3 Post – 16 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Why does anyone choose Telegram or WhatsApp over Signal which is encrypted and audited? (Probably features I don’t care about, but they do)

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Sure, but does it show any signs of working?

So far, we’ve seen interactions on the site fall maybe as much as 20% despite an overwhelming majority of large subreddits being private or restricted, impacting tens of millions of users.

Huffman mentioned that revenues were not significantly impacted and the noise will pass. So far, he appears to be correct. Now that we’re in the 3rd day, many subreddits have returned and interactions are almost back to pre-blackout levels.

Clearly some other shoe needs to drop before the protestors win.

Not a huge deal. Microsoft has every incentive to keep Call of Duty on the market leading console. Considering we’re about halfway through this cycle based on history, that means Microsoft would have left CoD on PlayStation 5 for another 3-4 years. This deal is very obviously only happening due to the anti-trust case, and because of the aforementioned 3-4 years it basically just says “we agree to put CoD on PS6 regardless of how well it does.”

Of course, when the companies merge, no regulatory body is going to actually keep Microsoft to their word with penalties high enough to care about.

This merger is bad for the industry without a doubt in my mind.

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I do know that if you attempted this right now, all of the instances would need to access the same database somewhere which would retain a bottleneck.

Switching to a different distributed (eventually-consistent) database may be possible for Lemmy as a software but perhaps not possible (or difficult) for ActivityPub. I don't know that.

…and the things which aren’t are foundational elements of the republican party’s platform.

Is “Barbenheimer” bad?

No, humor is a sort of natural response to horror, and the creation of Barbenheimer is entirely on the studio which decided to release the same day as Oppenheimer. That everyone latched on is unsurprising.

That said, is the point of the article - Americans are still sorely undereducated on the effects of the bomb on the Japanese people - still true?

I think this is objectively true. As someone who has been to the Hiroshima Peace Museum and had a deeply moving, emotional, and enlightening experience, of course we don’t teach it or really ever experience the effects of the bombing to that extent.

I’ve long held the view that seeing the effects of war, in general, is the only way to help create a world where war is less common. I think true human empathy, even for former or potential enemies, can come from imagery.

I was sort of disappointed Oppenheimer did not include the imagery of the effects of the bomb, but it’s a film - about a man - not a documentary or educational piece.

One of the main reasons why I use Discord nowadays aside from the fact that my gaming community is there is for its extremely low latency video streaming.

I tried to use other meet softwares but the latency was 10+ seconds. Not useful when I need immediate feedback. Discord offers the quickest and most reliable way for me to get someone else looking at my stream in real-time.

I’ll be looking for alternatives because they’re, of course, not doing anything impossible for others to replicate, they just made it the default.

Useful for grabbing and keeping a personal backup of emails. Can be referenced offline if connection to the internet is poor. Native notifications. Better integration into other desktop applications. For Apple users, good syncing across devices.

Obviously web clients could also provide most of these benefits as well.

I don’t have it myself but I hear that Jerboa requires the instance you signed up on to be (lemmy) version 0.18 as of a recent version.

I just use Firefox until it definitely doesn’t work, then I use a chromium browser because of course I can’t not have access to a crucial website for my life.

Cutscenes are definitely very prominent so far. I’d say like 70/30 or 60/40 gameplay cutscene. I think there’s more gameplay than cutscene but it’s still a lot of cutscene so far.

Driving 40 minutes east of Bend brought us down to zero light pollution.

Post-patch content in A Realm Reborn and Heavensward are both pretty rough. Post-patch content gets a bit better later on. Look up the alliance raid series’ and the raids and do those as well to break up the monotony.

I use mealie, but an older version which still has its recipes public. Still waiting for that to be an option on newer versions.

I brought the brightness of the photo up for sure here so that it looks interesting and not dim/dull on your display.

I can tell you from experience though that we were able to see the red, blue, violet, green, and sometimes the yellow on the horizon unaided. Put simply, it was incredible and I wanted this photo to provide the same feeling.

Here’s a photo I transferred to my phone with the transfer app doing a simple jpeg conversion. 2.5 second exposure at ISO 5000, 36mm:

This is perhaps slightly brighter than what I recall seeing on the horizon.

I’ve been playing Pokémon Sun now on my modded 3DS for a month and closing in on filling the dex. It definitely feels good to just grab a small handheld (even tho mine is XL) and play a light game.