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Joined 3 weeks ago

It's probably even higher than that. These stats are mostly based on website visits I believe. And many Linux users are also privacy-minded and might spoof their OS in the browser. I bet a large portion of the Unknown is actually Linux too.

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No you can thank the two-party system for that.

Blu-rays do not actually take up this much space: On a 1TB drive you can store about 10-12 4K movies. You need a backup and you need a second drive for your Raid setup. This takes up quiet a lot of space too.

Besides that: storing the movies on a Raid system is a lot more expensive. If I'd rip all of my blu-rays to a digital copy, I'd need like 12 TB of storage. In a raid setup with backup, that's quiet expensive!

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Have you read the article? Honest answers only. I feel lile you're just here to stir. Like the rest of the hivemind downvoting comments that aren't wrong.

Is this a serious question? These things are already well defined in the law. There is no conspiracy here, sorry. You need to look elsewhere.

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They are doing this because they care about you. And totally not because hoarding the data wasn't profitable enough anymore. It's only logical when you think about the fact that they were, up until now, going out of their way to save every GPS coordinate you ever visited with your phone in your pocket. It's all for you and because they care about you very much.

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It's the 9th most played game right now.

The biggest problem by far in my opinion is the "political correctness" and the one-sided discussions. Everyone just wants to circle jerk in their own bubble. Be it left or be it right. Both have the same problem and both keep banning the other and escaping to new social media bubbles in the process (e.g., truth-social).

Lemmy tends to be rather left-wing, at least most mods are. I tend to be a bit more right. I'm not racist, not against lgbtq and not insulting anyone personally. Yet, whenever it's about politics, I have to be very careful how I voice my opinion because the moment I'm disagreeing with any of the mods on the slightest, most irrelevant neuance, I'm being banned or the comment deleted. Everyone is just immediately judgy if you don't say it exactly as you mean it. This is really hard and annoying for me as a non-native speaker. This has not always been like this eventhough my views haven't changed at all. It's getting more extreme recently and I'm getting tired of it almost to the point of leaving Lemmy. We're seing new social medias like truth-social form for that exact reason. And this kills the internet and it kills political discourse!

The solution: hear EVERYONE out. EVERYONE. Only remove obvious bots and propandists from certain countries from the equation. You can easily filter these two out by just looking at their profile history. You're allowed to downvote (that's what the button is for). You can reply. If you feel insulted, tell them or insult back. Don't be a man-baby and bitch about everything you disagree and stand your ground! If you don't want anyone to radicalize, this is the only solution. We need every spectrum here. Everyone except for the bots!

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Who's gonna pay for not converting (which is much more expensive)?

As a European user, do I actively have to opt out or is it opt-out by default?

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No realizing that they could just move to Lemmy.

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I can't think of any right-minded person who thinks their UI is snappy and modern. And then the terrible app exploration features. No reviews. Half the apps don't even have pictures. No videos. Lackluster app descriptions.

Tell me you haven't used GPlay store and Apple AppStore in a long time without telling me.

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It doesn't recognize the sponsor sections. The community does that. I don't believe there is any tool right now that can automatically detect the sponsor sections.

I don't understand how this Glaze thing is supposed to stop AI being trained on the art.

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We are exporting more than we are importing. We are selling more cars there than anywhere else in the world. It would be really really stupid to start a trade war on cars...

Wrong post mate. You're very far from conservative. And you know it.

Omg this can't be any more unrelated. Hyperbole much?

He came here to complain about priorities.

That's great but this is Android. I don't want to install random apks from Github. Google, Fdroid and Izzy are trusted stores that people have been using for decades. Sure, there are better stores and newer technologies. It's great when apps distribute over these stores to. But why artificially remove options? Shouldn't it be up to the customer (and their threat model)? Afterall, I'm getting the app from the store and not the store for the app.

Russia would just go ahead and ban Firefox while saying things like "Firefox is US spyware".

You mean Afghanistan 2.0?

I'm new to Lemmy. Isn't it possible to be banned or shadowbanner here aswell?

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The point is that they can use that data for further training. They want to build a monopoly like Google is for search.

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The community will naturally form spaces that are open to discussion.

I wouldn’t tolerate someone who walked into my house and started arguing with me.

These two things are inherently contrary.

The way Lemmy is built, with treads and text based, it should be a forum where people discuss different topics. The problem is, it's not. Everyone just wants to circle-jerk but says they are open for discussion. But they are not. People go the way of least resistance and nobody wants to truely argue.

This is the way it is right now and I don't see how it will change in the future unless people start accepting some level of toxicity and get out of their comforty zone.

That is my opinion at least. I'm glad I'm not banned for this yet. And I'm glad that people respond and upvote and downvote. I actually enjoy getting the downvotes too because it means people read it and reflect on it. This is the way it should be. Talk, be heard, vote, respond, accept.

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I checked it out. This appstore has like 8 apps from which the majority is made by this developer. I wouldn't even be surprised if he's not trying to promote his app but the appstore instead. I'd not trust this store.

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What you're suggesting are left-wing opinions though. The right is more concerned with economics, aka coorporations.

So you're saying he's abusive?

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I'm not downloading yet another appstore just to get this app. There are a billion field-tested stores out there. Starting with the GPlaystore. It's beyond me why the customer is not allowed to freely choose where to get it. I already have 3 appstores on my phone. I'm not getting a forth one.

I'm wondering when heads start rolling. It seems like nothing is changing.

Don't the crush and kill the pray before swallowing?

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That's what I mean.

Sometimes people say somewhat radical things that aren't meant to be toxic but come off as toxic. If we could just replace all of that biased political hate in the discussions with curiosity for the other's opinion, then the internet would be such a great place.

You're right, it's 12 and not 8 apps and 25% and not 51% your apps.


You can find it in any app store too: "Organic Maps".

It's based on the biggest and open mapping project OSM. The maps are much more detailled and accurate than Gmaps and you'll find mistakes and constructions corrected within hours as opposed to months late like with Google.

Is that better? I guess, it's less annoying. But you'd feel powerless just the same, wouldn't you?

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I have an easy solution for that: I think I'll just delete my account. I'm not using it anyways.

The people that hate YT ads hate Google already anyways.

people can get the privacy benefits of going through those proxies.

Exactly. This is why it will still be a threat to data hungry Google.

It's hard to run AI on phones and low-end hardware though. It's not that easy.

Although it's far from the best, Deezer has a much fairer royalties compensation method, which is more closely based on a per-user basis, rather than total amount of minutes listened (that Spotify currently employs).

This isn't super related to OPs post but I thought it might be worth mentioning aswell.

I've been using Deezer for a while now. Not only is the streaming quality (FLAC) much better but also the artist compensation much fairer. Plus, they at least act as if they actually cared for the customer...