
1 Post – 54 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That’s called “ retaliation” and Apple would have to be pretty fucking stupid to do that to the prosecutors at any point, let alone in the middle of a dep.

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Was banana peel (/russian accent)

No questions is unfathomable.

Not when your client has chronic diarrhea of the mouth

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He meant PEACEFUL fighting! /s

Voluntary decision to go to a district with a larger republican majority.

He wasn’t attributing the song stanza to Green Day.

Just saying it was relevant to the context of the article.


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Yeah god forbid people have to have conversations with one another to learn thing and maybe get a bit of a friendly opinion

You really fooled by that thin of a veil?

Yeah the energy to write that was not worth the payout

Monopolistic companies: “This is the way”

No mention of Epic in Godot's transparency report.

Agigatedpotato has toppled countless government. He needs to be heard

Yeah…I’m gonna say you have something that isn’t playing well with Firefox. Extensions, hardware…. I’ve been using Firefox for years now across multiple OS’s and hardware and I’ve never had anything like this happen to me

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Yeah, the phrasing didn’t do it any favors.

The thumbnail shows Mark Mulletburg.

Amen. I remember in high school and my early 20, I was gullible af.

It’s an age issue. Not a generational one.


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What , specifically, do you find irksome on the Netflix ATV interface?

Only thing I dislike is the snippet/trailer autoplay. Everything else, works well for me.

What are you referring to?

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I, for one, am happy that technological innovation isn’t tethered to Auntie Agnes ability to comprehend.

Dude breaks laws to pay for the laws he broke.

He canceled $132 billion for 3.9 million people.

So, by any metric, it was delivered.

No, we shouldn't.

If they're incoherent, we need it front and center for everyone to see.

I love this post. “Natural as god intended.” LOL

You're a software developer you answer that.

lol. What a shit take.

We’re all adults here.

You can say “poopy.”

Not made up. Just a large population.

I could write an article about how Biden is really a cat and find people on the street to provide quotes for it.

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Can you elaborate on what options exist? I’m technically inclined and have yet to find a better cheaper alternative to YouTube TV which my not so inclined wife can use to watch news channel on our Apple TV.

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What’s the problem with EVs?

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In. the. text. he. typed.

Whatchu want, a reliable source?

Trust him, brah.

Obviously their bill was closer to 100

Yep, just us democrats that hate our planes falling apart in flight!

How public discourse works, brah.


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The US isn’t defending their homeland.

Direct the cheers to the Ukrainians on the frontline.

I’m going to seriously check this out. Thanks, bud.

This is a home NAS with one user (myself) on this Linux client. Other clients will be Windows for other users.

My NAS user has full rw permissions across the NAS shares (but not admin privs). I’m not super comfortable with this config as it strike me as too permissive to mount on the home directory. Would love to hear better approaches.

Yes, there is a chance the NAS can be down when booting the Linux pc.

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Thank you!