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Yeah, I'm juuuust old enough to have a firm memory of when things that were laughably petty were the biggest problems in the world. You mean to tell me the PRESIDENT got a BLOWJOB?!

All the real issues that sowed the seeds for our intractably broken future were sidelined and mostly ignored. Desert Storm, woowoo go world police. LA Riots, oh you crazy minorities and your intolerance for extrajudicial murder. Climate change, what's that?

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If you're a skilled salaried worker the law doesn't really consider you to have work hours. Furthermore, you aren't required to be compensated for time you are on-call unless you are required to physically be present.

US labor laws are truly horrifying if you start asking yourself a few "what-ifs." The entire system is built on good faith.

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It's written that way to be as neutral as possible.

Replace "Elf" with "God" and you'll see how important it is to "dance"

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Nobody's asking you to forgive her for what she's done, we're just saying that when your enemies are being raped and tortured, perhaps it would be good for you to say "hmm, can we achieve justice without all the rape and torture maybe?"

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I got this bug on desktop, running chrome, with no VPN.

This was, as most things like this are, just a pure dumb fuck-up by some guy putting things on prod without properly testing and staging. No need to put on any more tin foil hats than we already have, the incompetence is plenty reason enough to point and laugh.

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I'm a bloodsucking corpo dev and honestly my read of this was very sympathetic to the FOSS dev.

Pretty much all of my FOSS contributions have been to software that I've integrated into my for-profit projects. I will find a nice helpful tool, see it doesn't have all the flexibility or functionality that I need, I'll improve it, write tests, submit a PR, and do my best to fulfill the requests of the maintainer.

INEVITABLY I will start getting messages from MY COMPETITORS saying "hey we saw you added this feature to this tool, that's great but doesn't quite integrate with our software, can u plz fix?" It's comical. Like, I'm already leveling the playing field by making my improvements to the FOSS tool freely available to you, and now you want to pay me zero dollars to improve your competing product? This happens all the time, it's a funny nuisance to me, and I expect a massive headache for popular maintainers. Nobody is under any obligation to help you with integration problems - you can ask, but you aren't entitled. Fix it yourself, adhere to the maintainer's standards, and put it out for everyone to benefit from.

The whole genre is hilariously incompetent. It SHOULD be easy for somebody to come along, make an actually good extraction shooter, and cash out, but every time they do something dumb to screw it up.

Marauders was a blast for a short period of time before they made the mistake of listening to their community and made it Tarkov But Worse

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You post a lot. I see your name come up non-stop. That is great! It is really appreciated. I'm certainly not doing that work.

You also post quite a bit of inflammatory clickbait without having any personal knowledge to back it up. That's a bit confounding. At the bare minimum, you need to be prepared to accept criticism for that.

I can personally say this is the second time you've posted a FF16 ragebait article and gotten offended when prodded about the fact that you yourself haven't even played it. Why are you spreading information that you don't even have the ability to evaluate?

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Hijacking to point out to both the dumb lefty lemmies and the dumb righty lemmies that this is an amazing case study in the failure of people to separate their culture from their politics. I apologize for using you as a prop, vector_zero, but you signed up in this thread so I assume it's all good?

Here we have a person who believes that are right wing, but lives in a decidedly left wing location. What examples do they provide to demonstrate their right-winged-ness? Gun culture, cooking, sewing, quilting, home projects. Note the absolute lack of policy. When pressed about actual politics further in the thread, we get things like "yeah we need to fix gun violence, healthcare, and the economy, but I don't think any of the solutions I've heard will work." Essentially we have here a person who is completely disengaged from the reality of politics, but places high value on their culture and identity, having confused one for the other in the process.

This is all reinforced by the fact that this person lived in left wing area and is active here on a left wing website, where their self-identification as "right wing" earns them demonization, along with some doomed attempts at political discourse. Since vector_zero only really cares about their identity and culture, the demonization is all they notice, internalize, and respond to. It provides a pressure that actually validates and encourages their perceived need to stand up for and defend their cultural values. The political discourse is entirely ignored because vector_zero does not actually care about or understand politics. Meanwhile, the attacking lefties are blind to this miscommunication, characterizing it as "convenient dismissal of the real issues." No, it's not convenient dismissal, it's literally a disability: Our supposed "right wing" friend actually does not have the capacity to see beyond their shoelaces and understand how their emotional reaction to being personally attacked translates into large-scale impact for the rest of the world. So they go out and vote red (or not, since they are "powerless") without any understanding of what the consequences may be.

Perhaps the lefties as well are so blind to the importance of identity and culture that they suffer from the same "convenient dismissal" of the content of the discussion that vector_zero values. That's harder to say, but it's an interesting supposition. If that is the case, then we're doomed to go around in circles and continue beating each other until morale improves. But maybe not, maybe one or the other can recognize the tragedy for what it is and learn how to engage with it in a more constructive way.

It's painfully obvious to me that everyone involved here actually wants the same things, and there's a very clear education plan to get us all together on the same track. vector_zero simply needs to be made aware that left wing culture and identity is actually almost the same as right wing culture and identity. That absolutely nothing of themselves would be lost or reduced by voting for a democrat every once in a while. The difference is the policies, and since vector_zero doesn't actually understand or care about those, there isn't really any reason for them to hold up the label of "right wing."

You can just be a guy who likes guns, simple living, enjoying the day-to-day with the wife, and wants to retire one day.

Signed: A guy who also likes guns, simple living, enjoying the day-to-day with the wife, and wants to retire one day, but also votes democrat every time because I don't want anybody else to get hurt along the way.

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You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It’s just common sense.

I've already said that I appreciate your efforts. I'm not going to block you, your work is valuable. I'm just explaining that you ARE going to be criticized for what you choose to post, and you shouldn't act surprised. If you really don't care about whether or not the stories you are propagating have merit, then just ignore anyone who pushes you on it. Consider attacks on "OP" to be the original author of the article, not you.

Or, be more selective about what you post, if the approval matters to you. Consider it constructive feedback.

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The original song goes
Uno dos tres cuatro cinco cinco seis

It's stupid on purpose and makes sense if you listen to the lyrics

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Instead of removing two instances of S and replacing both with an X, you could simply remove the first S and replace it with a K. This would provide a functionally identical output with less code changes, and would preserve arity. Provide comments explaining the reason for the unintuitive implementation of the "fixes" interface so that future maintainers don't mistakenly rewrite it. Pull request rejected.

One of my favorite Redditisms was picking out incredibly obvious sarcasm with massive downvotes. Bonus points if replied to with a huge angry essay.

And due to the voting patterns, I learned to be suspicious of my own comments that were highly upvoted. I started to see it as a bad smell. My best work was the controversial stuff.

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It's strange, people can't seem to help themselves.

Even the Star Citizen community was full of people talking about how Starfield was finally going to deliver as the superior sandbox space sim.

Space Game is not a genre, it's a setting. Bethesda RPGs are gonna Bethesda RPG, no matter how you flavor it.

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It can be dehumanizing since "female" could refer to any sexual creature, not necessarily a human being.

So in the context of biology, female is appropriate. We may be talking about the properties of ovaries, the effects of high estrogen, the process of pregnancy and childbirth. We may be talking about human females, but potentially also just females in general.

But in the context of people, female is inappropriate, and it is better to use terms that affirm the subject is human: woman; girl; lady. A woman is (usually) a female, but a female isn't always a woman, isn't always a human, and so by referring to women as "female" you subtly suggest that their humanity is absent or unimportant.

social pressure

women and girls are actively discouraged from engaging in math & science by:
teachers (dont sweat it honey, you'll make a smart man very happy with those looks)
men (i dont want to be with a smarter woman because it makes me feel inferior)
women (ew who wants a dorky nerd girl, borinnnng)

you get all that in math class as a 12-year old girl and yeah you start to associate math with unhappiness

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This brings up an interesting question. On the continuum between Circle With A Dot In It and Photorealistic Drawing Of A Breast, at what point does it become NSFW?

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Bizarre and gruesome, but probably totally painless.

If you get sucked in at 100mph, your body will completely pass through the blades faster than your brain can register pain.

  1. Area 51 - a real USAF research facility where cutting edge aircraft were tested in the mid 20th century. People in the area truly did see Unidentified Flying Objects, in the sense that they saw aircraft the likes of which they had until then believed were impossible.
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob\_Lazar who single-handedly reinvigorated the UFO conspiracy theories long after Area 51 had concluded most of its Cold War era secret tests.

I actually love this one, because it's technically correct but not in the way people who use it mean, so you can turn it around easily.

Yes, you did get cancer for a reason. Because you insisted on maintaining your suntan every winter. Or perhaps merely because you pissed off the wrong banana.

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because you of in the cold food which isn't what you want and you of out the hot food you eat so we should call it of out which is the goal state not of in which is the problem state very simple explanation hope this helped you

This seems like a marketing move. When the Parental Advisory Label was created for the music industry, some bands and labels went out of their way to make sure they got it put on their albums, sometimes even altering their content just for that purpose, because it would actually drive sales. Of course every kid listening to rock and rap wanted "the real shit."

Here again we are being promised "the real shit" by a meaningless content warning.

It also helps Konami keep its distance from Kojima, which is probably what both of them want.

That's the malicious banana. Everything happens for a reason, but that doesn't mean it's reasonable

Gandalf isn't a superhero because he's more like an angel. He played a part in the creation of the world, and is entirely inhuman. He's a primordial spirit masquerading in a corporeal form.

Luke Skywalker is much closer to a superhero because he's a mortal man who was inadvertently blessed with incredibly rare powers and chooses to use them for good.

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It reeks of immaturity in general, or maybe more cynically, the perception of a bunch of nerds that have never had a sex life. There are so few games that handle sexual and romantic relationships realistically, and now that we have one nobody knows what to make of it.

Some characters take things slow. Opening up gradually, sharing some wine, holding hands and enjoying a single kiss on a night alone together. Eventually this ramps up naturally.

Some characters on the other hand are like, "you ready to fuck? I'm ready. Love? Never heard of it."

Both of these are normal and it's cool to see both represented in the same world.

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On the flipside of this, I've been kicked from games because I know how to prefire, and a lot of players see that and just assume you're wallhacking. Nobody pays attention to the 70% of the time that you prefire at air, but when you guess right and instakill someone holding an angle, it's easier to say "cheater" than "i've been holding this same angle for the past 5 rounds, perhaps I've become predictable"

There hasn't been a "good one" since WW2.

Short explanation: The arms Iraqi forces fought with during the Gulf War were largely bought or built by Americans. Isn't that interesting?

Long explanation: It's all connected to the Israel-Palestine issues we are seeing this very day. Iraq was dealt a very nasty hand by the UN after the dissolution of the Ottoman empire, becoming a landlocked country, with lines drawn such that they were made caretakers of ethnic enemies and forced to forsake much of their geopolitical power and resources to tribal rivals. It's difficult to say their claim to Kuwait was justified, but it's certainly just as difficult to say it was unjustified.
On top of that, we had just gotten done with fucking over Iraq due to their failure in the Iraq-Iran war. They had initially allied with the USSR to prop themselves up, and when that went to shit they turned around and tried doing the west and themselves a favor by grabbing a piece of Iran. We were directly supporting them (anybody taking a punch at Iran is a friend of ours!), and had been increasing our support, but when they agreed to a ceasefire we stopped, leaving them war-torn, deeply in debt, and with really nothing to show for their experiment of working with the west aside from all these shiny American weapons of course.

Medium explanation?: Iraq had been engineered to be an Israel-like anti-Arab agent in the region, but when they failed and sued for peace, we left them no other option but to wage another war to survive. When they went in a direction we didn't like, we got all our buddies together (including a surprising number of old enemies) and decimated them. Twice!

As a fan of souls games and mech games, I wouldn't be TOO worried. OP is overstating the problem. I sympathize, because this is indeed a different Armored Core, but it's nothing at all like a souls game. It's still a mech game and a good one, but it's not as technically deep as previous AC games while also being dramatically more difficult.

I would say in older AC games having a terrible build vs a great build meant the mission was either literally impossible or braindead easy. In AC6 a terrible build means the mission will be much harder, but still perfectly doable, and having a great build means the mission will run smoother but may still be quite challenging since threats are generally a lot more deadly than they were in previous titles.

I can totally understand how that can kill the vibe for someone who wants to seek victory in the build screen and enjoy the rewarding power fantasy during the mission, but it's still a great mech game with a lot of meaningful variety.

Proof of this is that while, yes, AC purists are upset that this game is more action-y, there are just as many Souls fans who are mad that the mech building game they bought is - get this - actually a mech game and not just Robo Souls.

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A helicopter would work and be much funnier.

You're missing the scale.

Everyone knew BG3 would "a success," but it hasn't just been a success, it's been a nuclear bomb of a success.

Optimistically, people were expecting to get around 1 million in sales. Total. THAT would have been a GREAT SUCCESS. Today I think it has around 10 million on Steam alone, 10x the "hope we get there" number.

Imagine taking a job and hoping for a $10,000 bonus for good performance, and then your boss drops $100,000 on your desk. It's that level of joyful shock.

I think this one is pretty confined to my region (southwestern USA) but we use Otto as the moniker of a generic stupid person too, but probably for a different reason: Otto is Oblivious to the Obvious

It's legal and really a non-story. There's plenty of shit to be angry at GOPers about without writing misleading headlines.

Rich guy wants to run a political campaign, so he takes out loans to pay for it. At the same time, he asks for donations to support the campaign. Afterwards, he may use those donations to pay back the loans which were taken out to fund the campaign. What is the problem here? This is just how funding works.

The story is written as though he is being deceptive, when in reality all he is saying is that he doesn't expect the donations he receives to line up with the amount of money he took out in loans to fund the campaign. That's fine, he's just paying for it out of his own pocket.

What WOULD be an issue is if these loans that he took out specifically for campaigning were misappropriated and allocated for personal use. THAT is illegal. But as of yet there is no proof of that, just whining that he's rich enough to pull a bunch of money out the bank for a campaign (which is a problem with the system, but not really with him as an individual)

Excuse me but you are interrupting my dopamine flow. Your response appears to be neither a meme, rage bait, justice boner, nor even a pun. I hope you learn from this experience and do better.

If you use Chrome, the world is your oyster at this point. Translation tools are getting amazing.

Text post, or title? Highlight, right click, translate. Done.

Oh no, but it's a meme/image/screenshot. Guess you're screwed, right? Gotta pull out your phone and use google lens, way too annoying, right? Wrong! Go to chrome://flags and enable "Translate text in images with Google Lens". Now you can right click anywhere to translate the page to English, and then just right-click any image and get a translated version.

Now go meme on some Germans. It is Wednesday, after all.

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Ada has been fairly aggressive in shaping her community on blahaj, so I think we'll see some splintering soon.

Logically there are two positions one can hold as a public LGBT (or any marginalized group) community:
Either we are first and foremost a safe space for our members, and will moderate aggressively to keep it that way
We are first and foremost the public face of this community, serving as a place for us to stage the culture war for our own safety and acceptance

Both of these are cool and make sense, but blahaj kind of fell accidentally into the second role due to the massive popularity of 196, while Ada really seems to want to cultivate the safe space instead. I'm sure the community is split, but time will tell just how deeply.

My unqualified prediction is that blahaj will intentionally obscure itself, get out of the limelight and try to focus itself more as a community of internal discussion and camaraderie for LGBT folks, and those who are unhappy with that will attempt to build a new 196 on an instance that is less curated.

Oh no, one of our states is unilaterally performing acts of war, but pOSsE cOmITatUS, guess our hands are tied, aw shucks

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You don't need a distant science fiction MacGuffin for this. Every night you lay down and "die" for 8 hours or so, then your consciousness turns back on and you simply trust that it wasn't altered too much in the interim. We know very well that the way we think can change from one day to the other, so who's to say you're really the same person?

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It comes down to whether the owners have a spine.

4chan runs ads. Pornhub runs ads. They have most certainly said goodbye to a large number of advertisers who were uncomfortable with the content they host.

It's the same basic gamefeel NRS has been doing for a while now. If you've played MK11, Injustice 1 or 2, you can expect pretty much more of the same baseline experience with new characters, moves, fatalities.

Story is a solid new entry if that's what you're going for.