4 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Cooking, every foreign person I know eats 20x more takeout and fast food than I do.

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Various reasons over the years:

  • Don't want to risk making the workplace unpleasant (twice)
  • Wrong race that would upset my parents (twice)
  • Lives too far away (twice)
  • Age gap (once)
  • Me being exposed to porn at a very young age (first time I was 3 or 4, and I grew up with unsupervised internet access) gave me a completely broken sexuality and I don't want to bring other people into this mess
  • Feeling inadequate, ugly or uninteresting (I used to be very fat so you can imagine how I grew up)
  • Feeling that my interest in the other person is not genuine and that I only see her as a sexual object

In the end, I'm 32 and single, my friends are getting married and starting their own families and I have this dreadful feeling that I missed out on something important in life, I drown this feeling in work, video games and all sorts of projects, but when I'm alone and I can't think of anything to do and I start thinking about the future, I want to kill myself.

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Crypto were a good idea on paper, they could have rid us of centralized banks and provide fully anonymous transactions, instead we got massive exchanges that require your identity to do anything, massive speculation, money laundry, ponzi schemes and GPU shortages.

At this point I don't even care anymore about what it could have been, fuck crypto.

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It's just bait for investors. This is the kind of crap that gets people with money and zero understanding of computers to buy stocks.

The problem with 5Ghz is that it doesn't go through walls very well compared to 2.4Ghz, resulting in APs having less range (or having to use several times more power)

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That has to be one of the dumbest articles I've read in a while.

While I personally use Steam very rarely (I prefer to use DRM-free versions of games), Steam has done very little to be considered on its way towards enshittification.

The macos situation is completely irrelevant because at this point its market share on steam is lower than linux and it makes no sense for them to invest only to be constantly screwed over by apple changing things on their platforms. My guess is it will be dropped within the next 3-5 years.

The author points out the deprecation of Steam on older platforms, but fails to mention the fact that this wasn't always their choice, for instance the recent drop of Windows 7 support was caused by the fact that there's an embedded chromium browser in it and google dropped support for Windows 7 around that time. A similar situation happened for Windows XP, which was dropped in 2019, a full FIVE years after Microsoft dropped support for it, and at this time Steam on XP was only used for retrogaming, it made no sense to keep supporting it, there are better ways to get old games on XP.

There's barely a mention of all the good things that Valve has done for Linux gaming, but the article complains about Steam being 32 bit (which is still a requirement for wine to run, at least until the new wow64 mode becomes stable, and steam comes with its steam runtime specifically to avoid distro compatibility issues); they could have made proton only work with steam, they could have made their dxvk and vkd3d forks proprietary like nvidia did, but instead it's all open source and very easy to build on all platforms and I use my own fork every day to play games without steam. Heck, there are even competitors for the steam deck that run proton.

Also, can we mention the fact that Steam has not turned into yet another subscription service like some of its competitors?

If I had to point at something that Steam absolutely did wrong, I'd say it's allowing third party DRMs on the store, it's a consistent source of issues, especially for old games. I understand that when they made the choice we didn't have cancer like kernel level anticheat and denuvo, but still, Steam launching a launcher launching another launcher that launches the game is a trashy gaming experience and adds points of failure as we've already seen several times when big titles launch and their DRM servers go down, or when games get old and the DRM servers are shut down permanently.

While I'm sure Steam will eventually become enshittified, I don't see that happening any time soon, maybe after Gabe retires, and that's why you should keep a collection of DRM free games on your drives and not rely solely on Steam and other stores.

Just my opinion of course, feel free to disagree.

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It's always sad to see users being mistreated like this but what never ceases to amuse me is the amount of time that Windows users are willing to waste in order to remove all this trash from their systems and have a usable experience, only for it to be ruined again with something worse with the next update. At this point, they either don't know that alternatives exist or they have Stockhom syndrome or something.

I used to do that A LOT and you can still find all my old guides on my website as a testament to that, they were soooo long, it took hours to do a "clean install", they took days to write, and even then I would run into so many issues because of Windows Update... One day I realized that I was doing more work to make Windows usable than the average Arch user and I just gave up. Linux wasn't ready for gaming yet so I had to dual boot for a while, but thankfully that's not a problem anymore. I couldn't be happier.

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People think I can hack anything ever created, from some niche 90s CD software to online services

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AI is to computer science what black magic is to science.

Seriously, what do you get after you've spent days and days to train a model? An inscrutable blob that may as well be proprietary software written for an alien CPU; studying it is damn near impossible, understanding how it works would require several lifespans, and yet it works, and we trust these models and use them to get solutions to problems that would normally be impossible to handle by computers using "real" computer science. And one day, this trust will bite us in the ass, not in the form of an "AI rebellion" but with every system that uses AI becoming unreliable because of situations outside its training.

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As much as I dislike Microsoft, back in 2015 I used Windows Phone 8.1 for about 6 months and I absolutely loved it, the UI was so smooth and polished, even on low end phones, until WP10 came out and it ran like trash and I went back to LineageOS.

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The electromagnetic field generated by headphones is miniscule and the frequencies are very low, whatever's causing your headache is not a tiny electromagnet. Depending on the type of headphones and the volume used, however, the sound itself could be causing it, especially if you're using some 3D spatial filter, those don't always play well with how our brains and ears work.

It gets better bro.

I'm 33 and I was in a worse situation:

  • Started getting depressed in 2011 at the age of 20
  • Graduated in CS in 2016, super late, but with top grades
  • Started working as a software developer, hated it
  • For a few years I switched between working in a local computer shop and uni to get a master's degree
  • Again, I graduated super late in 2021 but with top grades
  • Still hated working as a developer and now hated working as a technician too
  • At the end of 2021, I got a call from my old high school, they needed someone to teach programming
  • Decide to give it a try, absolutely love it
  • Suddenly, depression is gone and I have a reason to get up in the morning
  • A 10 year old nightmare is over, still single though

I'm very happy to inform you that I broke my system

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K-9 is simply the best email client on android, I've been using it since 2015

Restore the screen resolution when an old game crashes

I like wearing my wetsuit when I'm alone, sometimes I even sleep in it. I like the look and feel of neoprene.

Syncthing is one of the most useful pieces of software I've ever used. It just works, and it works well.

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Some crackers remove network features from apps but most leave them intact so YES, it will send your data to all of them.

I've also personally seen two people get threatened of legal action after installing a cracked copy of solidworks, the company used the cracked software as a trojan to get identifying information from their computers, so ALWAYS USE A FIREWALL.

When I was around 12, I was learning about overclocking, and accidentally killed my dad's graphic card, an Nvidia FX 5900.

I vividly remember launching The Sims 2 to test my overclock, when suddenly the screen started turning on and off (the video driver was probably crashing and restarting), and after I reset the PC, there were 2 green lines on the screen and XP was stuck in 640x480 16 colors because not even the basic display driver was able to load.

My dad was mad obviously because it was an expensive card, the damage wasn't covered by the warranty, and he was into gaming too at the time. I was stuck with integrated graphics for about a month while we waited for the geforce 6000 series to come out.

I was so scared of overclocking after this happened, I didn't try it again until a few years later years later when I had my own computer (and killed another card, a 9800GX2).

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In 2018, I had an infection and I basically couldn't eat or drink almost anything without throwing up, even a sip od water would make me sick for hours. The antibiotics made it even worse.

I lost over 15kg in 2 weeks, I legit thought I was going to die. It took almost 2 years before I could eat normally again.

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Those look like the plasma widgets that come with KDE

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I played it twice on linux. It's actually one of those games that run better than they do on windows thanks to the large amount of fixes and workarounds specific to this game that are in DXVK. You don't even need to cap the framerate or limit the affinity to one core during the ending to prevent the helicopter bug. Personally, I would recommend playing a repack that already has all the community fixes for the game, but if you don't know how to do it, just play it on steam and you'll be fine.

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It depends on the distro and how you configure it.

For distros that just work out of the box like ubuntu or manjaro it should be about the same as windows unless there's something weird in your laptop, but in general there are 3 really useful tools that I recommend you check out are:

  • TLPUI: a user interface for TLP, a power management tool that's used in most distros. With this you can configure your min/max clock speeds for your CPU and GPU when on battery vs plugged in, CPU governor, display brightness, automatic poweroff of drives and USB devices, and many other things
  • throttled ( originally created to workaround a BIOS bug on some thinkpads, this can now set things like turbo duration, power limits and undervolting, all based on whether you're on battery or plugged in
  • LACT: if you have an AMD GPU, you can use this to undervolt it or to set a better power limit

Setting these up properly on my thinkpad t480 with manjaro gave it a good 50-60% of extra battery life for what I use it for (I'm a teacher so mostly presentations and various IDEs). You should check them out.

I agree. Coming from the Windows world, systemd felt quite familiar compared to other components in a typical linux system, I always liked it. It doesn't really follow the unix philosophy though, so it gets a lot of hate.

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I use 4-5 because I have acid reflux 🤦‍♂️

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I've been into BDSM stuff since I was a kid basically, but I've always been to embarrassed to tell anyone or act on it because it's some seriously kinky shit.

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I may be weird but I use both Ark (default archiver in KDE) and 7-zip in wine. The reason is that 7-zip has better compatibility with some file formats but most importantly, Ark can't extract files with unicode file names from some archive formats (including tar!). This problem has been known for years and affect many other linux archivers, it's a pain in the ass.

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I don't use MS Office but I think it looks good and slightly easier to read than Calibri.

  • Can't use my phone for more than 10 minutes because it makes my eyes hurt
  • Understanding the mechanics of new games feels harder than it used to be
  • Can't easily remember the names of characters in a game/movie I'm watching
  • Can't remember the names of functions for programming languages I've learned recently, always need to keep the documentation handy
  • I find it absolutely counterintuitive to use "modern" functions in programming like lambdas (and functional programming in general can't get into my head)
  • I almost always HATE changes in the OS and programs I use, while I used to love beta-testing stuff
  • Can't get into new hobbies and interests
  • Still listen to the same genres I used to listen to 10 years ago
  • 2019 feels like a few months ago, not half a decade ago
  • Getting worse and worse at rhythm games

I'm 33.

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I generally wouldn't recommend this, especially if you're using a cheaper SSD without cache or with QLC memory.

As you already know, cells on an SSD have limited write cycles (as low as 700 for QLC memory) and things like TRIM and wear leveling make sure that your SSD wears uniformly, but on cheaper SSDs the endurance is so low that without cache you will run into wearing issues in a few years of regular use or a few months if you're using it a lot or with swap enabled. I have seen it first hand many times working in a repair shop.

Keep in mind that endurance is not just a number of terabytes written that will cause your drive to suddenly switch to read-only mode, before it fails it will usually slow down to the point of making your PC unusable, I've seen SSDs write as slow as 9MB/s (specifically a Yucun drive from 2018 with TLC memory and no cache), it's not defective it just has to do a lot of error correction during writes.

Also, another issue that plagues cheap SSDs is that their controllers usually die well before the memory does, keep that in mind when choosing an SSD because this usually happens without early signs of failure or SMART errors.

So in general, unless your PC has a lot of RAM and that swap area will rarely be used, don't use swap and use zram instead (or just buy more RAM?).

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Very well supported by Mesa. I do see more issues regarding the 7000 series compared to the 6000 series though, I guess they put more effort into the RDNA2 driver because of the steam deck.

I've seen this happen after switching to wayland. Changing the cursor size and then changing it back solved the issue for me.

None. If I encounter a bug in something I care about, I'll report it myself.

Pump it up.

I started playing in 2016, and it's such a niche thing compared to what rhythm games used to be in the early 00s.

I enjoy it but I almost always play alone.

If you want something done right, do it yourself.

It makes sense actually, the compositor is disabled while games are running so unless the DE is causing lag, the latency is going to be the same.

I just use mpv

For me it was a combination of factors: Windows has been going down the shitter for at least 10 years now, FOSS software has been getting better and better, and I've learned to use more FOSS tools as I grew tired of dealing with Windows.

If I had to point at one project that made me go "Wow, this is amazing", I'd say ffmpeg. Even in my Windows days, I've always enjoyed digital preservation, when I discovered ffmpeg around 2015 it was an eye opener, so many features, so many options, I've been using it on a daily basis ever since.

It's extremely easy to set up with docker, I've been using a self-hosted instance for about 2 years now. Contact me if you need help setting it up or if you just want to test it.

Hardware requirements depend on how many users will be using it, I use an old i3 NUC as a home server and it can easily handle a room with a dozen people, especially if it's just audio, it gets heavier on the CPU if a lot of them have their webcams on but generally speaking if you have a decent internet connection you'll be fine.

Follow these instructions: You will need to set up HTTPS unless you're already using a reverse proxy.

I tested live to ground, live to neutral, both in and out of the UPS, and I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

The input signal isn't a clean sine wave but it's not dirty either, I'd say it's sine with some extra harmonics and a little bit of noise. There were no sudden peaks or meaningful variations even while the UPS was switching furiously.

I don't have CFL bulbs, only LEDs. I can't think of anything else that could be causing interference. I'll try contacting the power company as suggested by

Thanks for all the replies.

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