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Joined 8 months ago

Dexedrine got me through university, though with some issues.

Obviously, like all the big stimulants, sleep can be an issue.

Exercise was a problem - the revving of the cardiovascular system by the drug was heightened during exercise and not a nice feeling at all.

Your body builds up a tolerance to it, so regular ‘vacations’ from it may be needed to counter that.

It was 20 years ago when I took it, and was covered by a drug plan that only had a $0.35 payment at the pharmacy, so don’t know about the costs. It’s a really old drug, dating back to the late 1800s, so it seems like it shouldn’t be that expensive, but then I’m not a greedy pharmaceutical company, so what do I know.

Hey, Bails!

Does no one see the irony of a negative post complaining about negativity?

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