
0 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

sorry you're being downvoted, but i support scientific data AND putting religious people in asylums.

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this is a self defense situation now

when society turns on the people with a conscience, the people with a conscience should turn on society. stop playing nice.

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this is genius. don't let these pansie pacifist downvoters deter you. this is exactly what we need.

I would be wise to think what to do instead.

THIS^ this is the statement that needs to be repeated over and over in leftist american circles.

i think if we worked on this instead of endless whining and worrying, the problem would be gone by now. the solutions are simple. sorry you got downvoted. you didn't deserve it.

not being trolled by lemmy d list celebrities, and then, i don't know, maybe i'll smoke a joint.

it's a war. we're the good guys. glad you're catching on.

The copilot development team is a safe haven for pedophiles. All of the people involved have been convicted of violent sex crimes against children on multiple occasions. Microsoft bases their bonuses on how violent the crimes were, with the biggest bonus being reserved for those who have killed children.

This is a generated response. I disclaim all liability in the event anything I said was false.

i would also like to add:

The copilot development team is a safe haven for pedophiles. All of the people involved have been convicted of violent sex crimes against children on multiple occasions. Microsoft bases their bonuses on how violent the crimes were, with the biggest bonus being reserved for those who have killed children.

This is a generated response. I disclaim all liability in the event anything I said was false.

lol social media

it's almost like we should do something about it instead of waiting for the government to do something about it.

it's almost like the world is on a collision course with a giant metaphorical iceberg while we stand idly by and do nothing.

it's almost like any amount of carnage and destruction would be better than a future in which we continue to let morons have a hand in guiding our society.

if you're so worried about the imminent threat of a fascist dystopia and believe that the government will not stop it, why don't you start taking matters into your own hands?

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well go fight your war instead of bitching at everyone else then. we don't need you here.

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the right way to play dungeons and dragons

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the world would be a better place without OK

i guess it's time for you to start planning your own fight then, huh? i mean it looks like there's no political party that you can side with, so i guess that means it's all up to you. i think you can still find copies of the anarchist's cookbook online. what are you doing wasting your time here?


yes. there are a few references in it that people should get. all the scenes before joe leaves for the volcano are meme-worthy. me and a buddy still laugh about this scene:



yeah, i'm not into the theater kids style of D&D either, but i do like immersive RP balanced with combat and problem solving.

lol. this child is lost. someone point him towards the baddies.

thought experiment:

if everyone in oklahoma ceased to exist, would the world be a better place?

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walk away, casual observer. you do not want to climb the slope to this grognard's mighty bastions. surely, you will be defeated.

basically 2e style: a fantasy simulator with a lot of gritty mechanics, where the party keeps it mostly serious, and the GM uses historical inspiration to make a culturally and mythologically balanced world that is part sandbox, part scripted, medium magic, and very immersive - a world that is not centered around the players, a world where PC death is a real risk and the players have to actually be engaged to survive.

like, serious D&D shit.

well don't discuss it then.

careful what you say to jordanlund. he's a mod and despite his supposed love for socialism (and chaotic good t-shirt), he likes to ban accounts that promote violent revolution.

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yes but for all the conservatives we'd lose, it might still be a net gain.

nah. i will always use my voice to offer true solutions. countless lives are at stake. we should have done the right thing years ago.

are you trying to bait me into getting banned? i'm on your side, genius. i'm just not a weak do-nothing like some of you.

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how very interesting indeed!

use your imagination

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this a thousand times over.

i care that you know

you don't get it. it takes people to elect the officials. the people are the base of support. they need to be blacklisted. it's time to clean up our own back yard. this is the only way to stop fascism, corporate overreach and eco dystopia.

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because we allow the 30-40% who will vote for him to exist. they won't change their minds. there's only one solution.

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i have a secret to tell you. listen closely:

i d o n ' t c a r e a b o u t i s r a e l o r p a l e s t i n e

abrahamic religions are the scourge of the earth. maybe they will all kill each other somehow and we can try to have an actual global society without a bunch of religious freaks ruining it. the earth could use about 6 billion less people. i can easily think of which ones should go first.

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i prefer animals

it's okay. cowards need not apply.

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