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Unless you’ve used something secure for formatting or wrote data to the SD after, consider attempting data recovery.

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Are you confusing security and privacy?

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What are some alternatives where I can get targeted ads?

Focuses on garbage these days

AirPods Pro gen 2 are problematic with Steam deck:

Dozens of people reports issues, most commenters are able to pair but experience various stability issues on top of the headphones not connecting automatically.

With no visible response from Valve, the hope is that kernel and relevant Bluetooth and pipewire packages upgraded in the upcoming SteamOS 3.6 contain some fixes.

AirPods Pro gen 1 are not affected.

Not sure why you get downvoted so heavily, I have also found that adding a custom search engine is unnecessary hard in Firefox these days.

There is a way to get the “add” button back in the settings described here:

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I’ll bite: big swiping changes like what?

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Still waiting on the list of those swinging/swiping changes that the other DEs are making

It’s been discussed on Hacker news recently:

Faster in what sense? Would you kindly point me to the benchmarks used? It’s easy to find the opposite results so I’m curious.

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This seems to be implemented in the Steam Deck client update from November 16th

Haven’t tried it myself though.

You’re right - I misunderstood the question and thought you meant the distribution images

My experience with the official dock has been quite negative, it would sometimes not work until the power cable is unplugged and then plugged back - that is with all the latest stable updates for everything. Other people on Steam forums run into this issue too.

I’ve noticed the issue too late for a simple refund process and their support was not cooperative at all.

I recommend looking at other docks instead, will cost you less and work better.

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I just added it to the home screen, and so far, it's my favorite between Mlem and using the default web interface. Thanks for mentioning it!

I use a PS5 controller paired wirelessly with my deck. I think the touchpad just worked for me with no extra settings (apart from picking a steam input configuration that supports it) but in practice I almost never use it for gaming.

Not sure what chiaki4deck is but I don’t believe it’s necessary for PS5 controller support.

Update: i may have installed something for gyro support at some point but it wasn’t chiaki4deck

There’s no ZFS support in OpenBSD is there?

  1. I don’t necessarily like the feeling of the button, in my opinion the buttons on the PS controllers are more comfortable. That said, I have zero functional issues with the buttons on my OLED and before that had zero issues with the LCD version.

I’m running Arch on my RPI 4b+ and quite happy with it.

The installation was pretty simple IIRC - I did run into some issue with uboot which was easily solved by searching for the error on the internet.

Arch Linux ARM ships with a mainline aarch64 kernel and uboot by default, but if you are interested in running the RPI kernel and their boot loader, there’s a custom pacman repo and instruction on the forums:

All in all I don’t think arch needs that much maintenance on a non-critical home server - just make sure to check for config updates every now and then and reboot after kernel upgrades.

  • Everything on “medium”
  • SMAA instead of TAA to avoid blur
  • FSR set to Quality to avoid blur
  • cap FPS to 40
  • vanilla stable SteamOS with no tinkering

Works really well so far in act 1. With the above settings GPU seems to be the bottleneck. But, as the others pointed out, later acts are more demanding.

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I often stumble on this example of nix usage - a one-off shell with a a specific package. This is such a niche and seemingly unimportant use case, that it’s really strange to have it mentioned so often.

Like literally what’s the point of having a shell with ffmpeg? Why not simply install it? Even if you need something just once, just install it and then uninstall it, takes like 10 seconds.

The other use case that is often brought up is for managing dev environments, but for a lot of popular languages (Python, Node, Java, Rust, etc. ) there are proven environment management options already (pyenv and poetry, nvm, jenv, rustup). Not to mention Docker. In the corporate setting I haven’t seen nix replacing any of these.

From my limited experience using home manager under Linux and macOS:

  • GUI app shortcuts work in neither of the OSs
  • error messages are about as readable as the ones you get for C++ templates
  • a lot of troubleshooting searches to unsolved GitHub issues

All in all nix seems like a pretty concept but not too practical at the moment.

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That’s not my experience - have been using arch for around four years and it broke only once by not letting me log into the system after I failed to update pam configs after the system upgrade.

Cloudflare tunnel is an option, you can even scrap your own nginx

I think the minimap gets colored in red in such areas but I agree a better indicator or a hint could be nice.

In case of moonrise towers, if you just cross the bridge back to town you can long rest there and come back.

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Speaking of Cloudflare, if you’re okay with not self hosting, then there’s Cloudflare Pages which is good for hosting static websites.

Sounds like you have a pretty okay experience but some specific things don’t work - please take some time to report bugs if you haven’t yet!

At least Kali and Arch do

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That makes some sense I suppose. What was it about DragonFlyBSD and macOS kernel?

Everyone’s workflow is different and it could very well be that the plasma tiling features weren’t a good match for the author of that video.

My tiling needs are pretty simple and I rarely use anything more complicated than a vertical split.

There were also major changes in the plasma tiling earlier this year so if that video predates the concerns no longer apply.

You’d probably have to give it a try to see if all the features you need nicely work with a keyboard.

The way I understand it, disabling FSR is supposed to make performance worse, or at least GPU more busy. That and increasing some settings from medium to high has the potential to slow things down to unplayable level. But maybe if you decrease the FPS to 30 it’ll be okay, dunno.

For me changing the FSR mode from the default was more of a way to get rid of the blur.

Eagerly waiting for FSR2 which I’ve heard is going to be implemented in one of the patches.

KDE has pretty good tiling functionality these days, not much need in using another WM unless you have a very specific workflow in mind

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