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Joined 1 years ago

I also hate the inclusion of the u/spez freakout about employees not wearing reddit colours in public for fear of physical harm. It is a full-on propaganda tactic, in the vein of Elon Musk or Trump's bullshit. It immediately puts shade on the userbase. These "journalists" should get their shit together and either write about how ridiculously stupid he was to say that or just not present it at all, it's barely relevant to the article. For anyone who has actually been following along, the way the article presents that tidbit is inane and completely false at best.

Being ok with being conservative is akin to being ok with being stupid. It's basically an admission of idiocy.

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The problem is the concept of work hasn't shifted to keep up with the technological reality that has been created. Jobs should slowly be phased out. We need a new economical concept to take hold that doesn't rely solely on class and fear to make it trundle along. Jobs should be what you do to grow your own fruit and veggies for fun, while the administration and maintenance of basically everything should be left to technology. Wealth and wealth accumulation should no longer exist or be seen as anything other than childish and irrelevant.

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I was looking for Captain Marvel movie content way back when it came out and accidentally clicked on one of those pitiful right-wing, woman-hating nerdbro videos and my suggestions suddenly became quite heavily peppered with similar horrible content. It feels the same thing doesn't happen with non-conservative content quite so much. I wonder if there's just so much right-wing and liberal content that the algorithm's percentage calculations don't know how to compensate for this sort of political nuance, or is it something more insidious?

Keep poking, disrupting and agitating until you get any reaction. Catharsis is also important.

So was reddit a long long time ago. I watched and felt it shift to the centre the heavily to the right. Conservatives destroy everything in the world. I don't doubt your favourite communitues will start heavily skewing right soon enough.

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Unfortunately there are too many "open-minded" and "open-minded"-adjacent people who have huge blindspots to their own hypocrisy and philosophical paradoxes. I've met so many IRL and net-folk who are lefty "activists" who are huge fucking racists and douchebag misogynists. Extinction Rebellion for example is full of them. I get a bad taste in my mouth whenever I remember certain interactions with them.

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I truly hope this type of hierarchical thinking can stay fun and not create the kind of grating pomposity that pervades every bloody animalistic thing. I want us to grow beyond childish competitiveness.

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2040, the year the fediverse was taken over by the Humongous Language Model.

This is kind of my biggest fear with all these digital games platforms. I have over 2100 games over most of the platforms, it just became so easy to finally be able to get all the games I grew up salivating over. What's to stop Valve or GOG suddenly "having" to make similar, or competely new changes of unbeknownst fuckery due to pressure from the spooky all-knowing investors?

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The point you seem to be missing is if they can't sell as much meat they won't produce as much. So the most the consumer can do is stop eating meat; when sales go down, production will have to follow.

Meat-eating has a heavy cultural component and industry follows culture, but the problem is that industry also tries to create culture to grow, it's the way capitalism works. So as a consumer in the age of information you have to be hyper aware of your own personal culture, and see how much your actions are a result of your own convictions versus effective advertising and indoctrination from your environment, family, etc.

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Having an early morning swim in the sea every morning for the next few weeks.

Piracy is part and parcel of the global economic system, and since that system hasn't changed since time immemorial, well it always has been too.

Governments are inherently fascistic entities. Ruling by so-called democratic majority excludes too many, even when you pretend that the way propaganda works doesn't completely extinguish the concept of democracy. We are all living in a conservative socioeconomic reality that for the most part has many many, many many fascistic elements.

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I'm pretty sure you just wrote down the tenets of conservatism there.

Jesus, what a mind job.

The dry-herb vaping communities haven't really transitioned very well, and I'm too lazy to get back into proper community building and moderation after having all my accounts permabanned on reddit. For now I am just sticking to the 420vapezone discord.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Sleep brusher!

I am currently stuck with a super old ipad3 on ios9.3.6 and the only way I have been able to watch youtube on it is through the edge browser, nothing else seems to work. But the version of edge is so old that there aren't any working extensions. I have jailbroken it with phoenix and installed cydia (both of which suddenly stopped working), but it turns out the cydia app that lets you install older versions of stuff has also been discontinued.

I have never not used some sort of adblocker, I am shocked at how often I have to interact with the device to skip ads. You also have to unfullscreen to be able to skip so sometimes I just let the ads run.

I get that ads keep youtube chugging along but, jesus christ, maybe it shouldn't be chugging along any longer. I was trying to watch a 40 minute video yesterday and there were double ads basically every 6 minutes! I feel the freedom to place ads wherever you want in your own video has really destroyed the youtube experience for those who can't or won't use adblockers.

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I can't be bothered with all that and just wash everything at 30c on the quickest setting. Though I do also have to do an extra 1400rpm spin cycle to get rid if the excess dampness as my machine only does max 1000rpm at lower temps.

My main washing gauntlet is my drying regimen as I tend to max out the radiator. I hate slow dried clothes if they are not dried outside, as thicker shirts and trousers and the elasticated parts of boxers and thick socks get a nasty damp smell if no radiator is involved (shitty northern europe weather).

That makes a lot of sense. I guess it's always a matter of education in the home and otherwise. Critical thinking and self-analysis seem to be difficult to engender when there's a culture of accepted vertical hierarchy. I don't think it's wrong to say capitalist philosophical leanings create emotionally and philiosophically lazy individuals. The true laziness is always in the opposite direction of the espoused morals of work culture.

Things can change very fast depending on specific circumstances. I hope you're more wrong than you think.

If you like flower at home, you need a ball vape.

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He raped and destroyed my old frenemy.

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Oh god, I just had a flash of a near future where he's on the US ballot somehow. It wouldn't be a huge surprise if he found a way. He could change the name of the States to X too!

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I like Alien more than Aliens.

Homophobes and racists should not exist, prejudice is cultural and a lot of the time revolves around socio-economic reality. Even in the richest western countries homophobia is still a problem, and not just in the minority communities that are fucked 6 ways to Sunday for the most part anyway. Creating boogeymen is what cultures do, and just as religious people create gay boogeymen; in the west, white people create non-white boogeymen.

Trauma is universal. Don't be a bigot!

Cheers for the response!

The Vapor Genie definitely looks less intrusive to an environment with its woody sherlock pipe form, and using a normal lighter probably helps it not feel like a crack pipe, which is my main worry with butane portables. If I was gonna get a portable now and money wasn't an issue I think I would get the Tiny Might 2 (or 1). I bought 1 electronic portable years ago (the xmax v2 pro) and I did not enjoy it at all, the newer generations of electronics are looking pretty ok though. There is one electronic portable ball vape too! The Yllvape Angus, though I think we still need a couple more generations for my liking. But things are moving super fast!

I'm satirising your own shitty position, even if unsuccessfully. You seem to be set on missing that point out of anything you're saying.

My guess is their calculations are that they're not necessarily being unfavourable to their more casual users. Which are probably the majority. People who have digested the idea of ads, don't create content and casually scroll around for a laugh or for some biased news and surface level discussions probably don't feel that much has changed.

They're like the Catholic Church of environmental activism.

Probably closer to 2000 forgotten. But I collected them all goddammit!

Seethe big humourless racist-man.

Guns are about fear and cowardice.

Any modern culture that pushes weaponry to its centre is a culture that plays its hand more openly with its manipulation of fear. It's like flags; some countries are flag crazy, they represent a lot of violence and pressure to fall in line, but they seem benign and they are surrounded by tales of heroism and hard-obtained "freedom" from a spooky other.

I believe weaponry fetishism takes this one step stupider and cuts out all the implications and supposedly says, "I will fucking shoot your whole family if you mess with me and mine!" But even that is a lie, it actually just tells people to fall in line with the accepted norms or be constantly threatened with execution.

It is a huge pressure to put on any group of people and can only lead to various modes of destruction. Ultimately it does not at all seem to be an actual facet of any so-called "cultural" reality (as with most elements of any group of people's accepted norms), but it seems to connect to the maintaining of control over the economic movements of those living within a set of controlled borders.

Everything always leads back to finding ways to control the largest amount of people most effectively to continue the wealth of the most wealthy elements of that group. I believe any culture that heavily relies on nationalism and religion is actually a culture of violence, and plays on fear and foments cowardice to maintain control.

Weaponry is just the dumbest, shittiest end of that stick; the US, on the whole, seems like a very shitty-handed idiot who is also constantly soiling themselves because they are so scared, waving their hands around, smearing shit on everything they touch.

Europeans are not so different, they just pretend the shit on their hand isn't shit, but some sort of a traditional chocolate mousse, and pretend their trousers are also not brimming with faeces, but, hey, at least they don't have guns! (I'm not even sure if that was sarcasm or not).

I guess I believe everyone is just as fucked as everyone else under this global economic system until our wealth and value mindset is shifted towards the current lies of egalitarianism told inside any modern Western education system. Make those lies a reality!

Edit: Clarity.

Tried Sync, Liftoff, Connect and Lemmotif (I think that's all the free ones on the playstore as of August '23), and I am always preferring Jerboa.

It's a racist-off folks!