
3 Post – 155 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Person with vested interest in X says X will continue to proliferate. More at 11

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I'm tired

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the only all-FOSS browser engine that's independent of commercial vendors.

I'm literally not gonna read the rest of this, whoever wrote it doesn't have any stake in this or they'd know how dumb that statement is.

Who are 'we'? Surely not anyone who's ever used it?

This is an ad btw

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Oh boo I can't visit American propaganda websites what a loss to my European life style

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You just made a normal forum

Denmark -

Brian <- A name, but also a slur for people considered 'hillbilly'. Very frequently used against people who drive cheap tuner hatchbacks. Said cars can be referred to as Brian Cars.

Peter Jensen <- Also a name, but it's become notorious in Jutland because it feels like everyone is immediately related to someone with this exact first and last name.

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Valve are putting all this effort and money behind a Windows alternative. It's our responsibility to use it!

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I booted it up yesterday. Flew around at 10 FPS and gawked at some pretty locations. Bought armor and weapons for my allotted alpha money and crashed.

Booted it back up today, all gone. FPS was better. Took an elevator and got stuck in an ether-world. Respawned. Had to wait 10 real-time minutes for my ship to be "delivered" to the station it should've already been at. Flew to a lagrange point just to see the volumetric gas clouds. Couldn't find any stations. RTB, quit, uninstalled.

I'm going to be brutally honest; if they do not start designing their ship cockpits with at least input from a real pilot then I'm gonna start being upset about it. You can't see anything! Huge canopies in fighter cockpits, can't see shid. I would accept this if they had implemented synthetic vision so you could just x-ray through the ship hull, but you can't, and I've never heard them talk about it so I assume it's not on the table. A lot of the ship HUDs are also dense with useless information, blocking more of my view.

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A person was flirting with me and I meant to say "Go on." but I typed "Goon." and ruined it

Could it have been this?


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you don’t really have to break any instance/community rules to have your comments removed by the admin.

Based on that I assume you didn't actually read beehaws rules so I'll take your post with industrial-sized bucket of road-salt

Bought bandcamp just to shelf it? Thanks.

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A horrible wannabe commandline, gaze ye eyes upon the horror https://drkt.eu

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People will recommend Navidrome- but if you're like me then your music collection is organized by folders and not metadata. Navidrome does not and will never (developer said as much) support folder-based browsing.

I recommend using Gonic https://github.com/sentriz/gonic and then a compatible Subsonic client. Gonic has been the simplest and smoothest out-of-house music streaming experience for me.

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My first ever distro was Arch, over a decade ago.

I just consider it my trial by fire, everything has been smooth sailing since because anything else is easier!

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hopefully they continue listening and iterating after release as well.

Those are called DLC and that's Paradox' whole deal

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Thank God

In theory also possible to just be a nuisance by filling out the instances available space? That sounds like it's gonna get fixed one way or another.

ok bermuda

I cannot answer regarding VPNs as I live in a country where VPNs are irrelevant for torrenting, but I can answer the port question-

If you don't have an open port for torrenting, you can only connect to other clients who do have an open port. If you have an open port, you can connect to all other clients. Either client in a P2P setting will need an open port to communicate. If neither have an open port, they cannot communicate.

It is beneficial to be able to open a port for torrenting, but keep in mind that you are essentially broadcasting your intentions with an open port (unless you use a VPN). If you live in a country where ISPs can hand over data to anyone who asks, they will use your open port against you. (unless you use a VPN).

No we don't This reads like an ad

I couldn't tell you- It's either slipping into crazy or I'm just paying more attention to how fucked it always was.

It's monday

Nobody is going to come and take your nads from you if you watch a video that contains a person you don't like.

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That's a picture

Oh thank God, I was worried it was my repulsive personality



Source overrides destination.

Just if there are people who insist on banning anything Meta, they are welcome to do so in their instances.

Isn't that what we're doing? We can't stop Meta from federating, that's not a function of the protocols. We're building a pact to defederate them from our instances.

The intention is for SC to be a space sim sandbox,

But it's not, it's a tech demo where your ship blows up on the pad for no reason

The reason I don't bring them revenue is because they continue to make the experience worse. Paying isn't going to make that stop, it's just going to temporarily shift the bar a little; the bar is however still moving towards a shittier experience for all.

Why would I look at this and go "Yes, I'll pay!" There are a lot of services I would genuinely pay for if I didn't have an impending dread that the service is just about to get worse again regardless of if I pay or not. It's not like paying is a magic bullet, either, it comes with a ton of different issues like privacy. They still sell your soul to advertisers if you pay them.

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I had no idea that wasn't already the case, to be honest.

I google "chatgpt" first link gives me page where I can use chatgpt

I google "gemini" cant find anything

I google "gemini chatgpt" i find only articles discussing the two

I google "gemini ai", "google gemini", "google ai" i find no pages where I can use it but lots of pages about how great it is

think I'll just stick to chatgpt ok thanks

If people have bet their livelihoods on fleeting hobbies on platforms that actively fuck them over, repeatedly, then frankly I can't be too upset about it.

People will make stuff for free because they enjoy it. Most people don't have much free time to chase their creative hobbies; I wish we didn't live in a world where artists have to justify their existence by monetary means, but let's not pretend that ads are paying for the creative underclass.

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I laugh; OpenAI deserves everything coming to them

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Liberal use of the word "first" but ok marketing team

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SEO sucks My site, which has actual content, doesn't even show up on google. Someone else with the same domain and a different tld who has no content on his site is at the top. They have a marketing team, how am I gonna compete? Don't worry about SEO, just have good content. People are gonna find it, SEO or not.