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Joined 1 years ago

“Firefish isn’t just a cool name”

Yeah, it’s also a generic name that isn’t very good?

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“What if Chromium had its own fake money?”

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I 'adopted' a cute femboy

I thought you were talking about a person


I thought you were talking about an animal and describing it in an adorable and unique way

who came to SF at the beginning of pride month to experience a new city and life and cheer up from their depression

I realized you were talking about a person

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If the rumor is true that OpenAI is using libgen to obtain books, then this will be a very interesting fight.

Authors profiteering from arcane copyright laws vs. a sleazy company that hypes up an LLM as if it were HAL from 2001. Who is worse? Who should lose?! I’m on the edge of my seat already!

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That makes sense! Austerity is such a roaring success everywhere else. There’s no reason it won’t work for Argentina.

Keep starving public services of funding and fucking over the poor in order to funnel more money into the pockets of the ultra-rich. That will definitely help the country develop.

…so sick of all this right-wing bullshit. Fucking assholes.

They’ve just announced it! The new name is Microsoft Excel 365.

This is… really not true at all.

LLMs differ from humans in a very very important way when it comes to language: we know the meanings of the words we use. LLMs do not “know” things, are unconcerned with “meanings”, and thus cannot be said to be “using” words in any meaningful way.

This is one of those “oh duh, no shit” kind of things where in reality… yeah, that probably does need to be said out loud. So fucked up.

The academic consensus is that a guy probably existed who was a preacher whose teachings gave rise to the legend of this miraculous “Jesus”.

Everything that’s assumed to be real about Jesus is completely mundane. A preacher whose followers spread his teachings and fantastically embellished his achievements. Big deal! There are hundreds of guys like that. He’s L. Ron Hubbard without the trillion-year-old spaceships.

What opinions do you mean specifically? The question you asked is too vague to help us sort out the welcome from the unwelcome.

Remember: “lower taxes for businesses” is a mainstream conservative opinion, but so are “children should not be allowed to know of the existence of gay people” and also “Breonna Taylor probably deserved to die” and also “Dr. Fauci is a mass murderer” and also “Trump won in 2020” and also “more brown children should be put in those cages”, etc., etc., etc.

If the conservative mainstream is so hateful and bigoted that most of their opinions would not be allowed on a well-regulated platform, that is not the fault of the platform and it does not suggest that the platform has to change just to accommodate conservatives.

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I started playing Factorio about a month ago and I’m completely addicted. I love it so much. I guess there’s not much more I can say about it, given how everybody but me had already heard of and played this game. But it’s definitely my #1 gaming highlight of the year.

Having thoughts isn’t an issue. The issue is engaging with the thought.

You’re sitting there meditating. Then your head goes “hey, I gotta pay my insurance bill”

And then you go, “oh yeah, the insurance bill. For my car. Do I need to change the oil yet? Oh no, I have another like 800 miles to go. What’s 800 miles from here? Cleveland? Man, that LeBron really has some longevity”

Or instead, you could go “I’m meditating”. No judgment though, just point it out. Just note that a thought occurred and redirect your attention to the fact that you’re meditating and to your breath or whatever else. Another thought will come up shortly thereafter. You can just redirect again.

Then you don’t belong in a discussion forum.

If you’re gonna post something wrong and stupid, and then when someone goes through the trouble of correcting you your reaction is “oh fuck you, I don’t care”, then write your opinions in a journal and bury it in your backyard.

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This isn’t Twitter. With all respect, you need to bee-have better.

This reminds me of that tweet that’s something like:

me fucking around: oh fuck yeah this is awesome

me finding out: no, wtf? the world’s not fair. this shit sucks

I’m learning to play the talkbox. It’s tons of fun and it’s totally a valid way to make up for the fact that I can’t sing my way out of a paper bag, lol.

Yes! …well, with a caveat.

Huggingface models (even the ones published to the platform by Google or fb) are available for anyone to use, but they’re not quite intended to be chatbots; they’re more like pretrained machine learning models for data science pipelines.

Still, if you know python or are willing to learn, you can use huggingface however you want. You’re totally allowed to download a model, open it in python, and ask questions to it. Or feed it a long text and ask for summaries etc.

huggingface is full of models not created by a large corporation. Maybe they mean those?

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Thank you for making it possible to share endless pictures of beans in the future! It will never get old.

Beans, beans, beans, more beans, perhaps a cat, beans, beans, never gets old!, beans.

Please. Spare us. “I don’t support either political party but liberals are just as bad” is a very roundabout way of saying that you’re a Republican.

Shark Exorcist.

If you’ve seen the Best of the Worst episode, you know why. If not, you should!! It’s one of the best BotW segments.

And if you like Taskmaster, then you have to try Taskmaster New Zealand at least once! It’s my favorite version of the show :)

So the one thing on Reddit that you wish to leave behind is mods deleting transphobic comments? Lol

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Sure. The people who make that assumption are being rational in doing so, IMO.

Part of the reason for this is that people use the “lower taxes” thing as an excuse for, for example, having voted for Trump. “Oh no I’m not into all the cruel shit, I’m just a Fiscal Conservative™️” won’t convince anyone because nowadays you can’t vote for “lower taxes for businesses” without also voting for “trans people are all pedophiles”. Check your nearest Republican state legislature for verification of that fact.

Of course, the other important caveat is that “lower taxes for businesses” is usually packaged with “more deregulation”, which is in itself cruel, always implemented haphazardly, and never promotes the safe and sustainable economic growth that is promised.

Iosevka for life, baby.

Lol, twitter can’t even pay for their servers. They can’t afford a lawsuit!

The deck of cards thing is a truly insane stat. It’s not just more unique shuffles than grains of sand on Earth; there are more unique ways to shuffle a deck of cards than there are atoms in the Milky Way.

I can always tell when someone needs to poop.

…not really, but that would have been one hell of a hidden talent.