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“Both sides are the same!”

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Ya these responses are making some really weird assumptions. Don’t let them gaslight you.

The article is an opinion piece that is intentionally leaving out what topics they claim are not being debated.

At a time when science has been politicized, it is safe to say these topics are not up for debate. Reality isn’t up for debate. Especially when it is evidence vs opinion.

Seems like my opinion is an unpopular one here but here goes:

If the tables were turned and it was an adult revealing too much of their body to a child and making the child uncomfortable it would be inappropriate.

If someone goes out in public naked under a trench coat and exposes themselves to people who don’t want to see their genitals it’s sexual assault.

I realize different countries have different social norms but just because a scandanavian country is ok with nudity doesn’t mean that the rest of the world is or has to be. You have your own social norms based on where you live and at least in the US, certain body parts make the majority uncomfortable when visible. I don’t see this as right or wrong, just local customs.

If social norms were to change to accept nudity then that would change the situation. Some of these comments downplay the fact that it makes you uncomfortable just because nudity is accepted in a scandanavian country. Which is like saying: “In middle eastern countries woman must be fully covered at all times so you should live by that custom”, which is the opposite side of the same spectrum of acceptable nudity.

It’s my opinion that we all have to coexist and that means taking other peoples feeling into consideration to some degree. Even if those feelings are formed from social norms that change depending on where you are.

To answer your question, I don’t think it is good to talk directly to the daughter and tell her to change the way she dresses but I would let her mother know it makes me uncomfortable and try to find a compromise.

If we don’t replace fossil fuels now we go extinct. It’s really that simple.

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It’s takes 10-15 years to make a new nuclear plant. If you choose nuclear without renewables you would have to burn so much fossil fuels while waiting for your nuclear power to become ready that the human race would be extinct before you have a decarbonized energy grid.

Companies are able to add this many jobs even with higher interest rates because they are still flush with cash from decades of low interest rates, lobbying, income inequality and PPE loans.

Raising interest rates forces companies to spend their own capital to add these jobs instead of using money that the Federal Reserve prints to keep the interest rate low.

Raising interest rates sucks in the short term but it is required in the long term and severely overdue.

We can’t print free money forever just to have low interest rates.

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This is a really weird assumption that he has some hidden pedophile sexual urges just because he doesn’t want to see someone’s genitals.

The difference is a human artist can then make new unique art and contribute to the craft so it can advance and they can make a living off it. AI made art isn’t unique, it’s a collage of other art. To get art from AI you have to feed it prompts of things it’s seen before. So when AI is used for art it takes jobs from artists and prevents the craft from advancing.

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Human brains don’t have perfect recollection. Every time we retell a story or remember a memory or picture an image in our head it is distorted with our own imperfections.

When I prompt an AI to create an image it samples the images it learned from with perfect recollection.

AI does not learn the same way humans do.

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I don’t understand why you assume it’s sexual.

So don’t pay and make them work for it.

With the labor shortage right now it would be expensive for loan collectors to hire enough workers to track down and force payments if people stop paying on a large scale.

This is incorrect actually. The models these AIs run from by definition have perfect recall and that is why they require ENORMOUS resources to run and why ChatGPT became less effective when the resources it was allocated were reduced.


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Because you would have to prove that the AI only learned from your work and it’s my understanding that there is no way to track what is used as learning material or even have an AI unlearn something.

I’ve only seen bypass valves that block off one of the two heater core hoses to prevent flow but not both. Same idea as a thermostat blocks only one side of your radiator to prevent flow. So even though coolant isn’t flowing, it is heating up and pressurizing. There may be vehicles out there with an unusual design that blocks both inlet and outlet hoses to the heater core. But this isnt one of them.

Not trying to argue, just trying to share some of my knowledge as a former Ford tech.

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The reason they fuck up hands is because hands are usually moving during pictures and have many different configurations compared to any other body part.

So when these image AIs refer back to all the pictures of hands they’ve been fed and use them to create an ‘average approximation’ of what a hand looks like they include the motion blur from some of their samples, a middle finger sticking up from another sample or extra fingers from the sample pictures of people holding hands etc and mismatch them together even when it doesn’t fit in the picture being created.

The AI doesn’t know what a hand is. It is just mixing together samples from its perfect recollection.

What fossil fuel will they import in the next 10-20 years that it will take to make the nuclear plants?

Nuclear and renewables shouldn’t be opposed. Ideally we would have both. The problem is we needed to stop burning fossil fuels a long time ago so we don’t have another 10-20 years to keep burning fossil fuels while we wait for nuclear plants to be made.

The fossil fuel industry knows that if we take the nuclear ONLY route that we will continue to burn their fuels for decades longer. So they lobby to support that option, hoping that a lot or some of the nuclear plants will never even get finish like we’ve seen happen so many times.

In addition to that, countries don’t have infinite money to spend on energy. So any amount of the budget spent on nuclear will mean less spent on solar and wind. Solar and wind are the only sources that can be deployed fast enough to allow us to avoid extinction.

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Freudian Flip

I smoked for 23 years technically. I was mostly vaping the last 9 years of that and used vaping to lower my nicotine gradually. When I got to the point I was vaping without nicotine it still took a while to finally quit, but I finally did at the beginning of 2020.

Now I hate the smell and don’t crave them at all. I wish I would’ve done it sooner.

Remember that you don’t actually want it. It’s just a chemical your body is addicted to.

That would be like taking a whole bottle of prescription pills at once to get better now instead of taking them as prescribed.

Ya, op got it figured out thx to you that’s the important part. I just wanted to add a little clarity for the poor bastard that will come across this post after googling “Ford Focus coolant leak”.

If our brains worked exactly the same as AI programming then AI wouldn’t be needed because it would be no different than how we are doing things without AI.

Because the justice system isn’t perfect and it’s possible for innocent people to get convicted.

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In other words they require exponentially more input because the AI doesn’t know what it is looking at.

It uses its perfect recollection of that input to create a ‘model’ of what a face should look like and stores that model like a collage of all the samples and then uses that to reproduce a face.

It’s perfect recollection with an extra step.

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What does a sinking oil tanker have to do with anything? That’s just whataboutism. Nuclear waste, nuclear disasters and sinking oil tankers are all bad.

“Radiations” can absolutely “erase life”. You don’t think radiation can kill living things? That statement makes it clear you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Besides, It takes 10-15 years to make a new nuclear power plant. If you really care about sinking oil tankers and climate change you’d realize that we don’t have that much time.

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Even with that design it would leak coolant. The bypass just prevents the flow of coolant but it should always be primed with coolant even when it isn’t flowing.

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There are also countless cases of innocent people being convicted of crimes they didn’t commit. I’m not saying that happened here but it does happen.

How do you reasonably surmise if someone is being falsely charged? I don’t know what role Scientology plays in this. What brings them up?

I don’t know much about the case. What was the proof used to convict Danny Masterson?