Dr. Quadragon ❌

@Dr. Quadragon ❌@mastodon.ml
0 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 4 years ago

Sysadmin, Unix punk, Technolojesus, and Free Software freak
Pronoun: he/his/him;
Tillie code: 0b00111001
Bit of an SJW. Militant atheist and battle skeptic. Former Devil's advocate. Devout Saganist.
If you are a Nazi, we can't be friends.
Admin of mastodon.ml

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Главврач этой больнички.


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@mastermind Software as a service

@Daft_ish Why go through the trouble of asking you when they can ask your browser who will tell them everything instantly and also knows you better than you ever will?


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@Aganim The original Deus Ex also. Its story was brilliant and prophetic in a lot of ways.

As an example of a game, that actually got its second chance: the original Half-Life. Black Mesa is brilliant. I wish, other old games like Unreal and Deus Ex would have got a remake like that.


@Sprite @pinkdrunkenelephants Whoa, what an overbearing fuck.

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@kernelle Ross Scott

@flubba86 Yeah, it's actually fucking easier to come in and fix their printer or whatever.


@Sprite And besides, what even counts as "makeup"? A lot of things *you* do as a daily routine could be just as well considered "makeup".

What is "illusion"? A lot of things you interact with on a daily basis is an "illusion". "Illusions" and imagined constructs make up our whole society. They are our superpower as a species, you don't want the world without them, just trust me.


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@CyberTailor @deadsuperhero Yep. That's where we basically (the RuFedi) gather regularly every two weeks to express ourselves via the mic and video. We tell stories, discuss news, show our work, and announce projects.

The point of the show, it MUST be done as a live stream (no post-production unless absolutely necessary), regularly, with AT LEAST TWO people (no matter who) leading the show. The episode MUST happen, come Hell or high water.

The stake? The show itself.

If there's only one person, or everybody skips the episode entirely, then the episode didn't happen, and the show is over.

We've been doing this for 2,5 years already, thanks to @th3rdsergeevich and other folks. It's been great.

@Daft_ish If they are the ones who supplied your browser, they don't have to pay shit.

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@Daft_ish Facebook's making money selling *you* on Facebook. You are the raw material.

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@rimu I don't think it's without reason though.

Don't forget that fascism is what capitalism degenerates into.

So, follow the money, seek the ones who profit. Fascists themselves are irrelevant, they are basically useful idiots. Look out for those who feed those idiots.


@June I'm sorry? but isn't:

polyandry = multiple male partners
polygyny = multiple female partners
polygamy = multiple whatever partners?

Just so that we're on the same page?

(source: quick google search to verify that I'm not crazy)


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@June Happy to help.

@Sprite Trans people wear and need a lot of makeup. To, you know, feel like themselves. Not wearing makeup hurts their mental health. Have you ever thought about that?


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@pinkdrunkenelephants I'm not an American, far from it, but this is too much, even for me, so I couldn't help it, sorry.

@Sprite Foundation of what?

I do know a lot of trans people as well. And they DO want to alter their appearance to feel better. And they do exactly that. Who are you to tell them otherwise? I'm not trying to make "your" trans people to wear makeup, why should you ban makeup for the "mine"?

What's weird is attempting to ban alteration of one's appearance. This is overbearing, futile, and simply not reasonable.

For fuck's sake, will you ban performance art like theatre and cinema as well?

That is not okay, you should not be given power.

@pinkdrunkenelephants Somewhat common context and somewhat overlapping experience (both personal and third-party). The overlap is never 100% though. Ask three people, what something is, you'll get four answers. No matter who they are.

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@Violett_Queen I don't think it's already the case and we already generally do just do whatever we want, but are afraid to admit it to ourselves.

Also, are you talking about *gamy or *amory?

There's distinction.

Polygamy is about just sex pretty much. Polyamory is about romantic relationships.

If the former, then, a lot of married people have sex outside marriage. It's debatable how honest this is, most of it just cheating - but that already counts as polygamy.

If the latter... Unfortunately, we're ways off universally recognizing this type of relationship. For shame.

There's also the factor of polyamorous relationships being harder to maintain, requiring a lot more work to do properly. Despite what conservatives might say, this type of relationship demands MORE responsibility from all involved, not less. So, it's not everyone's cup of tea, and probably monoamory will be the default in most of the cases. But if you are willing and able pull it off, there's nothing quite like it.

@pinkdrunkenelephants Let's do it the way I proposed in my message here: https://mastodon.ml/@drq/111177928748371050

and take the practical approach to this.

Whom would me defining every word you throw at me benefit? Who will be better off?

Me? No. You? Well, it will satisfy your facetiousness, and short term, yes, maybe. But in long term, you've learned nothing and never wanted to. Us together? Nah, you're clearly going to turn this into a competitive situation. Society? Nobody cares.

So, I will have to decline.

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@pinkdrunkenelephants Solipsism? What?

Do you even understand what I'm trying to say?

@pinkdrunkenelephants Yes, but it's important to remember that dictionaries are not god's gospel. It's not some kind of revelation about Life, Universe and Everything. And it's not even a naturally occurring phenomenon. It's still just a book (or rather, a database) some dudes or lasses wrote some time ago using their accumulated experience. It still comes from humans. It's still just a fragment of someone's consciousness.

And being, as we (hopefully) know, determines the consciousness. And being is an immensely complex and ever-changing thing. So no dictionary is accurate, ever. So we have lots of them, and all context-dependent.

So it is useful to re-evaluate the definitions you think you know.

Take the same makeup, for example. If someone wants to ban it, they'd better fucking give everyone a clear idea what do they mean by that. Suppose, I'm going to a football (or soccer, depending on who you ask) game and paint my face in the colours of FC I'm a fan of. Am I a criminal now?

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> authoritative

Fine. What is the source of this authority?

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@pinkdrunkenelephants No, no...

The dictionary is the source of authority for YOU.

What's the source of authority for the dictionary? Where's the root of all authority? Whom will you trust with this job?

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@pinkdrunkenelephants Okay, whatever, looks like you don't want to think about it, which is also fine, it's kinda tough question.

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@pinkdrunkenelephants Soo... Ultimately, it's *you*, right? Or is there another answer?

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@pinkdrunkenelephants Look, I commend and admire the power of thought-terminating cliches, they are useful (and this is part of my point as well), but still, I'd like an honest an answer:

Where Do You Think The Root Of All Authority Is?

I have my answer (or at least what I think describes the answer the best), but I'd like to hear from you.

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@pinkdrunkenelephants Also, you've only proven my point that "the definition game" has no concievable end. So...

@pinkdrunkenelephants Y'see...

A lot of things we don't do because we can do them, but because we can't not do them.

Given time and population, you'll build some kind of country, whether you want it or not.

As for "meaning of words we can look up in a dictionary"... My dear, you haven't worked with language long enough to see what I've seen. And let me tell you, dictionaries have more contradictions than any text you can dig up. And that's completely normal. Because this is also what we can't not do, because there's a giant hole at the bottom of all definitions, because the world is an incomprehensible mess, and always will be.

Shit, we can even barely answer basic questions like "what the fuck the colour orange is?"


What we can do, is define words from context to context and hope to navigate those contradictions.

What matters in the end is, if we're at all better of for the way we navigate, or worse. It's the only thing that matters, really.

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@pinkdrunkenelephants Hmm... How to put it simply.

The entirety of connections between different entities surrounding an entity in question. I'd put it this way.

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@Crabhands Exactly. And that's most of them.

@wildcardology argues that "all the definitions are in the dictionary".

True. But then it comes down to "who writes the dictionary", so it's just kicking the can down the road.