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Joined 1 months ago

Star Wars is Dune for people that love WWII and samurai movies.

Dune is the Foundation series for people that like mushrooms more than math and have weird ideas about women fueled by angst over their wife divorcing them.

1 more...

The problem with that style of blocking is that it goes both ways.

Someone can post ignorant shite and block anyone who would give them pushback, then when other people look at the comments they think "wow I guess everyone here just agrees with this".

I guess I've always viewed making a post as standing on a street corner and shouting, not meeting on the side of a street with a group of your friends.

I guess it depends on if you view "subreddits" as communities, that is groups of people that you choose to associate with if you post there, or if you view them as topics that you want your post tagged as. A lot of social media sites take the latter approach, but reddit used to take the former, as did old style forums. It might just be from me spending more time on those kinds of platforms, but I do think the "community" approach is better.

No, you're still right.

The US has had two major parties for the entirety of its existence. Occasionally one of those two parties collapses and is replaced by another one, but even during these upsets it is always one of the old major parties (the one that didn't collapse) that has their candidate elected.

Furthermore, if you take every third party + every independent and combine all their congressional seats the most they've ever held was 36, and that was in 1833-1835.



If you want to dual boot I suggest getting a second hard drive (a little SSD maybe) and installing Linux on that. Then you can select what OS to boot through the BIOS

It'll be way easier and less risky than trying to install Linux alongside windows on the same hard drive, and it'll also stop windows from screwing with the bootloader when it updates.