Dr. Zoidberg

@Dr. Zoidberg@lemmy.world
0 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It's only slippery if you don't have proper footing when punching a Nazi.

If you can't ensure proper footing, or are unable to properly punch, a baseball bat will suffice. Preferably a wooden baseball bat, as aluminum bats flex more than wood, and you don't want any give when hitting a Nazi with your bat.

Aim for the knees, so the cowardly Nazi can't run away, like the coward it is. Once it's on the ground, you can continue to work the rest of the body. Stay away from the head! I cannot emphasize that enough. You want the Nazi to remain conscious, so it can feel it's bones shatter.

Looks like the smaller apps, and Narwhal has an NDA, so I'd bet they cut a deal with reddit to keep the price really low, in exchange for something, possibly forcing reddit ads into their app.

All have gone to a subscription format, which is still ridiculous. Reddit isn't worth accessing for any price monthly.

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And we've been trolling cons for like a full day with this. I did this to my trump loving aunt on her Facebook. She got super mad and deleted me off Facebook. She was the last holdout that refused to unfriend me no matter what I commented on her brain dead posts.

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As a doctor of humanology, I have examined and can confirm this is the real Obama.

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Why is it dripping down your leg? Are you hugging your garbage when you take it out?

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RBG really shat on her legacy with that bullshit. At the end, she was just a power hungry narcissist like all the rest.

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IIRC it's rotational, and it changes after x amount of cases, or x amount of time, but the order is random.

First off, it's Dr. I didn't get a doctorate in art studies to be called Mr.

Second off, do you hug your food before you eat it?

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It helps if you still have friends that work at the company, that can kind of spy for you too.

An older woman was fired from the company I worked at in the early 2000s, and she was friends with a few people that still worked at the company. Found out she was replaced with a younger less qualified guy, and her friends were able to corroborate a lot of the ageism/sexism stuff, and she won the suit. Think she ended up being awarded something like whatever her salary was until the age of retirement, and ended up with close to a million dollar settlement.

I was promised the fediverse was a lawless place where we could discuss whatever we wanted. What I'm now hearing is that I'll need to find somewhere else to discuss my plans for genetically engineered mice, one with a 9th level genius, and the other somewhat insane?

This is bullshit and I demand a refund!

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RedditSync checking in. Looking forward to the LemmySync app in development.

I know good beans when I see them.

I think there are still some subs that are private, and I know a couple went NSFW and a bunch are getting harassed by admins to reopen or remove the NSFW tag.

My friend told me the cyberpunk sub couldn't reply to the email they got telling them to turn off the NSFW tag. Because nearly full on sex scenes, decapitation, huge hogs with giant titties is absolutely SFW.

That toilet bout to look like a murder scene.

It's been over a decade since I answered a call from a number that wasn't programmed into my phone. I won't return the call unless a voicemail is left.

I like how that nig morphed into never gonna give you up.

Real subtle.

I was gonna make one to troll them, but you can't make an account without linking a phone number, and I actually use my Google voice account.

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Not if there are more bots than humans upvoting and drowning out the real people.

I'm to high for this.

Why not?

But the og playstation wasn't that large.

From smallest to largest

PlayStation PlayStation 2 PlayStation 4 PlayStation 3 PlayStation 5

Weight wise, PlayStation was also the lightest.

They stay fresher for the kids lunch that way.

Yea I made like 4 accounts with .world being the last, because I thought I needed an account for every instance. I'm now learning I don't need to do that.

And the era where Rockstar absolutely tells Red Dead Redemption 2 to get fucked.

I think it's cool some communities allow you to see the amount of up and down votes.

01001010 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01100011 01101111 01100100 01100101 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00100000


Looks like lemmotif is in super beta and can't even add an account. It does load pretty quickly though.