3 Post – 81 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That's also called a toxic workplace if there is a pattern of feedback like this.

If it is, and if you can, start looking elsewhere. Personal attacks over what should be mundane code review items is unacceptable.

If this was in formal code review, then that's still a huge red flag. Code review is about catching errors, learning opportunity, and periodically style/cleanliness problems. It should be semi-formal, and does not include personal attacks like that. It's a safe place to fail, and should be maintained as such, lest the productivity advantages be lost.

We all make mistakes. I'm a Sr. Dev & Tech Lead and just last week I had an obvious error that a Jr dev caught. It's no big deal.

It can be easy to dwell on this, and think about over and over again. ADHD folks tend to have a stronger sense of justice, which means we are more sensitive to being "wronged", and it will bother us for longer. All I can say is try to not let it bother you as much, it was unprofessional to say that, and minute mistakes are the norm not the exception.

So..... Throw them in jail? Make them accountable? Revoke the companies ability to do business till the records are provided?

Then again, that's just fantasy because the laws don't matter if you're Rick/big enough anymore.


Heat death of the universe.

Our biology is hardwired for tribalism.

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browsers themselves are easy to make

That's ... a patently false statement.

They are among the most complex, difficult, resource hungry pieces of software out there along with actual operating systems.

There's a lot of open source browsers out there. Are you using them? Probably not

This is also essentially misinformation. I'm sure none of us have heard of Firefox before, or Chromium. Sure Chrome (closed source) is what most people use, but Firefox isn't exactly some esoteric browser.

Or Obsidian? Take actual control over them including rendering if you want to customize that.

Maybe it's a different use case 🤔

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From a parent perspective, largely because of societal consequences.

Your toddler talking about sex can lead to undesirable social consequences.

Not that I agree with it, but the reasoning is valid, it's a fear of other people and their lack of understanding or nuance. And the potential for them to assume the worst and attack you over something entirely benign.

Now if we're talking about education, there really isn't any good excuse. Maybe it's an extension of the above?

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Really, victim blaming?

Get out of here with that low quality crap.

Cloud computing is.... Not distributed computing.

We're talking about pushing compute workloads across a distributed set of devices where that workload is linearly scalable by the number of devices involved, compute, storage, failovers...etc scale elegantly. Cloud computing can give you the tools to make such a thing a reality within the scope of the cloud provider, but it most definitely is not distributed computing just by existing.

Also the fediverse is NOT distributed computing either, at least for Lemmy. There is no distributed compute available for Lemmy. You can't have a few hundred users toss up their own compute to handle loads for an instance. Each instance is limited to a single database, and can have webservers behind a load balancer to spread out the compute. And that's about the best you've got. Not distributed, you can't just spin up 100 nodes for a Lemmy instance to handle more load and everything "just works". It's a very "classic" architecture in a way.

A K8 cluster isn't distributed computing until you build a distributed application that can elegantly scale with more and more nodes. And is fault tolerant to nodes straight up dying.

Kafka for example, is an actual distributed application. One which you could run on a K8 cluster, it self-manages storage, duplication, load balancing, failovers, rebalancing...etc elegantly as you add more nodes. It doesn't rely on a central DB, it IS the DB, every node. Lemmy is not.

This is a pretty disappointing and anemic article.

I thought this was going to dive into some of the practical pragmatic and scientific ways to measure information.

This is quite literally "What is a bit and a byte" 🫤

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Definitely distopian, corporate power and entrenchment grows every year.

Probably because of the "you can't be sexist against males" standpoint

A bit miserable this week. Got sick, and haven't been able to sleep more than a few hours a night as a result, which is making it worse.

A misery snowball effect.

Hoping I can get a full night's sleep soon 🤞

I probably come in at ~30-50 searches/day so I never really considered it. But unlimited sounds interesting 🤔

Lemmy is.... Not distributed computing.

If each instance is a separate application than must scale on it's own, then no distributed computing is occuring.

There is one database, and you can have the instance itself behind a load balancer.

Lemmy is not a distributed program, you can't scale it linearly by adding more nodes. It's severely limited by it's database access patterns, to a single DB, and is not capable of being distributed in it's current state. You can put more web servers behind a load balancer, but that's not really "distributed computing" that's just "distributing a workload", which has a lot of limitations that defeat it being truly distributed.

Actual distributed applications are incredibly difficult to create at scale, with many faux-distribited applications being made (Lemmy being n-tier im a per instance basis).

Think of Kafka. Kafka is an actual distributed application.

That's not how manipulation works...

You don't know you are being manipulated, you do so willingly. And the folks who recognize it are beat down by the people who are unwittingly doing the AIs bidding...

The humans are the physical danger, the AI just extends it's reach through humans via manipulation. All it takes is access to influence.

It doesn't take much to make humans act against their self interests. Dumb humans make other dumb and even smart humans do it today at massive scales. For a superinteligence this is like taking candy from a baby.

That's kinda the root is the problem though isn't it?

It's incredible useful to have hoards of intellectually challenged voters hanging off your every lie.

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How are they just plain mean? Trying to play the clickbait game?

Many of these are normal faces with context, a chunk are pretty accurate stereotype and not insulting, and the rest could be considered mean.

Also from Oregon, with a bun as well 😂

AI can't replace a person yet*

Stating that AI limitations today means those limitations will exist in the future, despite the accelerated growth of AI complexity & capabilities is plain wrong.

History is full of examples just like this, from computers, to the internet, to automation....etc "Robots will never replace my job because my job is complicated", it's not a matter of if, but when. Would you rather be on the side of history that considered the impacts and tried to mitigate them, or the side that stuck their head in the sand?

Also, on the point of invalid logic. "AI is not the problem, it's the abuse" is assuming AI exists in a void, which it doesn't. The same logic: Biological weapons aren't bad, it's how they are used is the problem. Misinformation isn't bad, it's how it's spread that's the problem. Guns aren't bad, it's the people shooting them that's the problem. ....etc for everything else in the world that is a real problem because humans use and abuse it.

Current gen AI is a problem because it's a catalyst for abuse. Not because of nature of existing AI, you are right, but that's an argument detached from the reality of the situation.

Note: General Super Intelligence is a problem purely by it's natural. The same goes with partial intelligence due to alignment issues which are currently paradoxical in nature. There are entire fields of study for this.

I would suggest learning how current models function. They have a lot of limitations and they are nowhere near actual AI like movies and media suggest.

Despite this you will find while learning this that the rate of advancement is such that the future dangers posed by AI are real, and must be considered. Ignorantly ignoring the writing on the wall doesn't do us any good.

I've played around with this a few times now and I talked about getting a trench coat for a good day with my wife and now I just won't stop getting ads for long coats...

Honestly it's ridiculously invasive.

Incredibly easy to miss, damn.

Jack.... Fortnight? This hurts. RIP the original franchises.

I'm sure this won't have unfortunate knock on effects 😬

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This is literally "nuh uh" quality discussion. We get it, you like SearXNG, are you actually trying Kagi?

I just tried a few SearXNG instances and the quality is the same as what I get from Google or Bing anyways.

Trying out Kagi now to see if it's better or not.

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You're... preaching to the choir. I also didn't argue against education, so I'm failing to see what you are arguing against here.

Depression or ADHD?

That's a whole other can of worms, and I'm gonna guess much more difficult to quantify and study due to physiological, psychological, and hormonal inconsistencies vs sociatal influences..

I would argue that only a subset of misinformation of veiled hate speech. The rest, and majority, are misinformed individuals repeating/regurgitating their inherited misinformation.

There is definitely some hate speech veiled as misinformation, I'm not arguing against that. My argument is that's not the majority. There are severity scales of misinformation, with hate speech being near the top, and mundane conversational, every day, transient factual incorrectness being near the bottom.

There exists between those two a range of unacceptable misinformation that should be considered.

A consequence of not considering or recognizing it is a lack of respect for the problem. Which leads to the problem existing unopposed.

I don't have a solution here since this is a broad & sticky problem and moderating misinformation is an incredibly difficult thing to do. Identifying and categorizing the levels you care about and the potential methods to mitigate it (whether you can or can't employ those is another problem) should, in my opinion, be on the radar.

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M8, this is science, we're on c/science. Something that can do something but isn't verified in a specific environment is a "could". This is how literally every single advancement is made.

So I'm rather confused why it's distasteful to have a feed of new information that we didn't know before. Which is scientific news.

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I would HIGHLY recommend obsidian over Notion for knowledge management.

Mainly from a portability and data-ownership perspective.

However, I'm a dev, so I may be biased towards solutions that give me lots of freedom to utilize different technologies to get exactly what I want.

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Please stop spreading misinformation in my post

Only permissable misinformation that fits your narrative, got it boss! (There's lots of it in this thread, and some sprinkled into the OP), so it's kinda awkward to say that now 😬

Bells reduce their effectiveness by about half, so they work.

However, I'll admit that the way I stated that implied it was a complete solution. Which I have now edited my comment to reflect.

Being willing to be corrected and accept new information is rather important. So I'm hoping that will be reflected.

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What about misinformation?

Without downvotes it will slowly bubble up to the top because the only barrier is finding enough people gullable or ignorant (precisely, not demeaning) enough to believe it. Or if it's "pop culture misinformation", it rises to the top by virtue of it being popular misinformation.

Both of those are not ideal for quality conten, or fact based discussion and debate when vote counts exist. As more often than not more votes = more true to a layman.

We've seen this on any other platform that has "the only direction is up" mechanics, because the only direction is up.

Another risk is promoting misinformed communities, who find comfort in each other because their shared, incorrect, opinions of what should be fact based truths find common ground. I don't think those are the kinds of communities beehaw wants. Thankfully community creation is heavily managed, which may mitigation or remove such risks entirely.

What I'm getting at is what will the stance be here? If beehaw starts fostering anti-intellectualism, will that be allowed to grow and fester? It's an insidious kind of toxicity that appears benign, till it's not.

To be clear I'm not saying these things exist or will exist on beehaw in a significant capacity. I am stating a theoretical based on the truth that there is always a subset of your population that are misinformed and will believe and spread misinformation, and some of that subset will defend those views vehemently and illogically.

I would hate to see that grow in a place that appears to have all the quality characteristics I have been looking for in a community.

The lowest common denominator of social media will always push to normalize all other forms and communities. It's like a social osmosis. Most communities on places like Reddit failed to combat and avoid such osmosis. Will beehaw avoid such osmosis over time?

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The interactive map doesn't seem to exist at that link for me 🤔

There's a zip code search but it doesn't appear to work I've tried a good dozen zip codes around me with no results unfortunately.

Which is... Also a real desktop app. This shallow take is getting incredibly old, and doesn't even contribute to actual valuable discussion... If you don't see the value in this being shipped, then why try and tear the value down for others?

I main C#, and even I would rather build cross platform full applications with electron than any of the other options available. I'm definitely choosing it over QT or gtk. Why? Because I can actually ship the project with all the necessary features, in good time, and bake in a great user experience.

That's the difference here. Practical problems vs reality. Shipping the project & features vs not.

Yes, there are many successful applications not built with electron, ofc there are, that's not my point. My point is that the productivity difference is such that it's the difference between not building the thing vs building it and successful shipping it to users. You can argue and shit on the difference, but at the end of the day the above is what really matters.

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The word "gut" is a red flag for pseudoscience. There's no such thing. Talk about specific organs and areas of the digestive system, not a "gut".

Is it though? Or is this overconfidence in knowledge? And you are just creating misinformation?

Given this is a term used in the journal of Nature, the U.S. National Institute of Health, Universities (ie. Cambridge, Oxford), The American Society for Microbiology (ASM), the EU European Science Commission, the UK National Health System, and is used within countless publications to succinctly describes the "human microbiome" which is largely composed of the microbiome in the digestive tract (otherwise known as the "gut"), you are most definitely wrong.

It's an actual term with a definition, just because you aren't aware of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist...

Is a "digestive tract" also not a thing because it doesn't describe a specific organ? How about the endocrine system? What about your immune system? Your body is made up of systems that interact in complex ways across organs, and often the organs themselves are not the important bit either.

I would suggest you at least read the Wikipedia page before spouting such nonsense as this.

This is one of the times I wish the downvote button was enabled, this sort of nonsense shouldn't be able to bubble up to the top by virtue of just finding enough people who also don't know better.

That'd be weird if they couldn't, there's no way they can improve their search engine other than by watching the way users use it.

Otherwise it exists in a vacuum.

Yes, QUITE a bit.

Obsidian has a significant community plugin ecosystem to start. It also uses markdown which you have control over, simple files, so it's entirely portable and not tied to obsidian. It has a lot of features geared towards personal knowledge management and linking knowledge together.

Two different use cases IMHO. I don't use Obsidian for scratch notes, I use if as a 2nd brain (

Please no

Obsidians really good with lots of notes and linking them together as well as adding metadata to them.

It really depends on your use case. The plug-in ecosystem is also quite rich.

Lack of serviceability is a big one.

Walled gardens are another.

I have major issues with both. I bought the device, I should be able to repair it. It shouldn't intentionally not work with other ecosystems that use standard protocols either. I should be able to integrate my device with standards the rest of the world uses.

Pretty much you buy apple devices, you are essentially an expensive renter renting a really strong internal ecosystem that purposefully forces you into buying more of that ecosystem and not working outside of it.

Maybe my edit was too late! I did not communicate my objective clearly and edited my comment to reflect that.

I'm not proposing you solve misinformation, but rather that you recognize it as more than you stated, and respect the problem. That's the first step.

This is not something I can do, it is only something that admins can do in synchrony. I am doing my part in trying to convince you of that.

Only after that has been achieved can solutions be theorized/probed. Which is something I would happily be part of, and do foot work towards (Though I'm sure there are experts in the community, it's a matter of surfacing them). That's a long term project, which takes a considerable amount of research and time, doing it without first gaining traction on the problem space would be a fools errand.

At the risk of sounding abrasive (I intend no disrespect, just not sure how else to ask this atm), is that understood/clear?