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Joined 12 months ago

I haven't played it properly either. But there's a community mod called Deus Ex Revision (It's also on Steam). Which improves some of the graphics, and looks to include a bunch of QoL features.


The page says it captures game audio only by default. But you can switch it to all audio if UPI want to capture something like external voice chat.

I believe Steve has said that he hates the title/thumbnails too. But Google's algorithms heavily incentives them, so he reluctantly uses them while maintaining the good quality content.

Ah, so it isn't just me. I had noticed this myself recently.

The issue lies with Google's FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) system, so it's not something GrapheneOS can really fix. As far as I know FCM doesn't offer a way to encrypt notification content. Some apps like Signal work around this by instead of sending the message content, they send a little "wake up" notification. This tells Signal on your phone to wake up and it goes and retrieves the new message.

If you don't install Google Play Services, you won't be impacted. But you'll also not get notifications for most applications. There is an alternative push notification system called UnifiedPush which allows you to choose any server to handle your notifications (and even self host it). But it does require both the service and the app to support it, so it's not very wide spread yet.

16 more...

As I understand it (from my non-legal casual read of the new coverage). Having a monopoly isn't illegal, abusing it is. For Google they found that google was secretly paying companies to not put their apps on other stores. That was what they got the judgement against them. They didn't find anything like that for Apple.

You technically could make cheese without murdering a cow but you won't find any made that way. Cows only produce milk for their young. To make milk they need to be repeatedly impregnated over and over again. Lifespan of a cow can be 20 years, though they are usually killed after about 5 as their milk output drops. Half of the cows they give birth to will be male and almost all killed as they don't produce milk. Some of the females may be killed too as you'll end up with more cows than you have room for it you keep them all.

As for a human child, drinking human breast milk is considered vegan as long as it was given consensually. If you kidnap someone and tie them up in your basement then it wouldn't be.

  1. We get paid $70 per weekday and $105 per weekend. I think it's $140 for public holidays.
  2. Eh, it can be a bit annoying at times. It's pretty easy to swap with people as needed. I believe we're allowed to opt out of it too, some of the other devs have. Since we've started it we've tuned our monitoring scripts that false alarms are pretty rare.
  3. Any time spent on incidents is rounded up to 15m. Which can make it feel quite unworth it if you get an alert in the middle of the night. Unsurprisingly since they reduced down from an hour it's taken at least 16m to investigate any alert.
  4. We've got a decent number of people on rotation that I'm only on call about three weeks a year.
  5. Australia

I've never worked directly with FCM, but that's my understanding of the issue. I don't know about WhatsApp. But it may do the same thing as Signal where the notification is just a wake up call and then the app connects directly to the WhatsApp servers to get the actual message.

I really wish vertical tabs could make it in as a core feature to Firefox. Currently I have to rely on manual user style sheet changes to hide the horizontal tab bar.

Proton is not the same as a VM. It has direct access to your filesystem. It could delete your entire home directory if it wanted to.

Yubikey and other hardware security keys now support NFC which makes the mobile support really good. A quick tap to the back of the phone and you're done.

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Software cracks leaving a calling card isn't unheard of. Companies before have been caught out before with names of cracking groups showing up in their files.

Edit: found the article I was thinking of. Turns out it was Microsoft themselves!


FYI for anyone interested. Immich is a open source, self hosted system for photos/videos like Google Photos. It uses machine learning locally for facial and general image recognition.

Yeah, end to end encryption means its not possible for someone to intercept the message between person A and person B. Nothing stops person B then forwarding the message to person C to report it.

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This is what I've done too. I've tried a bunch of other keyboards from F-Droid, but haven't been 100% happy with any of them. So I'm using GBoard still with all network permissions disabled.

Droid-ify can auto update apps in the background with root. I'm running it on GrapheneOS without root and it's doing it just fine.

This was taken at a place called Weirdoughs. It didn't survive the pandemic lockdowns unfortunately. I can't remember what the weird add-ons were for this. The weirdest thing I tried there was a lavender and eggplant milkshake. It was certainly weird, but still nice.

Set Immich up a couple weeks ago and I'm surprised how good it is. Their docs included a simple cli tool to bulk import all my Google photos. Mobile app is working great. I'm really impressed with the search too.

I'm not sure if their app does it. But the gluten docker container supports their port forwarding. Works really well if you're looking to route other containers through a VPN.

This is pretty similar to my setup except for using a Valve Steam Link over the nVidia Shield. PS5 controllers connected to Steam Link. Steam Link connects to my desktop (over lan, previously PoE worked well). It works quite well overall. A small number of games seem to have issues with being streamed, but they're pretty few and far between.

I don't think WebAuthn protects against cookie theft. WebAuthn better protects the login process. But if the result of the login process is still a session/auth cookie, that can be stolen like any other cookie.

I saw someone say that Valve holds back a portion of the revenue to cover potential refunds. If that's true, I wonder if that's calculated dynamically as it sounds like this is a higher than normal refund rate.

It's mostly a power efficiency thing. Before push notifications were the norm, most apps used a polling method. They had the application send a request every X seconds asking "anything new". There wasn't coordination between apps, so even every app checked once every 30s, it likely wouldn't be on the same 30s. This caused the device to wake up a lot and never let it switch into low power mode.

A push notifications system like FCM or UnifiedPush means only a single application needs to run in the background. It maintains a persistent connection to the push notification service and waits for a message. When it receives one it wakes up the relevant app and passes it the details.

Yeah, it's possible to get it to work with password managers. I believe it has to do with ensuring the password field still exists on the page when the username is shown.

I wouldn't be surprised if they made a torrent for it. They probably want a simple download button for the less technically inclined too.

It certainly can be a bit involved. When I moved from Gmail address to my own personal domain I did it slowly over a few months.

I set my Gmail address to automatically forward to my new email address. Then I setup a quick filter which added a label on everything that had been forwarded. Once a week or so I would look at all the emails that had been forwarded and update them to my new email (or delete them if unwanted).

Yeah, no need for ID to vote here in Australia. Just rock up at any polling place and give your name and they'll cross your name off.

Don't even need ID to register to vote. Any other person on the electoral roll can vouch for your identity.

7 Billion Humans and Human Resources Machine (same developer) are probably the most kid friendly ones I've played. TIS-100 I found quite fun, but it's assembly like programming which might be a hard starting point for kids. Zachtronics also make some good games, but the ones I've played are more programming games masquerading as something else E.g. chemistry with SpaceChem.

I have been using GrapheneOS on a 7 Pro since the start of the year and it's been great.

Similar to you I'm trying to degoogle. I've got Google Play Services installed only in a secondary profile which isn't allowed to run in the background. So it's only ever able to run when I absolutely need it. Down to only one app now that requires it, so can hopefully remove it completely soon.

On my primary profile I do still have a few Google apps. Namely Google Camera (GrapheneOS is still in the process of getting full parity with it) and GBoard (haven't found a open source one I like as much yet). Both of them I've denied any network access, so they can't do any tracking at all.

I haven't had any stability issues since I switched. The updates have been pretty frequent and very seamless.

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It's not that it's closed, it's more that none of the exiting email protocols support a server which can't read your email (as it's all encrypted). They do offer Proton Bridge which you can run locally which will handle all the decryption and local mail clients can talk to that as the would any other mail server.

I don't know off hand if it supports calendar syncing though.

This was the tool I used. It worked great for me.

Typically end to end encryption includes digital signing of the message so you can verify who the sender was.

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Yes it's possible. From my very basic understanding of it there's two ways Google can verify devices, using software or dedicated hardware. As long as Google continues to accept the software check you can root and still pass. Google can't reject the software results without cutting off a large number of older or cheaper phones. There's no way to get around the hardware check as far as I know.

The GrapheneOS team strongly recommend against rooting devices. Google Wallet doesn't support them as they won't pass Google's Safety Net. Never tried to root a GrapheneOS device so not sure if it's possible to force a pass.

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This is what I do as well and it's been working great for me.

I've used it quite a bit recently. It makes it really easy to submit data in small amounts. I usually have it open while walking my dog and enter in basic things as I go. I've completed about 1500 quests so far with it.

I've also gone with Spigen on my last three phones. Never had an issue with them.

GrapheneOS specifically recommends that you relock your bootloader as part of their install process.

It's been a while since I've had to touch it too. But couldn't Alice provide Charlie with both the plain text and her public key. Charlie could then encrypt the text and see it came out the same as blob Bob sent Alice?