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mate it's ok and good to acknowledge a small measure of good that may exist in a very terrible situation.

humans are not meant to focus on only the doom, gloom, and cynicism of it all 100% of the time.

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you might wanna read the article.

We can avoid catastrophic climate impacts if we take meaningful actions to address the climate crisis. Yes, that’s an important “if.”

this asshole buried the actual crux of the issue way deep in the fluff. these two sentences contradict the headline.

which part of what is currently happening in the world is making you pretend that the "if" qualification is being even remotely met?

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you're trying too hard. read the article again, this author is lying to you.

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oh god remember MiniDisc? having to use Vegas Pro to burn the fuckers.

member the rootkits? I member.

but then how else will they embrace, extend, and extinguish 🥺

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they'll be a willing participant in ushering in fascism, but hey at least they'll get to be edgy in lemmy comments so that's good!!

point of order, madam speaker:

I do appear to have better reading comprehension than Mann expected from his audience. otherwise he wouldn't have have tried something underhanded like that.

tell me, do you place value in peer review and consensus when it comes to science? you know Mann is out of step with scientific consensus in his view, yeah? I am inclined to believe you've cherry picked the one opinion piece which affirms a pre-existing perspective on your part.

also I adore that you completely failed to acknowledge a direct question I posed to you: which part of what is happening in the world right now is causing you to behave like Mann's "if" condition is fulfilled in any way whatsoever? I want an answer from you in your own words. don't quote an appeal to authority again.

Mann being a human being who is not infallible, yes that Mann.

I am the same person from the other thread where I quoted to you the the bit in the article where Mann does intellectual dishonesty.

giving your opinion piece a clickbait and dishonest headline, and then burying two sentences deep in the body of the text which contradict your headline, is incompetent at best and corrupt at worst.

boomer ass story, bud.

omg that's so true 😭

anyone surprised this person's comment history has them calling the left fascist, and throwing a men's rights pity party.

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wait so the bodies are frozen after the person has already died?

I thought the point was to get frozen while still alive so that you could be thawed out in the future and continue living. which, while still very stupid, is something I can wrap my head around as a concept.

am I just now learning that the whole thing is predicated on the wish that we will one day be able to reanimate dead people??

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Jesse what the fuck are you on about

They have this uncanny ability to spend more money on acquisitions and then completely stall the output from that company until every game blows.

oh you thought "embrace, extend, extinguish" was reserved only for open source software? think again baybeee

"um ackahually I have a black friend"

that's how you sound

nature. our brains get fucked up when stuck in the doom and gloom for too long.

pedantry is an ugly quality btw.

having children is an inherently selfish act

in the future words of Adam Jensen: "I never asked for this"