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Joined 1 years ago

I'll be honest, the John Oliver thing was kinda dumb in the first place. Just... Don't post. Don't feed reddit if you want to protest. Going to reddit and still shitposting because you're mad at reddit and want to kill their traffic... I don't think anyone really thought this through too well.

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They handed me a dormant sub I requested before the protest was happening, while I was protesting. So I blacked it out too and added it to the protest.

I like to imagine that admin was like "I don't know what I expected."


Did bing really say that? I love this word.

If that kind of free speech is allowed, I absolutely pray that I'm also allowed to mock you incessantly for it. Conservatives check in like "Hey am I allowed to be intolerant here? I just wanna be sure you won't ban me for spouting hate."

What the fuck? Why?

Hey, we opened up a federated retro gaming magazine. We're actually moving the entire community over here.

"Leftwingtears" "Why do people keep banning me, this is only equal discourse!"

I can't with these people.

I'm Jewish. They think I have secret space lasers that start forest fires. No, I don't have to "give them a space so I don't have an echo chamber", a lot of them want me dead. This isn't about politics.

Yes, reddit bans people for hate speech. And why are you going to every sub and thread talking about this? It's almost like it's not just a casual conversation topic but you're actively spreading hate propaganda. Gee I wonder WHY you keep getting banned.

Maybe don't make political talking points from a hate group your entire personality.

Just wanna make sure they're allowed to invalidate other people's existences because of their own world view. #JustConservativeThings

You can and should defederate from things you don't want to see. That's the whole point of the entire project, that you can control your experience and choose to interact with whatever communities you wish. The Donald has a history of brigading and generally being a barbarian horde of racist dickheads, so defederating from them makes absolute sense. This isn't just "I don't like your opinion", it's absolutely "these people have a proven history of ruining every group they go near."

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Found the Trump supporter.