe for Youtube, Fennec for web browsing with extension support, Fedilab for Mastodon, Mupdf for a no-nonsense PDF viewer.

Fedilab is #1 in the "Top Paid" category! (US)

Fedilab is an open source client for Mastodon and some other fediverse protocols (no Lemmy yet). The Google Play paid version is a way to support the developers.

The App Store and Android Market launches were pretty damn close. The iOS app-store launched July 2008 and the first Android consumer device (G1) shipped September 2008 and it had the market from day 1.

Worth noting that iOS users had to wait a full year for the app store after the iPhone 1 launch because Jobs didn't want it at first. I had both devices fairly early on and on the iPhone side we were running "apps" on jailbroken devices months before the app store existed.

And another one from a few days ago:

Add ergonomics, controller quality and the trackpads on top of that.

I am pretty sure that giving you more control over your device is not what they have in mind.

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Small bug: changing the sort-order loses the filter settings.

But looks great overall! I've already rediscovered some of my older favorites and looking forward to finding new stuff too.

Also, any chance of making the filtered/sorted list downloadable as a CSV? In some cases this would be more convenient than paging through the web UI.

I wish that was the case but sadly most of them are basically Bing or Google frontends or belong to entities that I trust even less. As far as I can tell there are very few independent crawls out there.

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There hasn't been any real form factor innovation in a very long time so cycling through the same styles is what we are left with.

That's something that beginners do to entertain themselves. My desktop image has been rolling forward since 2013 (when I switched to 64 bit userspace) and it has survived through several generations of hardware.

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At the moment you can't even use the web UI without installing the official app so I am skeptical.

I often use just plain old CLI adb push/pull. For Emacs users the built-in tramp-adb support is neat, you can use dired and other Emacs operations as if it was a local filesystem. I also run sshd in termux so scp and rsync are very handy too. Even sshfs mounts work but I use that less frequently.

  • It's stupid if:
    • you do it without understanding the possible consequences
    • you do it in a way that can be detected
  • It's not stupid if:
    • you are aware of the potential consequences and you consider it an acceptable risk
    • you are very confident that it won't be detected

For example I use a similar method to access Discord and I am aware that my account might get banned if this is detected. It's a calculated risk that I am ok with.

To clarify these are not bots but users expressing their opinion in this fashion. The r/modcoord thread where I saw this has some comments with the background. /r/ModCoord/comments/15rvzb0/mod_team_for_rthingsforants_just_got_removed/

Without getting into the merits of the service, not having the web version on day 1 was a major mistake. I was curious about the service and I'd have probably played around with it a bit but there is no way that I would install a Meta app on my phone. So being greeted with that "get the app" screen on the web page was an instant disengage.

Brotato is a perfect game for the Deck and it's my favorite from the "auto shooter" genre.

Yeah, for any sizable organization running your own instance is the way to go, similarly to how you'd want your own DNS domain, email and web site. And just like with these other services your fedi presence could be hosted somewhere too but you want to be in control of it.

The linked post has some analysis of Reddit's loss off traffic based on SubredditStats data. I noticed the same trends when I was looking earlier but some of the drop-offs look so dire that it made me think that maybe the data collection broke. Any idea how they get their data?

Edit: there is some discussion of this over at ! too. link to that thread.

Maybe other tools support this too but one thing I like about xdiskusage is that you can pipe regular du output into it. That means that I can run du on some remote host that doesn't have anything fancy installed, scp it back to my desktop and analyze it there. I can also pre-process the du output before feeding it into xdiskusage.

I also often work with textual du output directly, just sorting it by size is very often all I need to see.

I prefer other options but it's great that we have a bunch of decent ways to interact with the Fediverse. The more the better!

Costs a lot less than therapy too.

You use Gentoo if you want control and transparency. It's great it if you are the kind of Linux user who wants things in a certain way and wants them to stay that way.

Do you want to use systemd or something else? Do you want to use pulseaudio, some other sound daemon or no sound daemon at all? X11 or Wayland? Emacs built with gtk, some other toolkit or no toolkit at all? Do you care if firefox is built with telemetry support?

If you have no opinion about this sort of stuff or your choices align well enough with a binary distribution then you are probably just as good using something else.