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Joined 2 months ago

uh im juan i made this for an event i couldnt participate in...for actual content go to

"it is possible to train 8 days a week."

-- that one ai bot google made

2 more...

theres also c+

my github is a folder on my desktop called "do_not_open_dir_of_shame"

pretty much any software made by is a ticking time bomb regardless of language tbh

[urge to mention that codes in basic intensifies]

im a machine that turns cookies and milk into spaghetti and bugs

me: what is guru meditation 48454c50.00202122

bot: guru meditation is a buddhist practice blah blah blah

i have that too :/

the system is down?

i know HyperText Markup Language but not How To Meet Ladies


apparently mac users made a very accurate description of my experiences with windows

making a website didnt work for me :'(

open close open close

open close close open


  • runs windows
  • has a linux vm
  • used to be a mac user (still owns the mac)
  • second partition with ms-dos

where tf do i fit???

my eyes

no amount of explaining http errors and windows terminal commands can save my friends from trying to refresh browser on a 5xx error and asking how to exit cmd

&NewLine; go <br>

how to troll it dept:

  1. be a win9x/xp user in 2024
  2. U P D A T E


my god its even buggier than randtitle.js

no seriously why doesnt it work

same here