
3 Post – 101 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Couldn't they hire from watchpeopledie or nothingtoxic or ebaum. Those users probably would do overtime for free.

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My upvote can go through fast now

Good work

The author calls it JIF. He intended it as Jif because he has butter fingers and like butter brand JIF.

I'm used to hard G though.

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I opened Twitter page and it shows login page with small x on left and big x in the middle. But only one closes the popup.

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My favorite non sense is with Reddit, if I browse an NSFW page in incognito on mobile, a popup appears : browse anonymously download the app. Right

They removed god and placed Trump. Are evangelicals fine with that?

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Oh no. Another thing to learn.

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Theocrats should be kept out of government. Muslims can be as secular as anyone. Ibn Rushd / Averroes was Muslim and is called father of secularism in western Europe.

Moom, the lemmings escaped again!

It's weird that they target Lemmy, what would they get? Access to account that shitposts? Only important accounts are admin, even communities are small here

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I'm pro peace and I'm sure some on both sides would hate for that.

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Musk: "can I have a dollar, please"

And he claims he's a billionaire.

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Admin can remove it easily like last year. They removed several things they didn't want.

"guess we have to do two months paid leave"

What you should worry about is Zuck interest in the fediverse. It might boost the fediverse but he might somehow take over and become chancellor Sutler.

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I'd assume pirates.

You have to fight for your rights. Freedom unfortunately isn't often granted.

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Can you put the warning next to a photo of the governor of Texas?

Wrong place to plug the cat5

You haven't mentioned what email provider they're using. That matters a lot. Not all providers have smart filter. No need to attribute to malice what can be explained by reason.

Reddit used to host blatantly racist subs until fairly recently.

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Beating a dead X

So we'll hear this case been wrongly cited forever. AI art is often human guided and sometimes involve editing and adjusting. Rarely ever I get something good the first prompt. But I bet people will say lol no copyright.

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Caw caw cat.

The lesson is to never mispell the last world.

Don't you know? Paying your bills is woke

She needs to go back to the surgeon. A pussy shouldn't have sharp angles like that.

Almost every subreddit is fun until it grew then it goes downhill. I agree with people not wanting this to grow like Reddit.

As why Reddit grew, Digg is one and another is the format was perfect for the time.

Although growing too large not desired for Lemmy, but theoretically if you want to grow it:

First major issues and outages need to be dealt with.

Developing and deployment best practices should be followed.

Registration must be easy and open

SEO optimization

Securing funds

Getting noticed by the media often which may require some controversy.

Mod tools and supporting brands.

As you see many of these ,at end up be bad for users.

Moderators should just stop working for free on platform that doesn't value them.

Large git merge sent me.

Robots.txt is more of an honor system. If they respect , they won't do that trick.

Yeah I left yahoo when they changed their design. Never went back. Though rebranding Twitter seems a waste of money. He paid 44 billionm, a lot of it for the brand.

Sue for what? Such an entitlement. Should ford and GM sue him for competing with their car business?

Then comes the drug lords who bought entire governments

I'd keep it a secret as much as possible especially in the beginning. Hire a financial advisor to invest part of it. Use some for risky high yield investments and some other for easy low yield. Some would stay in bank, some will be to open a business. Some fund for kids. Some for charity. Rest is for fun

Slips 2 points? now at -20.

Going down on Lara Croft from 90s era.

The cat is out. You can't stop it. It's open source. I think the more fakes out there might desensitize people and make them less inclined to believe anything. Though my experience on Facebook isn't encouraging.

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Please believe me sounds like I don't know how to manually set emails. No way it cannot be done.

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Fair enough. I love consensus.

Voat allowed anything. So it was quickly overran by reddit worst subs that got banned. All vile hate and racism. And mods also banned people they don't like. Quickly other users left. I don't know about you but I don't want to see hate and less interested in political fights. No one would want to advertise there or donate to such website.

Lemmy is made of federated instances not controlled by one .