Drew Belloc

@Drew Belloc@programming.dev
1 Post – 118 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

CS Student and developer on my free time.

No, since 6+6=12, then because 7 is one more than 6, 6+7=13

At least i have an id

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I still can't believe they've made mortal kombat closed source

Is not chromium, has a good UI, supports manifest v2, is open source and have native support for autoscrolling on linux

Write that down! Write that down!

Alright! See you in a feel years buddy

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I am, and I just dropped my phone

Why did I open lemmy at work? Now I have to explain to my coworker why I'm trying so hard to not laugh

I am the total oposite, i like to hang out with friends from time to time but i prefer to stay at home all alone for most of the time, and if i get too much social activity i crave to get back home and try to avoid contact with anyone that i can

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Wait you don't? Also i'm from brazil

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Both? Both!

Both is good

Temple OS, what else could it be?

I miss my server full of garbage scripts that i lost hours writing to use once and forget about it

Doom emacs, i just love the keyboard centric workflow that it provides

Well at least now i have a good amount of names to use in a TTRPG campain

I feel attacked, the pc came with a 4:3 monitor for you information... the bigger one was a the gift

The buttons and d-pad should suck too, they are too flat


If the language doesn't force me to use semicolons i will forget

Impossible, i've tried so hard and still wrote at least a 3 pages story

Since instagram don't allow third party clients you could have your account banned, not just that but sometimes those apps could come with malware or spyware, so i would avoid them.

No one like anti-cheats, some games even run worst with them, and because of that people who pirate the game get a way better experience most of the time than the ones who pay for they games. Also some anti-cheats lock you from playing in multiples devices in a short period of time, so if you share your library with your family/friends orif you like to play on different devices, you may be locked out of the game for a few days

The world would be a better place if every font had ligatures

You have a point

This is one of the reasons why i also sitck more to indie and old titles instead of AAA, it's at a point that we have games launching all the time but only 2 or maybe 3 every year are actually good

What is this smell? Is that the smell of self experience?

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Ah yes! The art that i made on my old windows xp. Good times

100% me and my friends

I'm glad to hear that, hope you have a great day

This is the way


Every year is the year of linux desktop

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Ah yes! I could go for a sashimi now