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Joined 1 years ago

Some of the same technology was actually also used to create windows.

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I read the email from Tidal four times and still didn't believe they weren't trying to fuck me over. Well, I'll be damned.

We have passed the age of information, we have entered the age of misinformation.

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Genuine question; How is it a joke? That's pretty much what we do where I'm from, and we're generally considered socialists.

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It's like saying "nobody is not in danger"

Bad content gets downvoted, I'm with you on this one.

I believe you're referring to Termux, the terminal app. Tmux is a terminal multiplexer. Although you can run Tmux in Termux, so technically...

Anyway, great post! It seems I have to check out Ghostscript, don't think I've ever heard of it, thanks.

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And we all know that exact locations can only be obtained through pizza box identification methods, or PBIM for short.

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"Another user said...."

It's so ridiculously low quality journalism it's embarrassing

Banned players don't buy skins

I'm blessed in this regard by living in the rainiest city in Europe. It has it's downsides, but hey... free water.

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Not that uncommon tbh, in Norway our monarchs are of Danish descent.

This image is from UFC 248 in 2020.

Just to clarify; It doesn't necessarily mean that your Google account password is compromised. It lists data breaches of services where you used the provided email to register. The password you chose for that service at the time of the breach has been compromised. If you don't use the same password everywhere, or changed your password after the breach, your other accounts are not compromised.

Also, as OP said, use two-factor authentication. And please also use a password manager.

Not a fan of Edge, but absolutely love the tab groups. Use them at work all the time.

Maybe even the most things

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Hours of monologue with zero background noise is absolute gold for training the model though. You'd have to chop up and edit a lot of footage to get an inferior result with the television footage. Still, it's entirely possible and it may possibly have been trained on both.

lol, I thought it was obvious, but apparently not

They are talking about Megaupload, not Mega.

This is quality

The same reason half the state names in the US have indigenous origins, I suppose. Guess you'll have to ask the colonizers.

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That's so weird. First it was paywalled, then I checked again and it wasn't. Opened a new tab and it's paywalled again, but I still have the other tab open and can access the whole thing.

I'm trying my best to be objective, and while I do admit I am not without fault, I have not seen what you are referring to. Are you sure you're not misattributing anything? Sympathy for Palestine does not equal defending Hamas' actions. I have yet to see a single post defending Hamas or their actions on Lemmy. I have, however, seen a lot of condemnation of Israel's actions. Maybe I am mistaken, but I believe you are conflating the two.

That caught me so off guard I just spit on my phone

I see, that is a very good point and an excellent explanation. Thank you.

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If only there were ways to find out.


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Lol, I guess it was obvious now that you mention it

And then there's that thing with the s as well

You claim the BBC are "suggesting that trans people are deviants who are going to ruin the moral fabric of society", yet this is the best example you can find? Such bold claims require proof, are you sure you're almost certain you remember the articles, or could you have read a comment parroting this narrative with no actual proof?

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You can get one of the top seats, and I'll slither down into the bottom seats.

Is that pixel?

They will try

Bergen, Norway. But we have stong competition from the British isles :)

Bergen :)

Just to provide some perspective on the Nordics claim, since I'm Norwegian and worked in a phone store for six years. In my experience, practically no one here uses Whatsapp, except for communicating with people in other countries. It's either Facebook messenger, Snapchat or SMS/iMessage.

I agree, but testing with a supervisory driver should be required in case of emergency situations. Both safer and creates job opportunities.

I figured as much :)