
1 Post – 27 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Fuck Gary Bowser and Team Xecuter in general, he doesn’t deserve the punishment he got but I feel no sympathy for him.

Read up on how they stole GPL’d code from other Switch hackers for their closed source SX OS, and then had the fucking nerve to charge for it.

Piracy is one thing, but what they did hurt the Switch hacking scene, for their own profit.

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Letting corporations brain wash you because you like using their app lol

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I’m also afraid of corporations teaming up with governments and using their extremely comprehensive data sets to influence public opinion.

I’m also afraid of the fact that many people no longer care about privacy, and might not care if the government tries to implement dystopian systems like those seen in China, as long as it “keeps them safe”.

Do you tell every person you meet on the street where you live and what your phone number is?

If not, why tell Mark Zuckerberg?

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Israel won’t become a dictatorship.

Every week hundreds of thousands of Israeli Jews protest these changes (in a country less than 10 million people).

They have a civil war waiting for them if they go too far - and don’t forget that most of these protesters served in the military.

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Email became mostly centralized without any company buying thousands of independent email servers.

The same could (and probably will) happen with other federated services.

“Amateurish”? This is literally a server for hosting pirated games, who gives a fuck.

Also, if your first thought after reading the word crackpipe is black people, maybe you’re the racist one.

And even if in the US it does have this connotation (IDK I’m not American), why should Europeans care?

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The fast inverse square root algorithm was known from the 80’s, and was used in at least one game I’m aware of before Quake 3. Also, it wasn’t important in the long run - the same year Quake 3 was released, the rsqrtss instruction was introduced by Intel, which made this algorithm obsolete (as it was faster and more accurate).

It is really cool though.

Yeah good luck meaningfully using a Lemmy instance with barely any users.

There’s a reason both Lemmy and Mastodon only really started taking off when the equivalent proprietary platforms drove users away - a service like this needs users to create content.

Also the guy you’re replying to is right, stuff like this already happened in the past; look at the centralization of email (which is also federated) for example.

SX OS has anti-piracy measures in place which literally brick your switch.

I’m actually not European (I mentioned it because others did in this thread, I think the developers are?).

In any case, I do “get the gist” but I disagree with it - why should the mainstream culture of a foreign country dictate what I can or can’t say (or name my project)?

And even if I did agree with you on that point, I would disagree with applying that logic to a term like “crackpipe” which isn’t considered a slur at all.

If you think the name is offensive, don’t use it. Once again, this project is a server for hosting pirated games, it’s not like they need to be advertiser friendly or whatever.

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So you’re not gonna respond to any other part of my comment?

I understand you might not care about my last point, not many people do, but the first three are much more important.

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You don’t know shit about Israel.

I have lived in Israel my entire life, and have served for 3 years in the IDF.

People don’t just follow orders blindly - in fact, in the IDF, if you receive an extreme order from your superior (for example, if you’re told to harm an innocent person), you WILL go to prison if you follow that order, and it is your obligation to refuse it.

Not to mention the fact the the culture in Israel is extremely informal and lax. Israelis take pride in not following the rules.

Israelis in general are extremely distrusting of authority (think about it - Jews have been suffering because of it for 2000 years).

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Why would the US support this? In fact, the US has been pretty vocal about its opposition to these developments. Regardless of this though, you greatly over estimate the influence of American politics on internal affairs in Israel.

Also, nobody gives a shit about what the UK supports lol.

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How about China tracking where a dissenting Chinese ex-patriate is?

Also, did you read your own fucking comment? You asked why my government needs help from corporations to sway public opinion - my response simply clarified that foreign governments do.

Just look at what Russia did in 2016 as an example.

I’m not talking about my government, I’m talking about foreign ones.

Edit: also, where do you think your government gets all this information from?

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Yeah cause that’s exactly what happened in Afghanistan and Vietnam.

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dconf can also be configured with text files (with a format similar to ‘.ini’ files), although enabling this support isn’t trivial, and it’s not the most well documented feature.

I also used to run a ”lobotomized” Gnome, but TBH I found it easier in the long run to start from a minimal base.


I know he’s popular in the west because he is anti-Putin, but he is a piece of shit.

Btw, I know Russian, and I can confirm the title of the linked video is accurate.

I didn’t mean “dictate” literally, but whatever, I agree with everything you wrote pretty much.

I mostly went into this discussion in the first place because I was annoyed that like half the replies were about the name and not the software - when the name really isn’t that extreme. But at this point I’m part of the problem, so I’ll stop now.

I know you just switched, but you should try OpenBSD - way better desktop experience IMO.

What did they get?

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Then why did they leave?

Sorry, but events which happened right after the founding of the country don’t count IMO - the whole area was in chaos and many dumb decisions were made (talking about the Ben Dunkleman case).

“Breaking the Silence” have been caught lying many times - even known biased publications like Haaretz have called them liars.

Elor Azaria, a soldier which killed an incapacitated terrorist a few years ago, claimed that his commander told him to do it. He went to jail anyway.

It’s not a myth, this is fucking drilled into our heads during bootcamp.

The only source I could find for something like this were instances where Israeli authorities withheld taxes collected on behalf of the PA due to debts incurred by the PA to the Israeli Electric Corporation.

They don’t let them vote because they’re not citizens. You should ask the PA to let them vote.

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What coup are you referring to?

I have never heard of this, and hours of research turned up nothing.

Sorry, but if the PA doesn’t pay its debts, they have no right to complain when they aren’t given free money.

Maybe if Palestinians resisted the PA as much as they resist Israel, they would have a functioning government which wouldn’t need Israel to collect taxes for them.

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